
ma tianyu dug up a blog post from ten years ago in which he boasted "i'm lucky and i'm good-looking" and complained: not only is it childish, it's also shameless! too young and arrogant!


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on august 25, actor ma tianyu posted a blog post he wrote ten years ago, mocking himself for being "childish and shameless."

he shared a blog post from ten years ago titled "you're lucky", noting in the post "i'm lucky and good-looking, which is indeed part of my seemingly modest success."

ten years later, he complained about himself: "was i crazy ten years ago? where did i get the courage and face? when i was packing up this morning, i saw an old computer and tried to see if it could be opened. it actually opened!!! i also found a blog that was nearly ten years old!!! after reading these words, i realized that i was not only naive, but also shameless!!! i was too young and arrogant!"

he also added in the comment section to complain that “ten years ago, i was probably suffering from some serious illness” and “i was too young and frivolous.”

public information shows that ma tianyu is a chinese mainland actor and singer. he was born in shandong in july 1986 and graduated from the beijing film academy. in 2006, he participated in "come on! good man" and made his official debut. his representative works include "damn tenderness". he has starred in "strange hero yizhimei", "ancient swordsman", "fantasy city", "the secret of the three kingdoms: hidden dragon in the abyss" and other dramas.

[source: jiupai news comprehensive]

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