
join a business, specialize in it, and stay in it for life - a record of the expert team of hunan equipment import and export company


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huasheng online correspondent peng yilin
there is a group of people in hunan machinery and equipment import & export co., ltd. (hereinafter referred to as equipment import & export co., ltd.). they have accompanied the company through ups and downs since they were young and vigorous, never left the company, and devoted their youth to the company.
after nearly half a century of inheritance and development, generation after generation of equipment importers and exporters have continued their spiritual bloodline in upholding the truth and making innovations, blossomed their brilliance in their hard work and achieved a gorgeous transformation from industry newcomers to senior experts.
inheriting the spirit of equipment for 30 years
truck chassis import business is the traditional business of equipment import and export companies.
"i was responsible for the first chassis imported by the company." she wei, assistant to the general manager, joined the equipment import and export company after graduating from university in 1993. this year is her 30th year. now, when the company needs her, she will still rush to the front line of business without hesitation. "whenever i think back to the years when the company just started to get involved in the chassis business, those challenging and difficult days seem like yesterday, and all the details are still vivid in my mind."
more than 20 years ago, yin bo, manager of the second business department, had just worked for two years when he was transferred from the finance department of an equipment import and export company to a business position. this coincided with the early development of the chassis business. with his efforts, problems such as mismatch of majors and lack of business experience were transformed into motivation for him to study business processes, which helped him to successfully and independently expand the market.
▲the company's chassis business team and partners at the 2023 ciie booth.
over the past 20 years, the equipment import and export company has cooperated with brands such as volvo, mercedes-benz, isuzu, and man. thousands of imported chassis have been widely used in national key areas and projects such as petroleum, fire fighting, tow removal, and logistics.
in this inheritance and continuation, there are countless employees like she wei who specialize in one industry and have been working in the industry for thirty years.
in 1996, zhou lan was admitted to the equipment import & export corporation with the first place. this "top" has been working in the import field for nearly 30 years and now serves as the business director of the company. 25 years ago, the equipment import & export corporation established a cooperative relationship with crrc zhuzhou electric co., ltd. (abbreviated as crrc zhuzhou electric). "from their preparation to build the first subway production line to the three aluminum alloy subway production lines and one stainless steel subway production line later... we all participated in the equipment import." zhou lan recalled the cooperation projects over the years like a treasure.
in the spring of 2022, facing the impact of the covid-19 epidemic on the field of construction machinery imports, the construction machinery business team headed by zhou lan rose to the challenge, stood out among many competitors with professional solutions and high-quality services, and successfully won the bid for crrc zhuzhou locomotive's two-year equipment import agency rights bidding project.
women are as good as men and polish their golden signboards
in 2022, the equipment import and export company integrated hunan scientific instruments import and export co., ltd., responded to the call of "promoting the transformation of scientific and technological achievements", and vigorously developed the import business of scientific research and teaching instruments and equipment for colleges and universities and scientific research institutes. at the end of the year, the university business ushered in a market explosion period. the university business team of the equipment import and export company, composed of 4 female business backbones, worked hard with the spirit and enthusiasm of "women are not inferior to men". in just one month, 16 projects were won with a total amount of more than 60 million yuan.
throughout 2023, the university business team signed various contracts worth nearly 200 million yuan with more than 20 research institutes and colleges and universities, including central south university, hunan university, hunan ecological and geological survey and monitoring institute, and hunan hybrid rice research center.
from "taking over" to "joining hands" “old projects” witness the passage of time
in the equipment import and export company, there are not only "veterans" who have been working diligently in their respective fields for decades, but also "fresh blood" who are constantly joining in, injecting new impetus into the high-quality development of the company.
at the beginning of 2024, the equipment import and export company and china railway construction heavy industry group co., ltd. (hereinafter referred to as china railway construction heavy industry) once again signed an import parts consulting and agency service agreement. yang yue, deputy manager of the first business department, has also accompanied the "old customer" for 14 years. at present, the equipment import and export company is exploring a new cooperation model with china railway construction heavy industry.
"over the years, not only has the cooperation between the company and china railway construction heavy industry continued and deepened, but the company and i have also become increasingly inseparable." speaking of the china railway construction heavy industry project, yang yue was filled with memories and deep feelings.
▲on yang yue’s desk, there is the model of the first domestically produced tbm developed by china railway construction heavy industry.
a few years ago, a foreign shipping company suddenly went bankrupt, and many goods in transit were unable to dock normally. among them was a batch of goods that the equipment import and export company imported for china railway construction heavy industry. yang yue actively sought solutions, contacted multiple parties through various channels, and negotiated repeatedly, and the project was finally delivered smoothly.
at the same time, liu jialin, manager of business department 4, is the youngest department manager of the equipment import and export company. born after 1985, he has quickly grown from a newcomer in the industry to an expert in importing machine tool products since joining the company in 2010.
talking about the landmark project, liu jialin said with a smile: "our cooperation with hunan tianyan began more than 20 years ago. this project passed through several predecessors and was handed over to me nine years ago."
more than 20 years ago, the equipment import and export company developed a cooperation project with hunan tianyan. since then, the two sides have been in contact with each other, and the project has been passed down several times. every "newcomer" who took over the project has now become a "predecessor" in equipment import.
from restructuring to listing, from promoting technological transformation to being recognized as a national "high-tech enterprise" for many times, in the past 20 years, the equipment import and export company has witnessed hunan tianyan's step-by-step development into a national brand and iconic enterprise in the turbocharger industry.
from "novice" to "expert", the "new generation" can also stand on their own
as a member of the "new generation" of the equipment import and export company, yao jia, the business center business director born after 1995, is not very old, but her work experience and business capabilities should not be underestimated - she has rich experience and professional knowledge reserves in the field of import and export declaration, especially in the classification of customs tariff numbers for scientific and educational instruments and equipment, application for tax exemptions and reductions, and standardized declarations, which are highly recognized by customs and customers.
"i know that i still have a lot of room for improvement. this is not only an affirmation of me, but also a spur to me." yao jia said that she will play a good role as a link between enterprises and associations, and contribute to the import and export of equipment for hunan to build a highland of reform and opening up in inland areas. in september 2023, yao jia was selected as a member of the third expert advisory group of the hunan customs brokers association, becoming a "new generation" who can stand on her own.
the torch is passed on and the future is forged. over the years, generation after generation of equipment importers and exporters have developed in inheritance, silently fighting in their respective positions, going through ever-changing times and traveling thousands of miles without changing their original intentions. they are like stars, gathering into a brilliant galaxy, making the "equipment import expert" brand shine.
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