
The practice of replacing coal with gas in a 200,000-ton beer production line


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Original title: Coal-fired boilers are "laying down their laurels", gas-fired boilers are taking their place, green transformation achieves "three wins" (lead)
Practice of coal-to-gas conversion in a 200,000-ton beer production line (Topic)
Workers' Daily-China Workers' Network reporter Zhao Lihao correspondent Cui Fang
Reading Tips
In the boiler workshop of the 200,000-ton beer production line of Yunnan Lancangjiang Wine Group in Yun County, natural gas boilers have replaced coal-fired boilers. Natural gas boilers not only have significant energy-saving effects, but can also ensure efficient production to the greatest extent. Their intelligent monitoring and early warning functions effectively guarantee the stability of the company's product quality.
Walking into the boiler workshop of the 200,000-ton beer production line of Yunnan Lancangjiang Brewery Group in Lincang City, Yunnan Province, the former coal-fired boilers have now been "silent", replaced by 5 gas boilers, and the workers are "decently" busy in the spacious, bright, clean and tidy control room.
Driven by the goals of "carbon peak and carbon neutrality" and the continuous optimization of environmental protection policies, industrial coal-to-gas conversion in many parts of China has entered a new round of acceleration.
In Yunnan, thanks to the completion and safe and stable operation of the China-Myanmar natural gas pipeline, the local green industrial economic development and transformation have ushered in new opportunities, especially the production conditions of industrial enterprises in Yunnan's border areas have been greatly improved.
In recent years, Lincang City, Yunnan Province, located in the southwestern border of the motherland, has focused on filling the gaps in natural gas infrastructure construction, building dedicated gas lines for large industrial use, steadily implementing the strategic goal of "Gasification of Lincang", and steadily implementing industrial coal-to-gas projects on the premise of ensuring gas sources. It is planned that by 2025, the annual natural gas consumption will reach 5 million cubic meters.
The labor intensity of workers has been reduced
"I used to work in a coal-fired boiler workshop. The workload was very intense every day, especially in the high-temperature working environment. I was always sweating. Now after the implementation of the coal-to-gas program, I work in a clean and smart working environment, and my work is much easier than before." Yang Tongzhuan, a worker in the gas boiler workshop of Yunnan Lancangjiang Wine Group, talked about the changes in working environment and labor intensity after the coal-to-gas program, his face full of joy.
It is understood that Yunnan Lancang River Wine Group is a private enterprise in Yun County, Lincang City, Yunnan Province. It is also a provincial key agricultural industrialization enterprise. It mainly produces and sells Lancang River brand beer, liquor, tea, and beverages. In addition to meeting the needs within Yunnan Province, its Lancang River series products are also sold to Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and other cities, and some products are exported to foreign markets.
"For some time, the company has encountered many operational difficulties, but we cannot wait, otherwise we will lose the opportunity to transform and develop new energy." Yang Yingqing, chief engineer of Yunnan Lancangjiang Wine Group, realized that actively promoting energy conservation and consumption reduction in enterprises can not only improve energy utilization efficiency and enhance the driving force of green innovation and development, but also optimize and adjust the production capacity structure layout and enhance the core competitiveness of the enterprise.
In order to promote energy conservation and emission reduction and protect the ecological environment, the local government actively promoted the construction of the coal-to-gas project and assisted enterprises in implementing projects. Relevant departments took the initiative to enter enterprises to carry out "many-to-one" precise assistance services, promoting high-quality economic development with high-level protection of the ecological environment.
"In order to help enterprises implement coal-to-gas projects, we have optimized the service process and provided comprehensive guidance services in project application, environmental impact assessment report preparation, engineering construction and installation, online monitoring, etc., to ensure that all project construction procedures are completed quickly and efficiently." Li Liuheng, head of the Yun County Branch of the Lincang Municipal Ecological Environment Bureau, said.
On August 28, 2022, the coal-to-gas conversion project of the 200,000-ton brewery coal-fired boiler in Yunxian County of Yunnan Lancangjiang Wine Group was officially launched. The total investment of the project is 6.7636 million yuan. After more than a year of construction, 5 natural gas boilers replaced the coal-fired boilers. This is also the first company in Lincang City to use pipeline natural gas boilers.
It can reduce waste gas emissions by about 19,000 cubic meters per year
Nowadays, when you walk into the production plant of Yunnan Lancangjiang Wine Group, you will see no thick chimneys, and only a clean environment and green grass...
Yang Yingqing introduced that after the implementation of the enterprise's coal-to-gas project, it not only prompted the enterprise to reduce pollution and carbon emissions, but also reduced energy consumption in the production process and reduced production costs. More importantly, it promoted the enterprise to embark on a path of green, low-carbon transformation and high-quality development, and the coal-to-gas project achieved a "three-win" situation.
Pu Yang, head of the Yun County Bureau of Industry, Science and Technology, said: "The coal-to-gas project of Yunnan Lancangjiang Wine Group uses advanced technology and equipment, and the use of clean energy reduces the generation and emission of pollutants from the source, achieving effective protection of the environment around the enterprise."
Data shows that after the company implemented the coal-to-gas conversion, it can reduce waste gas emissions by about 19,000 cubic meters per year, reduce solid waste by about 8,000 tons, and reduce coal consumption by 4,000 tons. It no longer produces solid waste such as coal slag and dust ash, and the factory area and surrounding environment have become clearer.
"Although the initial investment cost of natural gas boilers is relatively high, they can achieve higher energy utilization and lower energy consumption, which saves the company a lot of expenses," said Yang Yingqing.
The reporter learned that due to the high degree of automation of natural gas boilers, the labor intensity of workers has been significantly reduced, the number of operating and management personnel required has also been greatly reduced, and some staff have been arranged to new positions, thereby reducing the company's human resource costs.
Stable equipment operation is the basis for ensuring production efficiency and product quality. Any equipment failure may lead to production interruption and loss.
Yang Yingqing said that natural gas boilers not only have significant energy-saving effects, but can also ensure efficient production to the greatest extent. Their intelligent monitoring and early warning functions can effectively guarantee the stability of the company's product quality.
Avoid waste of resources and environmental pollution
"In the past, enterprises mainly relied on coal-to-steam conversion for production and operation, but as environmental monitoring becomes increasingly stringent, how to achieve green transformation is a problem faced by high-energy-consuming enterprises." Yang Xingqiang, deputy director of the Yun County Industry and Science and Technology Information Bureau, told reporters that Yunnan Lancangjiang Wine Group is a pilot unit for the local coal-to-gas project. To promote the in-depth implementation of the coal-to-gas project, more enterprises need to participate in it. Only when enterprises can truly taste the "sweetness" can they compete for technological transformation.
In fact, although natural gas consumption in the industrial manufacturing sector accounts for a relatively high proportion of my country's total natural gas consumption, there are still a large number of industrial boilers using coal as fuel, and the gasification rate is still relatively low.
"In order to help companies complete the conversion from coal to gas, in addition to policy support, another important reason is whether the company's environmental protection testing can meet the standards." Yang Xingqiang said that natural gas is a high-quality, efficient, low-carbon and environmentally friendly energy. Accelerating the promotion and use of natural gas can not only effectively promote the adjustment of local energy structure and cultivate new economic growth points, but also promote economic development and industrial upgrading and transformation.
Industry insiders pointed out that at present, the promotion of coal-to-gas projects still faces problems such as immature marketization, low corporate awareness, and the need to improve supporting policies. Natural gas still has a lot of room for expansion in the industrial field. In addition, due to the actual differences between different regions and industries, industrial coal-to-gas conversion should be promoted in an orderly and focused manner, and the optimal development strategy should be sought according to local conditions and industries.
"From an economic perspective, although the initial construction will increase the company's operating costs, the digital control of the coal-to-gas project will not only save energy costs, but also labor costs." Yang Yingqing said that if companies want to become bigger and stronger, they must take the path of clean production and sustainable development. In the process of promoting coal-to-gas conversion, companies should use natural gas boilers with appropriate steam tons according to actual production needs, minimize resource waste and environmental pollution, and create a good development space for companies to achieve clean production and sustainable development.
It is reported that with the solid advancement of energy conservation and emission reduction work in Yun County, the energy consumption per unit GDP in key areas has decreased year by year, the green economic development has been steadily improved, and the county's comprehensive strength has leaped forward. In 2023, the regional GDP will reach 16.723 billion yuan, an increase of 5.3%.
Source: China Workers Network-Workers Daily