
jinan start-up area: plans to build 5 smart campuses by 2025


한어Русский языкEnglishFrançaisIndonesianSanskrit日本語DeutschPortuguêsΕλληνικάespañolItalianoSuomalainenLatina lightning news, august 29th. on august 28th, the jinan new and old kinetic energy conversion start-up zone held the third press conference on "deeply implementing the yellow river national strategy to accelerate green, low-carbon and high-quality development". reporters learned from the press conference that the start-up zone plans to build five smart campuses by 2025.
guo chunli, deputy director of the social affairs department of the management committee of the jinan new and old kinetic energy conversion starting zone, said that the starting zone takes deepening comprehensive education reform as the main line and cultivating morality and talent as the fundamental task, and solidly promotes the implementation of various tasks to contribute educational strength to the starting zone's "accelerating green, low-carbon and high-quality development."
innovate the management system and mechanism. further strengthen the leadership of the party working committee and the management committee over education work, and constantly improve the system of main leaders and leaders in charge contacting and serving schools. explore and implement the "two self-determinations and one package" reform in newly opened schools in the demonstration area, give schools more and greater autonomy, and stimulate the vitality of grassroots schools. deepen the reform of separating education management, operation and evaluation, break the traditional model of single government supervision and evaluation, and build a new pattern of education management and evaluation of "government management, school operation, and social evaluation".
optimize the allocation of educational resources. closely cooperate with planning, public security, health and other departments to dynamically monitor school-age population data and establish a basic public education service supply mechanism that is coordinated with population changes. according to the population fertility trend and the speed of population introduction in the starting area, the construction schedule of 33 new school projects has been dynamically adjusted. at the same time, further accelerate the promotion of ongoing projects and gradually achieve a good pattern of reasonable layout, sufficient school places and high-quality and balanced development of regional education.
improve the level of moral education. we will focus on implementing the fundamental task of moral education, improve the principal responsibility system led by the party organization, promote party building to lead the league building and team building, and deeply integrate party building work with educational business. at the same time, we will give full play to the unique advantages of the starting area, integrate and tap into the yellow river culture, quehua autumn scenery and other special resources, guide schools to create "one school, one product", and gradually build an education system that integrates primary, secondary and preschool education, integrates inside and outside the school, and collaborates with families, schools and communities. to protect the healthy growth of students, the district-level teacher and student mental health service center will be officially put into operation in the second half of this year, and an interconnected mental health service system will be established throughout the district.
implement the factor guarantee mechanism. in terms of personnel, we will further promote the "strong teacher" project, regularly select outstanding teachers to organize special training, and build a team of reserve cadres with high skills and strong quality. through the combination of introduction and cultivation, we will focus on cultivating a group of famous schools, famous principals, famous teachers, and famous class teachers. in terms of finance, we will increase fiscal investment in education year by year, explore the establishment of the quehua education foundation, and provide sufficient financial guarantees for educational development. in terms of materials, we must vigorously improve the conditions for running weak schools, accelerate the high-quality and balanced development of compulsory education, and deeply promote the construction of educational informatization. it is planned to build 5 smart campuses by 2025 and gradually improve the level of educational informatization.
lightning news reporter feng yiwen and wu zhenghong reported