
paris olympic diving champion chen yiwen posted a message saying she was slandered. guangdong provincial sports bureau: it is not clear at the moment and we will investigate


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on august 28, chen yiwen, a chinese diving champion who had just won the double diving championship at the paris olympics, posted on social media that she was slandered and was ready to use legal weapons to defend her rights. from the multiple chat screenshots she posted, it can be seen that several netizens were suspected of making inappropriate descriptions of her sexual orientation and other aspects in the chat group, and one netizen also claimed to "drug (stimulant)" to ban her from competition for life.
someone said they wanted to "drug" chen yiwen. screenshot of chen yiwen's social media platform
on august 29, a reporter from upstream news called the guangdong provincial sports bureau to find out about the situation. chen yiwen's provincial team is the guangdong provincial diving team, so she also belongs to the guangdong provincial sports bureau. when the reporter asked whether the guangdong provincial sports bureau knew about chen yiwen's post claiming that she was slandered, a staff member responded: "we are not very clear about this matter at the moment."
the reporter asked if the guangdong provincial sports bureau would intervene to provide assistance if chen yiwen wanted to defend her rights in the future? in response, the staff member said: "she (chen yiwen) is still in the national team. we will ask her later to find out the details. you can ask the national team for details." the reporter tried to contact the chinese diving team about this matter, but failed to get a response.
chen yiwen angrily rebuked the other party: i gave you face. screenshot of chen yiwen's social platform
someone is suspected of spreading rumors and slandering olympic champion chen yiwen in an online group chat. how should chen yiwen defend her rights? upstream news reporter interviewed fu jian, a well-known criminal defense lawyer and director of henan zejin law firm, on this matter. he first affirmed that chen yiwen has the right to defend her rights: "the internet is not a lawless place. those who fabricate facts, insult others, and infringe on the legitimate rights and interests of others need to bear certain responsibilities. the infringed party has the right to take legal action to protect their legitimate rights and interests. olympic champion chen yiwen exposed this matter on social media, which is a reasonable way for her to express her own rights and interests, which helps to attract public attention and better safeguard her own legitimate rights and interests."
the group chat content posted by chen yiwen in which the other party was suspected of spreading rumors and insults. screenshot of chen yiwen's social platform
regarding the multiple group chats posted by chen yiwen that were suspected of spreading rumors and insults, lawyer fu jian analyzed: "the chat group can also meet the requirements of publicity and infringement of others' reputation rights to a certain extent. therefore, the injured party has the right to file a civil lawsuit and require the infringer to bear civil liability for compensation, including stopping the infringement, apologizing, and compensating for losses. in addition, according to the "public security administration punishment law", those who openly insult others or fabricate facts to slander others shall be detained for not more than five days or fined not more than 500 yuan; if the circumstances are serious, they shall be detained for not less than five days but not more than ten days, and may be fined not more than 500 yuan. if the relevant evidence meets the standards of the "criminal law", they will also be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment and detention."
regarding chen yiwen's experience of being slandered and defamed, lawyer fu jian suggested: "the first step is to preserve relevant evidence, such as chat records; the second step is to consider reporting to social platforms or seeking help from legal institutions to safeguard your legal rights. at the same time, the entire rights protection process should remain calm and rational, and avoid emotional responses."
upstream news reporter zhao yingji and intern wang zirui