
building a solid foundation for digital-real integration, beijing unicom forges ahead on a new journey


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if we were to select the most popular news about summer travel in 2024, reports about drones delivering takeout to tourists at the badaling great wall in beijing would be among them.

starting from august this year, at the badaling great wall in beijing, tourists can scan the code to place an order on the majestic great wall. merchants prepare stocks at the foot of the mountain, and drones fly over the mountains, delivering sour plum soup, sun umbrellas, emergency medicines and other anti-heat and cooling products from the mountain to tourists in as fast as 5 minutes.

it is worth mentioning that this "air corridor" that truly opens up the drone delivery channel is due to the technical support of the 5g-a integrated networking deployed by beijing unicom. as a new generation of communication technology, in 2024, beijing unicom's technical upgrades in 5g-a integrated networking and other aspects have become a typical example of beijing's development of new quality productivity in accordance with local conditions.

in this critical year for achieving the goals and tasks of the 14th five-year plan, beijing unicom has focused on developing new quality productivity, keeping up with the development pace of beijing, and creating new advantages for all-round development. in this year, beijing unicom not only helped the badaling great wall, one of the first "civil unmanned aerial vehicle test areas" in the country, to officially open the golden period of vigorous development of the low-altitude economic industry, but also provided valuable innovation scenarios for the development of beijing's low-altitude economy. at the same time, with the continuous exploration and accumulation of digital technology, beijing unicom has also made great progress and breakthroughs in the fields of beijing's basic network construction, new industrialization, digital rural construction, and major emergency support.

the "decision of the central committee of the communist party of china on further comprehensively deepening reforms and promoting chinese-style modernization" (hereinafter referred to as the "decision") reviewed and adopted at the third plenary session of the 20th central committee of the party proposed that "high-quality development is the primary task of building a modern socialist country in an all-round way" and "improve the system and mechanism for developing new quality productive forces in accordance with local conditions."

in the view of chen haibo, party secretary and general manager of china unicom beijing branch, "digital technology is a key variable in developing new quality productivity. focusing on strategic emerging industries and future industries, beijing unicom has continuously enhanced its technical capabilities in data cloud, data circulation, data intelligence and data security, and helped the capital's digital technology to deeply integrate and innovate with the real economy."

basic network first improves the quality of citizens' new life

in addition to serving as the digital base for the "civil unmanned aerial vehicle test zone" at the badaling great wall, what other possibilities can be imagined when 5g-a technology is applied to scenarios such as cultural relics protection and drone delivery?

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walking in areas such as the financial street, chang'an avenue, workers' stadium, and guijie street, citizens can find that the 5g icons on some mobile phones have turned into 5g-a icons, which means that citizens have entered the coverage area of ​​the 5g-a commercial network. on the bustling streets, citizens can shoot real-time videos and post them to social media to capture and share fleeting beautiful pictures; at transportation hubs such as airports and high-speed railways, citizens can open video calls in any corner, and there are rarely any freezes due to high traffic; in business districts and high-rise buildings, citizens can conduct high-definition video conferences or live webcasts at any time, making communication as natural as face-to-face communication.

these scenarios all rely on the higher speed and lower latency of 5g-a networks. as an advanced version of 5g technology, 5g-a has achieved significant improvements in network speed, latency, number of connections, etc., and can achieve a 10-fold increase in network performance and a download rate of over 10 gigabits. therefore, the "10 gigabit" network represented by the 5g-a network has been included in the "optical network capital, 10 gigabit city" action plan by beijing to meet the growing demand for network speed and quality.

at present, 5g-a network has been commercialized, creating a new quality of life full of futuristic and technological sense for citizens. beijing unicom has built the world's largest-scale 5g-a 3cc (three-carrier aggregation technology) commercial network in beijing, achieving full 5g-a coverage in major core areas such as the fourth ring road and the city's sub-center, covering a variety of key scenarios such as stadiums, schools, scenic spots, subways, business districts, and residential areas.

after beijing unicom promoted large-scale commercial network coverage, 5g-a technology has also begun to enter thousands of households. in august this year, beijing unicom launched the "computing power card", a computing and network integration product for the personal and family market, to meet the needs of personal and family user groups for supercomputing power, computing power network and other services.

the "computing power card" "packages" communication services and computing power services on one card, and consumers can use computing power anytime and anywhere, just like purchasing and using traffic. perhaps for daily life, the use of computing power is rare, but in certain scenarios, the "computing power card" can be "emergency" - in the design and self-media operation scenarios, the "computing power card" can support artificial intelligence painting, providing smoother assistance for design and painting; in the storage scenario, it can support the cloud disk function, making data storage more efficient and safer; in the online game scenario, it can support cloud games to avoid "hanging up" and jamming.

with the support of 5g-a computing power cards as the digital base, the picture of new quality life is slowly unfolding - while chatting with friends using new calls, you can also play large-scale games on the same screen; follow the ai ​​coach on the screen to exercise in real time, and you can be reminded in real time if your movements are not standard; smart home products are "seamlessly connected", and artificial intelligence home products ensure family safety day and night; using digital people for 4k live broadcasts can be smoother than 5g networks. this is a beautiful picture of life brought by new quality productivity, and it is also the future that beijing is moving towards. the 10g network is ready, and beijing unicom is leading citizens into a new smart life.

digital base supports and stimulates new vitality of traditional industries

new quality productivity represented by 5g-a permeates the ordinary lives of ordinary people and also connects traditional industries with the ever-changing world.

walking in the grand canal forest park in tongzhou district, the connection between tradition and the future is particularly obvious - there are displays of smart applications on the side of the park trail, and children are playing games on the screen; the display device on the bridge scans the plants by the lake, and popular science information appears on the screen; at the caoyun wharf, scan the qr code of the china unicom smart operation applet to buy tickets online, saving the queue under the scorching sun. the burning light tower standing not far away still looks the same as it did a thousand years ago, and the grand canal forest park under the tower has transformed into a smart park empowered by new quality productivity.

in order to support the construction of the grand canal cultural tourism 5a scenic area in tongzhou district and create a cultural tourism highland with smart tours, seamless services and precise management, beijing unicom, based on artificial intelligence, big data, the internet of things, cloud computing and multimedia technologies, and modern communication networks such as 5g, uses gps, beidou global positioning system, virtual reality and other technologies to build the tongzhou grand canal infrastructure, smart management, smart services, smart marketing and cultural display.

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with the empowerment of digital technology, the grand canal forest park has established a full-line digital canal tour route, and the cultural tourism industry around the grand canal has also gained a fulcrum for leveraging growth. data shows that during the summer vacation, the grand canal cultural tourism 5a scenic area received more than 500,000 tourists in one month.

the cultural tourism industry behind the grand canal forest park is just a microcosm of the transformation of traditional industries. the decision proposes to "accelerate the promotion of new industrialization, cultivate and expand advanced manufacturing clusters, and promote the high-end, intelligent, and green development of manufacturing." the new quality productivity represented by digital technology is an important starting point for new industrialization.

based on the advantages of digital foundation, beijing unicom has "customized" the industrial internet with full-domain, full-scenario, and full-cycle smart operation of 5g private network for traditional industries. today, beijing unicom has been present in traditional manufacturing industries such as electronic information, equipment manufacturing, energy and petrochemicals in beijing. a number of typical "5g+industrial internet" benchmarks such as sany manufacturing, the third academy of aerospace, beijing energy group, and yanshan petrochemical are forming a large-scale demonstration effect, and the manufacturing industry is developing towards high-end, intelligent, and green.

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in addition to the transformation of traditional industries, many emerging industries are also inseparable from the digital foundation. in the field of autonomous driving, beijing unicom has fully utilized its advantages in network resources and operation and maintenance services to jointly build an integrated vehicle-road-cloud autonomous driving solution, providing technical support for projects such as the beijing winter olympics internet of vehicles application demonstration and the yizhuang intelligent network demonstration zone.

in the field of smart cities, beijing unicom has helped build digital government and made urban governance smarter and more efficient. in mentougou district, beijing unicom assisted in building a grid management platform and a district population big data platform, using big data, cloud computing and other technologies to implement digital communities; it also built a "complaint-handling" platform for the district, and used artificial intelligence technology to make the "whistleblowing" mechanism truly "responsive" 24 hours a day.

in fact, whether it is digital twin technology, industrial internet, or autonomous driving applications, they all rely on the support of computing infrastructure. as the cornerstone of supporting data processing and analysis, computing infrastructure is like a reservoir that allows computing power to flow into thousands of households and industries like hydropower.

in april this year, the jingxi zhigu-beijing unicom independent innovation artificial intelligence computing center (hereinafter referred to as the "jingxi zhigu computing center") was officially lit up. as the country's first "government + operator" intelligent computing center and beijing's only nationally produced independent innovation computing center, the jingxi zhigu computing center can provide 400p public computing power capabilities of nationally produced artificial intelligence basic software and hardware, and coordinate the deep integration of data centers, cloud computing and network resources. it is understood that the jingxi zhigu computing center is expected to add 2000p of computing power next year, which can serve many small and medium-sized enterprises and units, covering smart medical care, smart cities, smart manufacturing, smart parks, smart finance, autonomous driving, smart remote sensing, smart travel, smart inspection, smart energy, smart robots and other fields to meet the computing power needs of large model enterprises.

with the beijing west smart valley computing power center, the computing power supply structure has been optimized, the digital transformation of the capital's traditional industries has a foundation and "energy" source, and the distinctive brand of "beijing west smart valley" has been polished.

cutting-edge technologies are being implemented to create a new template for digital villages

new quality productivity empowers not only the high-rise buildings in the city, but also the vast land in the countryside. the construction of digital villages is a grand theme under the development of the times, and it is also the three meals a day and four seasons of ordinary people who rely on the land for their livelihood. so how can we achieve "making agriculture a promising industry, making farmers an attractive profession, and making rural areas a beautiful home where people can live and work in peace and contentment"?

digital villages can be connected by live broadcast rooms. in march this year, the ministry of commerce and nine other departments jointly issued the "implementation opinions on promoting the high-quality development of rural e-commerce", proposing that "in five years, a rural e-commerce service system with complete facilities, active entities, smooth circulation and efficient services will be basically established" and "about 1,000 county-level live broadcast e-commerce bases will be built, and the application level of live broadcast e-commerce will be further improved."

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in pinggu district, beijing unicom established the first 10g all-optical network live broadcast room in beijing for the guononggang supply and marketing village broadcasting industrial park. with the support of the 10g optical network, the light-picking silhouette gallery, product display and sales, time-travel experience, indoor live interactive experience, and light show performances in the industrial park have been realized. a series of activities such as the "agricultural culture festival" and the "childhood·big times" garden party are bustling, and product display, interactive communication, and online sales in the live broadcast room are clearer and smoother.

with the support of 10g network, beijing unicom has also introduced the concept of metaverse into the village broadcast in pinggu district. in the guononggang supply and marketing village broadcast industrial park, you can see live broadcast scenes such as "pinggu big peach" and "a thousand miles of rivers and mountains". beijing unicom uses xr (extended reality) technology to customize modeling, making the audience feel as if they are in a new virtual world. the 10g network lays the foundation for data transmission, and the metaverse live broadcast room brings a diversified marketing experience. pinggu district's rural e-commerce industry has ushered in a new era.

“what makes me most proud is that farmers no longer have to chase after vendors and beg them to buy their produce basket by basket. through the support of the metaverse live broadcast room and various channels, high-quality agricultural products can be sold for the value they deserve,” said a farmer.

in the view of relevant persons in charge of the industrial park, the creation of these application scenarios is to guide practitioners to carry out special live broadcasts such as self-broadcasting, promote the integrated development of "live broadcast +", and explore new ways for live broadcast e-commerce to empower rural industrial revitalization and people's prosperity.

in pinggu district, digital rural construction can also be connected by cameras. the relevant person in charge of beijing unicom always remembers the scene he saw in angu village - with the development of electronic products, each household in the village has installed surveillance cameras at the door to protect the house and yard. these cameras are connected from points to a surface, forming a network covering most corners and details of the village. if this network is integrated, it can be turned into big data for rural governance.

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with this idea in mind, beijing unicom helped angu village integrate and innovate technologies such as the internet of things, big data, and remote sensing images based on three-dimensional geographic information, and displayed the situation of more than 1,600 households in the village on a large screen in the form of miniature 3d maps, drawing a three-dimensional panoramic view of the digital village with multiple scenes, multi-business collaboration, and dynamic interaction. under the scheduling of the digital village platform, the dynamics of rural resources can be controlled in real time, and rural industries and rural services have entered all aspects of people's lives.

a number of new business forms such as "digital + e-commerce live streaming" have taken root in rural areas, becoming a key incremental factor in stimulating agricultural development. "digitalization + gridding" has empowered rural governance and become the internal vitality that stimulates rural development. the construction of beautiful villages has been more intuitively reflected.

emergency support fully meets people's new communication needs

when digital technology and digital infrastructure become the foundation and engine, beijing unicom's tentacles have reached all aspects of urban governance. entering late august, the flood season in beijing is gradually coming to an end, and flood prevention and waterlogging control work is running in an orderly manner.

in miyun district, beijing unicom has made full preparations for the flood season. in the xiwengzhuang integrated computer room, the staff has checked the positions of the various jumpers in the computer room for the dedicated line services of key units such as the reservoir management office and the water affairs bureau, and affixed "flood prevention and protection" labels to facilitate the rapid location of the fault point during inspection and repair. at the zoumazhuang base station, the inspection personnel conducted routine inspections on the operation of the optical cable power supply and the controller system, took samples and photos, and uploaded them to the inspection platform.

"we make daily calls and tests to member units of flood control command, such as the water affairs bureau, the emergency bureau, and the dedicated optical cable lines and landline telephones used by some hydrological stations to ensure smooth communications," said a staff member of beijing unicom miyun branch.

in mentougou district, the "beijing west sentinel" emergency command system has officially been put into operation. after summarizing the experience of responding to the "23.7" extreme heavy rainfall in 2023, beijing unicom has built a comprehensive, all-scenario, and peacetime-wartime integrated jingxi sentinel monitoring, early warning, command and dispatch platform for the mentougou district emergency management bureau through rongshu, rongyun, and rong self-developed products.

during the comprehensive flood prevention emergency drill in june, the jingxi sentinel monitoring, early warning, command and dispatch platform was transformed into a smart dispatch center. there were early warnings for rainfall during the flood season, monitoring of rising water levels, routes for evacuating people, dispatch of manpower and materials, and data for analysis and decision-making. the emergency management in mentougou district has been made more intelligent, and the safety of people's lives and property has been guaranteed.

in the emergency support work, beijing unicom always bears in mind the mission of "people's post and telecommunications for the people" and holds the belief that "national interests are above all else". it shoulders the heavy responsibility of supporting major events and conferences such as the 2008 beijing olympic games, the 2022 beijing winter olympics and paralympics, and the third plenary session of the 20th cpc central committee, ensuring that "nothing can go wrong" at critical moments.

during this year's national people's congress and the chinese people's political consultative conference, beijing unicom selected a group of technically proficient business backbones to ensure the smooth operation of the "committee channel" network throughout the entire process; it newly opened and deployed nearly 5,000 services of various types for news media such as cctv and xinhua news agency, and created a three-dimensional network security comprehensive defense system of "one-point perception, full network response" to jointly ensure network and system security.

at the same time, the innovative use of "ultra-large-scale antenna array", "narrowband intelligent beam management" and "multi-band collaborative networking" technologies provided media center with an excellent network experience, ensuring high-quality mobile communication network signals in the venue, and winning unanimous praise from chinese and foreign media reporters and staff.

it is worth noting that the unicom telecom cloud platform made its debut, providing a secure digital cloud base for various government systems. at the same time, it actively applied intelligent customer service platforms and 5g yanfei terminals to provide reliable support for the information service guarantee work of the national people's congress and the chinese people's political consultative conference; it launched a mobile reading system to provide staff with paperless conference document reading and document annotation and other related services, effectively solving the problem of reading traditional paper materials.

"next, we will also provide communication services and network security guarantees for the 2024 forum on china-africa cooperation summit and the 2024 china international fair for trade in services," said a relevant person in charge of beijing unicom.

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in this way, one tough battle after another, beijing unicom has completed more than 700 communication guarantee tasks per year, achieving zero accidents in network operation, zero complaints in conference services, and zero errors in important guarantees. today, beijing unicom has won the honorary title of "model central enterprise" awarded by the party committee of the state-owned assets supervision and administration commission of the state council.

a century of heritage, thirty years of innovation. beijing unicom has always been the best and demonstrated its position as the best. facing the new era and new stage, beijing unicom is still forging ahead and moving forward without stopping.

"facing the new era and new journey, beijing unicom will continue to take root in the capital's cybersecurity and informatization business under the correct leadership of the municipal party committee, government and the municipal communications administration, actively promote the application of new-generation information and communication technologies, and lay a solid foundation for new-quality productivity. with a more open, inclusive and cooperative attitude, we will meet the opportunities and challenges of the digital age, continue to explore digital applications and business models, build high-quality networks, high-quality products and high-quality services, and contribute more unicom strength to the path of promoting higher-quality and sustainable development of the capital through digital innovation," said chen haibo.
