
the king of bad movies is back, and this time the box office is actually a big hit


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the first weird movie of this year is finally here.

the filmthe cost was extremely low, less than $10 million.

but the global box office exceeded 100 million.

it has become the highest-grossing independent horror film in the past 10 years.

currently, it is the second highest-grossing r-rated horror film of the year, second only to "alien: reaper".

unsurprisingly, everyone's appetite has been whetted.

the movie was recently released on streaming.

uncle yu finished it as soon as possible.

let me show you what this movie is like——

long legs


the film's success is largely due to the distribution companyNEON

just looking at the name, many people may feel unfamiliar.

but if i tell you that it is produced by neontitanium, parasite, judgment of the falleni believe many people will naturally understand works that have received widespread acclaim.

although it has been established for less than 10 years, it has a unique vision and always bets on high-quality popular art films.

as a result, he won various top film awards around the world and became famous.

this company is more powerful than just having a good investment perspective."ability to live"

most of the movies released by neon are low-cost.

however, they never slack off on publicity and marketing, and always manage to stir up topics.

just like this time's "long legs", whether before or after its release, the excellent marketing capabilities allowed more people to know about this movie.

what uncle yu remembers most is the earliest trailer.

i can't tell the plot and i can't guess the style.

but you can feel the old-school atmosphere and strong mysterious temperament.

as a trailer, the more mysterious it is, the more intriguing it is.

the several posters released later were also very eye-catching.

the main color is eye-catching red, with close-ups of the characters in black.

the combination of high saturation and high contrast becomes more and more creepy the more you look at it.

in addition, it also put up a billboard outdoors with a string of phone numbers on it.

just make a call and you will have the opportunity to communicate directly with "long legs".

in addition, neon also launched marketing activities based on the plot.

anyone whose birthday is the 14th (regardless of the month) will receive a free movie ticket.

meaning: "long legs" is giving away free movie tickets to everyone born on the 14th

in comparison, i think the biggest contribution of this film lies in the actors.

the actor who plays the villain "long legs" in the film is actuallynicolas cage

as a former top hollywood actor, he has starred in countless bad movies in the past decade or so in order to repay his huge debts.

it was not until two years ago that he announced that he would pay off his debts and began his own transformation.

but it seems that most of his roles are in bad movies.

in the past two years, except for one film "dream scene", which received acceptable ratings, all other films received failing ratings.

this time in "long legs", cage was also promoted as a big gimmick.

in several trailers, he never showed his face, at most just a quick glimpse.

if you can pause it accurately, you will find that uncle cage has also given it his all this time.

the "unrecognizable" makeup made it impossible to recognize that it was him.

a series of "sassy operations" both inside and outside the play have attracted a lot of attention to this low-cost horror film.

the huge box office success also makes people marvel at neon’s success in publicity and marketing.

and "long legs" becamethe highest-grossing movie since neon was founded

the movie starts off with a suspenseful tone.

in 1974, a little girl met a strange man.

from the girl's perspective, she could only see half of the man's body.

and when the man leaned down, his face flashed by.

at that time, no one knew the identity of this man or what he was going to do.

then, time came to the 1990s.

an fbiagent, and accidentally showed his psychic ability while investigating the case.

she can accurately find the murderer's house among identical houses.

because of his special abilities, the detective was transferred to investigate a serial murder case spanning 30 years.

similar tragedies happened to 10 unrelated families:

the father killed his family and then committed suicide.

moreover, there was a letter signed by "long legs" at the scene.

also, each family has a 9-year-old daughter whose birthday is on the 14th of the month.

the murders all occurred within six days of their birthdays.

if you mark the time on a calendar, it forms a mysterious triangle symbol.

therefore, the "long legs" on the letter became the biggest suspect.

the agent with psychic abilities quickly came into play.

she realized that long legs had never appeared on the scene.

what long legs did was instigate murder, and he even had accomplices.

as the investigation progressed, the detectives gradually approached long legs and began to sense something was wrong.

she had hallucinations from time to time.

in his hallucination, he saw a strange poisonous snake spitting out its tongue.

she also seemed to see long legs coming to her home.

just a moment ago, she went out because of the noise outside.

the next second, a thin and tall ghost figure was found wandering around the house.

later, she even found a birthday card in her home.

the signature is "long legs".

this seemed to put her mother on the brink of life and death.

if you go into a horror movie with the expectation of watching it, you’ll find that “long legs” isn’t actually that scary.

most of the techniques are conventional jump scares.

the biggest highlight of the movie is actually the panic that people felt in that era.

on the surface, the film is set against the backdrop of the satanic panic of the 1980s and 1990s.

for example, the flashing ghost shadows and the sheep's head outside the window are all very straightforward devil elements.

the final outcome is directly related to the devil.

everything stems from the devil's instigation, which confuses people's minds.

at its core, the film presents the process of social change.

the conservative group who worship the devil are gradually being squeezed out of their living space due to the openness of society.

just like the detective always turned a deaf ear to her mother's advice to "pray more."

the two generations correspond to two completely different concepts of life.

serial murders with strong religious overtones correspond to the survival in the cracks of conservative ideas.

however, the change in social atmosphere is completely unstoppable.

faith was gradually destroyed, and broad freedom gradually became the mainstream.

so the final scene is left with an agent facing the camera with a gun.

the boundary between the old and the new is like a gun that seems unable to fire.

it implies that they may exist in the world at the same time for a long time.

for us, the retro horror style, satan worship and other elements in "long legs" are not very appealing.

mystery detective stories with supernatural elements are not new.

on the contrary, in the filmcage's performance,it makes my eyes light up.

cage doesn't have many scenes.

most of the time, he doesn't show his face and his voice sounds evil.

or the camera is too low, only capturing the area below the chest.

or it is a distant view, revealing only a tall and thin figure.

even if the face is photographed, continue to hide it.

covering the eyes with both hands in a weird posture makes people more curious.

later, the full picture was gradually revealed, and it became creepy.

there is no trace of cage's original appearance on his face.

coupled with the deformed face and thick white makeup, it gives people an ominous feeling at first glance.

the most outstanding parts are his two solo performances.

one section is in the car.

he sang while driving in the night.

the voice was totally out of tune and the emotions were gradually becoming insane.

the other part was when facing the interrogation of the detective.

at first everything was calm and he seemed like a stable person.

soon, something went wrong.

he began to talk nonsense and constantly provoked the agents.

then he suddenly banged his head against the table.

one after another.

even though his face was deformed, he still had that creepy smile on his face.

i have to say that although cage didn't have many roles, he completely brought to life the image of a hysterical madman.

this also adds to the mystery of the long legs.

although the movie’s reputation has collapsed after it was released.

but this film's experience of making a big profit with a small investment is still very worth studying.

this is not only due to excellent publicity and marketing methods, but also relies on cage's superb acting skills.

this may not be a movie for everyone.

but if you like this style or like cage, you will undoubtedly enjoy it.

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assistant editor: dada