
in this "double innovation" competition, 76 outstanding enterprises competed and 20 units advanced


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on august 29, the last industry field competition of the 13th china innovation and entrepreneurship competition (guangdong division) and the 12th "pearl river angel cup" science and technology innovation and entrepreneurship competition in 2024 - energy conservation and environmental protection, new energy and new energy vehicle industry field competition was successfully held at the low-carbon headquarters park in zengcheng district, guangzhou. 76 outstanding companies from the province competed on the same field to compete for tickets to the provincial finals and the national competition.
among the 76 companies participating in today's competitions in the three industry fields of energy conservation and environmental protection, new energy and new energy vehicles, there are high-quality companies such as specialized and innovative enterprises, high-tech enterprises, technology-based smes, gazelle enterprises, a-round enterprises, and angel-round enterprises. each company has huge development potential and can be said to be "a gathering of masters."
after several rounds of fierce competition, this competition will eventually select 3 companies from the startup group and 17 companies from the enterprise growth group to advance to the provincial finals to be held in october. the winning companies in the finals will be recommended to advance to the national competition to compete for the final championship.
the reporter learned that this competition was guided by the torch high-tech industry development center of the ministry of industry and information technology and hosted by the guangdong provincial department of science and technology. it was themed "gathering because of creation, moving towards newness" and had seven tracks: new generation information technology, biomedicine, high-end equipment manufacturing, new materials, new energy, new energy vehicles, and energy conservation and environmental protection. it attracted nearly 1,900 companies from the province to sign up for the competition. after competition in various municipal competition areas, 397 companies were finally recommended to enter the provincial industry field competition for fierce competition.
to ensure the smooth running of the event, zengcheng district has made sufficient preparations in event planning, event services, and event guarantees. it provides one-stop, full-process services such as policy dissemination, investment and financing docking, exchanges and cooperation, industry docking, listing guidance and training, and media publicity to participating companies from all over the province. using the competition as a medium, it helps participating companies better link resources and realize "competition is docking, and docking is service", showing zengcheng's good innovation and entrepreneurship environment and atmosphere.
tang ming, fourth-level researcher of the achievement transformation and regional innovation division of the guangdong provincial department of science and technology, luo ying, deputy district mayor of zengcheng district people's government of guangzhou, mai jiaxing, director of the science and technology finance division of the guangzhou science and technology bureau, shi xia, director of the science and technology innovation bureau of zengcheng economic and technological development zone, fang zhibin, director of the cesi low-altitude general aviation laboratory of the fifth institute of electronics of the ministry of industry and information technology, xiao lei, chairman of guangzhou nanyue fund group co., ltd., yang jinlian, chairman of guangzhou low-carbon headquarters park group co., ltd., and other leading guests, relevant responsible persons from various functional departments of zengcheng district, representatives of participating enterprises, venture capital experts, representatives of financial institutions, etc., nearly 300 people witnessed this "double innovation" feast together.
at the event, luo ying introduced the scientific and technological innovation work and innovation and entrepreneurship in zengcheng district, guangzhou.
she said that in 2023, the gdp of zengcheng district will exceed 140 billion yuan, with an average gdp growth of 7.7% for three consecutive years, and the growth rate will remain in the top three in the city. it will be selected as one of the top 100 districts in comprehensive strength, the top 100 districts in investment potential, and the top 100 districts in innovation of ccid. focusing on the leading and emerging industries of "chip display, car and medicine", aiming at the new track of humanoid robots and low-altitude flight, forward-looking layout of future industries, gathering 893 high-tech enterprises and 1,476 technology-based small and medium-sized enterprises, building 4 provincial and municipal key laboratories, 83 provincial engineering technology research centers, and 14 incubators at or above the municipal level, the ability to transform scientific and technological achievements is increasing, and scientific and technological innovation work is constantly moving forward. the provincial innovation and entrepreneurship competition has settled in zengcheng again, which is of great significance for the district to continue to create a good innovation and entrepreneurship atmosphere and accelerate the creation of the "modern vitality core" of the eastern center of guangzhou.
at the event, guangzhou low carbon headquarters park group co., ltd. joined hands with guangzhou mi shuangchuang information technology co., ltd., guangzhou small and medium enterprises financial service zone management co., ltd., and shanghai liantou information technology co., ltd. to jointly build the zengcheng district science and technology achievement transformation base and held a cooperation signing ceremony.
at the same time, plaques will be awarded to high-quality technology achievement transformation projects of zengcheng district’s scientific research institutions, technology incubators, innovation and entrepreneurship leading teams and other platform carriers, as well as award-winning projects from previous entrepreneurship competitions that have settled in the park.
it is understood that in recent years, zengcheng district has made efforts in many aspects to build a scientific and technological achievement transformation system, established the qiaomengyuan innovation and entrepreneurship guidance fund with an initial scale of 30 million yuan, promoted the cooperation between the hust research institute and municipal state-owned enterprises and social capital to establish the hunan-guangdong venture capital fund with a scale of 150 million yuan, established and improved a mechanism for the deep integration of industry, academia and research, and promoted the ministry of industry and information technology's fifth institute of electronics, hust research institute, qiaomengyuan and other innovation platforms and research institutes to incubate a number of high-quality scientific and technological achievement transformation projects such as the guangdong province low-altitude aircraft pilot platform, luxin technology, zengmin technology, qixing optoelectronics, and an teng new materials.
in addition, zengcheng district has deepened the reform of the science and technology system and innovated the model of fiscal funds to support industrial development. in 2024, it newly issued the "zengcheng district implementation measures for supporting the transformation of scientific and technological achievements of leading talents in innovation and entrepreneurship" to support the industrialization of scientific and technological achievements transformation and incubation with direct equity investment from fiscal funds, and further accelerate the cultivation and development of new quality productivity.
text and photos by reporter li qiuling