
the defense budget has reached a new high, but the taiwan military is still short of people and equipment


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the one-year compulsory service imposed by the democratic progressive party authorities this year has been plagued by multiple desertion scandals. recently, it was revealed that cadres in the compulsory service camp collectively complained about the shortage of manpower and equipment, sparking public doubts.
according to taiwanese media reports, the taiwan military has resumed the implementation of one-year compulsory military service this year. the first batch of recruits has completed eight weeks of "enlistment training" and will begin to receive 13 weeks of "base training" with the troops as early as september. however, several military camp officers recently jointly submitted a written statement to the legislature, collectively stating that the taiwan military lacks equipment and cadres and cannot meet the training standards.
these taiwan military cadres also reported that the company and battalion units lacked equipment such as communication equipment for commanding troops, medium-sized tactical wheeled vehicles for troop mobility, and fire trucks for disaster prevention, and therefore could not meet the conditions for training.
the outside world has long warned of the "shortage" problem of the taiwan military. after the one-year compulsory service was launched, it was revealed that the taiwan defense department had drastically reduced the number of enlisted soldiers due to problems such as untimely barracks arrangements. the taiwan military's training grounds were also difficult to effectively match, and the task requirements proposed in the training outline were even more difficult to achieve. public opinion on the island denounced the dpp authorities for this: this military service policy is simply to cater to the americans and is hastily implemented.
taiwan’s united daily news published a commentary on the 26th, pointing out that in the past, the democratic progressive party authorities were eager to cope with the us’s demands for military expansion and troop increase, ignoring the current situation of declining birthrates and difficulty in recruiting, resulting in the current dilemma of the army being short of people and equipment. the army cadres don’t even have the channels to “steal steps” (hokkien, in order to complete the task by cheating or cheating to skip certain steps in order to speed up the completion of the task) of borrowing equipment and transferring personnel to the base.
the commentary said that the taiwan military's defense budget has increased year by year, but there is no way to solve the problem of basic equipment for grassroots troops. it is ironic that next year's defense budget will set a new high.
public opinion pointed out that the dpp authorities are eager to implement the one-year compulsory service system for the sake of their own party interests and to please the united states, completely disregarding the lives and well-being of the taiwanese people. the dpp authorities not only want to use taiwan's young people as "cannon fodder", but also want to use the lives of the taiwanese people to build a human shield for "taiwan independence". their actions are despicable and their hearts should be killed!