
[important core variables] data on the financialization of listed companies and financialization peer effects from 2023 to 2008


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1. document name:data on corporate financialization and financialization peer effect of listed companies from 2023 to 2008

2. calculation method:referring to the research of professor li qiumei (2020) in the c journal "financial research", financialization is measured by the proportion of corporate financial assets to total assets. the explanatory variable is the average financialization level of the same group of companies, including the average financialization level of the same industry, the same region, and the same industry and region. we define the same industry, the same region, and the same industry and region of the focal company i as other companies in the same industry, registered in the same province, and in the same industry and province as the focal company i. among them, the industry classification is classified according to the first code of the "guidelines for industry classification of listed companies" issued by the china securities regulatory commission in 2012.

the specific indicators are:

fin: enterprise financialization, which is equal to the ratio of the sum of the enterprise's financial assets (trading financial assets, derivative financial assets, net available-for-sale financial assets, net held-to-maturity investments, net investment properties, and net long-term equity investments) to total assets.

ind_fin: industry peer effect of corporate financialization, the average financialization level of other companies in the same industry and year.

note: when the number of other companies in the same industry and the same year is 1, this value is missing, and the same applies below.

area_fin: the regional peer effect of enterprise financialization, the average financialization level of other enterprises in the same province and year