
"inheriting and carrying forward the spirit of "two bombs and one satellite"" hard work, great ambitions, selfless dedication, and great achievements


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niu yujiao, reporter of qinghai daily integrated media
in the atomic city of xihai town, haibei tibetan autonomous prefecture, qinghai province, the development base of my country's first atomic bomb and the first hydrogen bomb, the sturdy and weathered industrial sites have left behind the shining youth of tens of millions of people. their high morale allowed a new generation of scientific and technological forces to flourish and made new china stand up with a proud backbone.
some of them are domestic experts, some are scientists renowned overseas, some have rewritten the history of china's nuclear weapons, some have kept their identities secret, some have devoted their lives, and some have sacrificed their lives. the party and the people will never forget this...
peng huanwu (1915-2007) physicist
love china, i will return when called
in 1938, when the japanese invaders were trampling on the chinese land, a 23-year-old young man boarded a passenger ship to england to study abroad. his name was peng huanwu.
during his study abroad, he was the first chinese disciple of max born, a master of theoretical physics and one of the founders of quantum mechanics. due to his outstanding work achievements and remarkable academic status, he obtained two doctoral degrees in the uk.
when he gained enviable fame, wealth and status, he was still concerned about his motherland. he was determined to make his motherland stronger with the help of science and technology in the atomic age. when someone asked him why he returned to china, he said: "there is no need for a reason to return to china, but there is a need for a reason not to return to china."
in 1947, peng huanwu returned to his homeland. after returning to china, he traveled between beijing and qinghai, engaged in basic and applied research in theoretical physics for a long time, and carried out research on atomic nuclei, rapid heating process of steel ingots, reactor theory and engineering design, criticality safety, etc., and did a lot of pioneering work for china's atomic energy science.
in 1949, the booming salutes of the founding of new china gave another young man hope.
this 25-year-old young man, who had obtained a ph.d. from the university of michigan, was named zhu guangya. in february 1950, he resolutely gave up the generous treatment abroad, boarded the ship back home, and plunged into the entrepreneurial boom of new china.
after witnessing the ugly appearance of u.s. imperialism during the korean war, zhu guangya strengthened his lifelong belief in dedicating himself to national defense science and technology.
zhu guangya (1924-2011) one of the main pioneers of china's nuclear science
in 1959, sino-soviet relations deteriorated. when the soviet nuclear weapons experts who assisted china with their withdrawal destroyed all the information they could not take away, china's nuclear weapons research and development was in a difficult situation. zhu guangya, who served as deputy director of the nuclear weapons research institute and deputy director of the fourth technical committee, assisted deputy minister qian sanqiang and director li jue to form a large army of chinese nuclear weapons developers. in march 1963, he went to the 221 base with thousands of troops to participate in the grassland battle. he not only focused on technical guidance and business coordination, but also on the construction and management of scientific research institutions and teams. he was an "outstanding scientific and technological leader."
when the people's republic of china was first established, a lot of work needed to be done, and a large number of talents in mechanics were urgently needed to develop and expand an independent national industrial system.
in 1956, 47-year-old guo yonghuai was not only a professor at cornell university in the united states, but also an internationally renowned scientist, especially in the fields of aerodynamics and applied mathematics, which are closely related to the aviation industry, with remarkable academic achievements.
although he was eager to return to china, guo yonghuai's important achievements and international reputation became a hindrance to his return home after completing his studies. for this reason, guo yonghuai burned the scientific research materials and lecture manuscripts he had accumulated for more than ten years in order to return home smoothly.
like zhu guangya, after the sino-soviet relationship broke down, guo yonghuai was ordered to go to the qinghai nuclear base to start scientific research. after the successful test of my country's first atomic bomb, guo yonghuai immediately participated in the development of hydrogen bombs, missiles and satellites. on october 3, 1968, guo yonghuai once again came to the qinghai base to prepare for the launch and test of china's first missile thermonuclear weapon.
two months later, he found an important clue in the experiment and decided to rush back to beijing to report. however, in the early morning of december 5, when the plane was slowly landing at beijing airport, a serious malfunction occurred and it crashed due to imbalance. guo yonghuai was unfortunately killed. when the search and rescue personnel found guo yonghuai's body in the wreckage of the plane, they found that he and the guard were hugging each other tightly, and the two of them were holding a briefcase tightly in their arms, which contained well-protected top-secret nuclear weapons information.
peng huanwu, zhu guangya, guo yonghuai... these heroes of the "two bombs and one satellite" project, with their lofty ambition to sacrifice their lives for the country, gave birth to the magnificent cause of the motherland's "two bombs and one satellite" with their ardent and deep love.
guo yonghuai (1909-1968) was a famous mechanic, applied mathematician, and aerodynamicist.
anonymous and selfless dedication
a special mission requires special people to complete it, and it also requires a special price. at that moment that determined the fate of the country, some chinese scientific giants suddenly disappeared mysteriously from the international scientific community, and they embarked on the journey westward without hesitation.
in 1950, deng jiaxian, who had obtained his doctorate degree in the united states only nine days ago, declined his mentor's kindness, gave up the opportunity to continue his studies, overcame numerous obstacles, and boarded a cruise ship to return home with more than 100 chinese students.
after returning to china, the central government screened the best candidates to engage in nuclear theory research, and deng jiaxian was selected. from then on, he "evaporated" from the world and remained anonymous for decades.
in august 1958, deng jiaxian was transferred to the ninth institute of the second ministry of machine building industry (renamed "china academy of engineering physics" in january 1985) as director of the theoretical department, taking on the important task of theoretical design of nuclear weapons.
deng jiaxian (1924-1986) was a famous nuclear physicist and the pioneer and founder of china's nuclear weapons research and development.
he led more than 20 newly graduated college students, and explored everything from imitation to independent research and development. after countless sleepless nights, deng jiaxian finally decided to make neutron physics, fluid mechanics and the properties of matter under high temperature and high pressure the main attack directions, making the most important contribution to the theoretical design of my country's atomic bomb.
from the moment he received the mission, he was even ready to sacrifice his life for the nuclear cause. during a nuclear test in 1979, deng jiaxian desperately picked up a piece of broken shrapnel to observe it - this was the kiss of death! his body suffered immeasurable damage from radioactive plutonium radiation.
in august 1985, deng jiaxian was diagnosed with rectal cancer. while receiving treatment, he continued to study the development of nuclear weapons and drafted a proposal to the central government on the development of my country's nuclear weapons in the ward. on july 29, 1986, deng jiaxian died of severe bleeding and failed to receive treatment. at the last moment of his life, deng jiaxian said to his wife xu luxi: "if i can be reborn after my death, then i will still choose china and the nuclear industry."
in my dream, i vaguely return to the grassland. i have gone through many storms and fought for my fame. i have never regretted my loyalty and my heart has never given up.
what inspired these heroes to burn with passion and march forward bravely? the answer is "dedicating themselves to the country."
in the spring of 1963, 56-year-old wang ganchang took the lead in leaving beijing and heading for base 221. since then, there has been no news of this world-renowned scientist who discovered anti-sigma negative hyperons in the soviet union, but a person named "wang jing" has appeared in the nuclear research team of base 221.
wang ganchang (1907-1998) nuclear physicist, one of the founders and pioneers of chinese nuclear science
"wang jing" - dedicated everything he had to the motherland. during the 17 years of living in anonymity, wang ganchang never complained and fulfilled his promise of "i am willing to dedicate my life to the country."
with the completion of the theoretical design of the atomic bomb, wang ganchang moved with the design and production personnel to the nuclear weapons test base on the qinghai plateau. the lack of oxygen, wind and sand were even worse on the plateau, but he still rushed to the front, and insisted on going to the test base for inspection and guidance despite colds, coughs, fevers, and high blood pressure. after many large and small cold and hot tests, on october 16, 1964, my country's first atomic bomb was successfully detonated.
after the successful atomic bomb explosion, the development of hydrogen bombs was also accelerated. wang ganchang worked day and night, regardless of the cold or heat. only two years and two months after the successful test of the first atomic bomb, the hydrogen bomb principle test was successful. he devoted all his life's wisdom and energy to the scientific cause of the motherland.
similarly, yu min is also a "mysterious figure".
in january 1961, yu min, a graduate student from the department of physics of peking university and a talented graduate student in theoretical physics, accepted the task of conducting preliminary research on the principles of thermonuclear weapons and lived in anonymity for 30 years.
he and his colleagues started from a blank sheet of paper, worked day and night without sleep, determined to develop the hydrogen bomb before france and bring glory to the motherland.
from september to november 1965, a historic "hundred days battle" in shanghai broke the deadlock. the team led by yu min analyzed mountains of calculation tapes for more than 100 days and nights, and finally formed a basically complete physical design plan from principles, materials to configuration. soon, the hydrogen bomb principle test was successful. on june 17, 1967, my country's first hydrogen bomb test was a complete success.
yu min said: "a person's name will disappear sooner or later, but it is enough to leave a loyal heart to shine in history and to be able to integrate one's meager strength into the cause of the motherland."
yu min (1926-2019) was a nuclear physicist and was known as the "father of china's hydrogen bomb".
overcome difficulties and climb to new heights
in difficult circumstances, they worked day and night, studied hard, broke through theoretical barriers, and solved one scientific problem after another. their iron will and strong belief in climbing to the top will remain in people's hearts forever.
in the summer of 1960, cheng kaijia, then a professor at nanjing university, became an important member of my country's nuclear weapons research and development team. in the early days of atomic bomb development, he was already the deputy director of the nuclear weapons research institute. he was the first to estimate the pressure and temperature of the atomic bomb explosion center, solved a series of theoretical and technical problems, and established a nuclear test science and technology system with chinese characteristics.
cheng kaijia (1918-2018) famous theoretical physicist
after the success of the first underground nuclear explosion, in order to obtain first-hand materials on the underground nuclear explosion, cheng kaijia decided to enter the underground explosion center for investigation. he put on protective clothing, a mask, gloves, and a safety helmet, and hundreds of staff members braved the high temperature of over 40 degrees celsius and advanced towards the hole that had been flattened by the blast wave. he obtained a lot of first-hand precious information and data. this was unprecedented in my country and has no precedent in the history of world experiments.
he always said, "you can't get a tiger cub without diving into the tiger's den." he participated in and presided over the decision-making of more than 30 nuclear tests, including my country's first atomic bomb, the first hydrogen bomb, the combination of the "two bombs", ground nuclear tests, and the first air-dropped nuclear test. he also developed various equipment and instruments needed for the tests, and created miracles in nuclear tests time and time again.
contribution is silent, but the spirit lives on.
in 1947, chen nengkuan, an internationally renowned metal physicist, returned to his motherland with his wife and children. in 1960, he was ordered to participate in the development of china's first atomic bomb.
he gave up his own fruitful research field and led a young team with an average age of only 20 to challenge the world's most advanced technology under extremely simple conditions.
chen nengkuan (1923-2016) was a famous metal physicist and one of the founders of china's nuclear weapons industry.
without test containers, they used pots and pans; without computers, they used abacus. they calculated the tens of thousands of precise data of the atomic bomb by hand. in just two years, they hand-made thousands of explosive components and conducted thousands of tests. they initially established the nuclear weapon explosion physics theory and test system, completed related design and measurement research, and promoted the technical research of explosives and optical and electrical testing. under the organization and leadership of chen nengkuan, wang ganchang and others, large-scale explosion tests made breakthroughs step by step, laying an important foundation for the breakthroughs of atomic bombs and hydrogen bombs.
scientists are brave in tackling key problems, daring to innovate and good at climbing, and they deeply integrate patriotism and the ambition to make the country strong into their pursuit of science.
in september 1959, when zhou guangzhao, who was engaged in high-energy physics research in moscow, learned that the soviet union had unilaterally torn up the contract, he and more than 20 chinese experts and scholars jointly volunteered to return to china to participate in the war!
zhou guangzhao returned to china in 1961. at that time, scientific researchers were intensively calculating the atomic bomb equation. it took a year, working in three shifts a day. the data obtained from theoretical calculations were always smaller than the parameters provided by soviet experts.
zhou guangzhao (1929-2024) theoretical physicist and particle physicist
zhou guangzhao carefully checked the results of the nine calculations and believed that there was no problem with the calculations. he determined that everyone's calculations were reasonable, which meant that he questioned the soviet experts. however, it was not easy for someone who had never worked on an atomic bomb to deny the data given by soviet atomic bomb experts!
so zhou guangzhao began to work on overturning the reliability of the soviet data. after several days of careful research, he finally used the "maximum work principle" to prove that the soviet data was wrong.
zhou guangzhao single-handedly ended a year-long debate, cleared an obstacle in the development of the atomic bomb, and strengthened china's confidence in self-reliance in nuclear weapons development. this had an immeasurable and powerful impact on the development of my country's high-tech industry.
the years of their hard work witnessed the great leap forward of my country's national defense from weak to strong, from single to three-dimensional.
today, as we bathe in the sunshine of peace and walk on the journey of the new era, we are all grateful to these scientists. their spiritual wealth of "loving the motherland, selfless dedication, self-reliance, hard work, great collaboration and courage to climb" will be vigorously promoted, inherited and practiced on the journey of building a new era.
journalist's notes
thousands and thousands of heroes
niu yujiao, reporter of qinghai daily integrated media
more than 60 years ago, in the mysterious restricted area of ​​the atomic city in xihai town, haibei tibetan autonomous prefecture, qinghai province, a large number of scientific and technological workers, workers, cadres, herdsmen, their families, as well as officers and soldiers of the people's liberation army and the guard force, under extremely difficult conditions, with less investment and in a shorter period of time, broke through cutting-edge technologies such as atomic bombs, missiles and artificial satellites, and achieved brilliant achievements that attracted worldwide attention.
this great project involved not only the heroes of the "two bombs and one satellite" program, but also dozens of academicians of the chinese academy of sciences and the chinese academy of engineering, and countless generals, soldiers, experts, ordinary workers, and herdsmen. they used their youth and lives to compose an epic entrepreneurial history, and they have all been recorded in history as the shining symbols of the "two bombs and one satellite" spirit.
during the interview, we learned that in the process of developing the "two bombs", dozens of provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities, more than 20 ministries, academies, and relevant units of the people's liberation army, including hundreds of factories, scientific research institutions, and colleges and universities, participated in it. during the nearly 40 years of service of china's first nuclear weapons development base, a total of tens of thousands of people participated in the "grassland battle."
they dedicated themselves selflessly, worked together and bravely climbed to the top. they overcame the cutting-edge scientific and technological difficulties of atomic bombs and hydrogen bombs, successfully conducted 16 nuclear tests, realized the weaponization process, and produced multiple types of strategic nuclear weapons to equip the troops... by choosing the nuclear career, they chose to remain anonymous and to remain unknown.
yang chengzong, a famous radiochemist in my country, was a doctoral student who returned from marie curie's laboratory in paris. yang chengzong gave up the generous treatment abroad and returned to china with a monthly salary of 1,000 kilograms of millet, but he did not look back, worked hard, and played a vital role in the establishment of radiochemistry in my country and the "two bombs and one satellite" project. he was not among the scientists commended for the "two bombs and one satellite", and he was not even an academician, but he made a significant contribution to the preparation of weapon-grade nuclear materials.
peng huanwu, a meritorious scientist of the "two bombs and one satellite" project, always attributed the credit to the collective. when he won the first prize of the national natural science award, he insisted on sending the medal to the unit and wrote the inscription "collective, collective, collective, day by day improvement". he has always believed that the development of the atomic bomb cannot be separated from the collective wisdom and strength.
streams converge to form rivers and seas, and sand and stones gather to form mountains. the development of the "two bombs and one satellite" embodies the wisdom and struggle of tens of thousands of scientific researchers, engineering and technical personnel, cadres, workers, herdsmen, pla officers and soldiers, and other unknown heroes. this magnificent cause is the result of the continuous struggle of several generations, and the glory and honor belong to every unknown hero who has fought on this front.
just as chen nengkuan, a hero of the "two bombs and one satellite" project, said in his poem: he forged strong armor despite silence and devoted his youth to chasing the purple smoke. his heart was filled with great regrets and the spring thunder accompanied the country's dignity.
millions of unsung heroes have selflessly dedicated themselves and worked tirelessly for the national rejuvenation and national prosperity. their lofty spirit will inspire generations of chinese people to keep their original aspirations in mind and forge ahead.
editor: li xuewei;
source of the article: qinghai observation client statement: except for the articles with source indication, all the above content are original articles of qinghai daily. the copyright belongs to the media platform to which qinghai daily belongs. any reproduction without written permission is strictly prohibited, and violators will be held accountable!