
pingqing village awards scholarships to outstanding college entrance examination students


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huasheng online news (correspondent: ouyang youjin) at the end of august, under the careful preparation of the village work team and the village party committee and village committee, pingqing village, wenchang street, dongkou county, led by the team leader and first secretary xia yimin, successively issued scholarships to outstanding students who took the college entrance examination in 2024. the scholarship issuance is an important part of the series of activities that continue to pay attention to the growth and development of young people. the work team has taken many measures to focus on talent cultivation and promote rural revitalization.
education is the foundation of a century-long plan. it is reported that the number of undergraduate and junior college admissions in pingqing village in 2024 has increased compared with last year, totaling 22 people. since the rural revitalization village working team of china aero engine south industries co., ltd. settled in pingqing village, wenchang street, dongkou county in may 2021, it has always attached importance to education and has issued scholarships to outstanding college entrance examination students for the fourth consecutive year without interruption. the village working team and the village party committee and village committee will publicize this people-friendly policy in advance every year, pay attention to the enrollment of each college entrance examination student, and the issuance of scholarships can play an advanced role model, promote more villagers to care about education, attach importance to education, and form a good new social trend of respecting knowledge and talents in the whole village. at the same time, it will encourage students in pingqing village to study hard, study hard, and be determined to become talents and useful talents for society.
xia yimin, the team leader and first secretary of the village work team, had cordial conversations with these outstanding students, and learned about their family situations, school start dates, registration arrangements, etc. in detail. he also expressed his deepest hopes: "i hope that the outstanding students of pingqing village will not forget the care from all walks of life and the hard work of their parents on their growth path, and continue to study hard, work hard, and set high goals on the university campus, and use the knowledge they have learned to repay the motherland, repay the society, and build their hometown in the future."
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