
Huawei's Zhang Pingan: Call on the government, industry, academia and research to invest in building a new ecosystem of innovative technologies in the intelligent era


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Cover News reporter Zhang Yuexi
On August 27, the third 828 B2B Enterprise Festival officially opened at the 2024 China International Big Data Industry Expo. Zhang Pingan, Executive Director of Huawei and CEO of Huawei Cloud, said in his speech that the right to speak in the digital world is ultimately determined by the prosperity of the ecosystem. The 828 B2B Enterprise Festival opens up the value stream of "co-construction, co-operation and co-sales" of ecosystem partners, provides the most suitable technology, through the shortest path, and in the most reasonable mode, to the most needed scenarios, and builds a "one-stop platform service" for the digitalization and intelligence of Chinese enterprises.
As the first national comprehensive big data pilot zone, Guizhou Province is promoting data centers to accelerate their transformation from storage centers to "storage and computing integration, intelligent computing first" to seize the commanding heights of intelligent computing. Huawei Cloud has deployed the world's largest data center in Guizhou, and through system architecture innovation, it has created an industry-leading cloud data center and AI computing center to serve the whole country, setting a benchmark for East Data and West Computing.
Zhang Pingan introduced that Huawei Cloud Gui'an Data Center can accommodate millions of servers, with a PUE of 1.12, which is at the world's leading level. This year, Huawei Cloud also released and fully applied the new CloudMatrix architecture for diversified computing power, with innovative designs of "everything can be pooled", "everything is equal", and "everything can be combined", matching the demand for ultra-large-scale computing power in terms of computing power scale, expansion mode and usage mode. And through the application of multiple innovative technologies such as AI technology for precise temperature control and cloud service-aware energy efficiency tuning, a high-efficiency and high-reliability data center is created.
Based on the latency coverage of the core hub of Huawei Cloud's global storage and computing network, the Gui'an Data Center can support the centralized deployment of 90% of the business of enterprises. Enterprises do not need to worry about infrastructure construction and product upgrades, and cloud computing power is available at any time. Many leading Internet and artificial intelligence companies in China, such as Shanghai Yum! Brands and iFlytek, have already settled in.
The establishment of Huawei Cloud Intelligent Computing Base in Gui'an New District is also accelerating Guizhou's pace in building an internationally competitive artificial intelligence computing power highland, AI ecological base and data ecological base. At the scene, the Guizhou Provincial Big Data Bureau, Huawei Cloud and ecological partners jointly launched Guizhou's "8+4" industrial ecological innovation action. In terms of Guizhou Province's Ascend computing power ecology, industry large model ecology, and artificial intelligence talent ecology, the two parties will jointly promote the incubation and implementation of artificial intelligence applications in eight important industries such as coal mining, sauce wine, and new materials, and in four important fields such as urban intelligence and rural digitalization, accelerate the comprehensive development of artificial intelligence in Guizhou Province, and allow more innovative AI applications to be implemented in Guizhou.
In the software field, China has the world's largest group of software innovators, but has always lagged behind in core software. Zhang Pingan said that as enterprises have more demands for digitalization and intelligence, they need to build cloud-native core software and development tool chains to give the world a better choice. He introduced that Huawei Cloud has built cloud-native core software, has released 23 software development tools, and launched a series of products and technologies such as the distributed cloud core base, GaussDB database, software development production line CodeArts, and hardware development production line CraftArts to support enterprise R&D efficient innovation and application modernization.
Zhang Pingan emphasized that digitalization is the focus of the global scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation. He has deeply realized that China's digital economic development and technological innovation still need to cross gaps, and the prosperity of the digital industry garden still needs more irrigation. He called on the government, industry, academia and research to invest in jointly building a new innovative technology ecosystem in the intelligent era and jointly promote the development of the digital economy.