
The 39th Xinmin Evening News Cup Football Tournament came to an end, providing a bright future for children who love football


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On August 25, the 2024 39th "Haigang-SAIC" Cup Xinmin Evening News Summer Middle School Football Tournament National Exchange Tournament was successfully concluded at the SAIC Pudong Football Stadium. In four days, 16 men's and women's football teams from Shigatse, Tibet, Kashgar, Xinjiang, Nantong, Jiangsu, Taizhou, Zhejiang, Huangshan, Anhui and the host Shanghai competition area used football as their language to jointly write an unforgettable summer.
The overall level of the competition has been greatly improved
Since the Yangtze River Delta, Xinjiang Kashgar and Tibet Shigatse joined the Evening News Cup, the national exchange competition, which is held every year, has become the most coveted stage for all teams. This year, 12 men's football teams and 4 women's football teams are competing for the three championship titles of the men's junior and senior high school groups and the women's middle school group. Both the number of participating teams and the overall strength of the participating teams have set a record.
This national exchange competition was divided into three competition days, and the suspense of the champions of several groups was not revealed until the last minute. Among them, the men's junior high school group formed a stalemate after three rounds in the first two competition days. In addition to Nantong Haimen Kediyuan U15, which temporarily accumulated 9 points, the fourth middle school of Shache County, Kashgar Prefecture, Xuhang Middle School of Jiading District, Shanghai, and Taizhou U15 men's football team all had 6 points and followed closely behind. On the last competition day, Nantong Kediyuan U15 won another game and won the championship of the junior high school group of this Evening News Cup National Exchange Competition.
The suspense of the championship in the high school group competition was mainly between the Taizhou U15 men's football team, Nantong Haimen Kediyuan U18 and Shanghai Datong Middle School. Taizhou U18 and Nantong Kediyuan U18 both had 9 points after the first three rounds. On the last day of the competition, the two teams faced off. In the end, the high school team from Nantong was superior and won the championship in both men's groups of this national exchange competition.
In terms of strength, the teams from Huangshan and Xigaze in Tibet have not yet been able to challenge for the championship due to their late start in football, but they have not given up the competition, but are more enthusiastic about playing against strong teams. "Every year, we must be a little better than last year," which has become everyone's common goal.
In the women's middle school group competition held for the first time in this Evening News Cup National Exchange Tournament, Shanghai Women's Football Team 1 and Shanghai Women's Football Team 2 both defeated their opponents in the first two rounds. The Shanghai division locked the championship of this group in advance, and finally Shanghai Women's Football Team 1 won the first women's group championship.
Football and music evening cup "picking up" light
In order to relieve the tension of the competition, the organizer held a football music carnival with the theme of "Our Evening News Cup Light" on the outside of the SAIC Pudong Football Stadium on the evening of August 24. The MARU band was invited to warm up the scene, and Jay Chou's "Rice Fragrance" instantly led all the participating players to sing together. Not only did they enjoy the live performance brought by the band, but the participating teams and players also prepared wonderful programs. When the carnival entered the second half, the stage was directly handed over to these youthful football teenagers.
It is worth mentioning that at the Football Music Carnival, the Harbor Club and Alipay jointly provided exclusive public welfare benefits to all the young players participating in this Evening News Cup. This year is the 39th Evening News Cup competition, and a few months later on December 25th will be the 19th birthday of the Harbor Football Club. In conjunction with these two special days, two lucky winners were drawn on the spot and given Alipay travel red envelopes worth 2,000 yuan. The club also hopes that this kind gesture can make the young football players who are chasing their dreams feel more warmth and encouragement.
In addition to the newly created football music carnival, checking in Shanghai and experiencing Shanghai's urban culture also ran through this national exchange competition. At the Shanghai Tower, the players and coaches took the world's fastest super-high-speed elevator certified by the Guinness World Records to the Shanghai Summit Observation Hall on the 118th floor, overlooking the beautiful scenery of Shanghai; after nightfall, everyone took a Huangpu River cruise together and immersively experienced the unique prosperity and charm of Shanghai on the Huangpu River. This also made many young players yearn for the city of Shanghai.
"When I was in the first year of high school, I envied the experiences of my male classmates who had returned from Shanghai. I thought that if I had the chance, I must go to Shanghai to feel and experience the football culture." Buwei Aijer Aimaiti, captain of the women's football team of Kashgar No. 6 Middle School, finally realized her dream and won the Golden Boot Award in the women's middle school group. She is about to start her third year of high school and has set her next life goal in Shanghai. "If possible, I want to go to Shanghai to study at university."
Haigang's new foreign aid interacts with young players
On August 23, the highly acclaimed Xinmin Training Camp was held for the third time. Considering the expansion of the team size in this tournament, the elites of the Haigang Club were dispatched, including the head coach of the U15 team Fan Yun and the head coach of the U13 team Luo Xiao, to the SAIC Pudong Football Stadium to guide the players in the last pre-match training. Immediately after the Xinmin Training Camp, the "Star Face to Face" event ignited the atmosphere of the event. Haigang first-team player Cai Huikang and the club's newly signed Brazilian foreign aid William Pope in the second transfer window made a surprise appearance and interacted with the young players at the scene.
Among them, William Pope made his first public appearance after his personal signing ceremony. In the on-site nine-square game, he scored the highest score of 9 points, showing his superb footwork. He then appeared at the award ceremony on August 25, and twice attracted the enthusiastic pursuit of the young players on the scene.
"These children came to Shanghai from far away places, and I can see their dedication and love for football. Not only that, but the coaches who lead them have been dedicated to the football career, which makes me feel awe for them. For me, this is also a kind of communication. It is a good thing that the Evening News Cup can provide such a platform for all of us. I can also learn a lot from them." Cai Huikang said.
Cheng Yaodong points out the vision for hosting the tournament next year
This year marks the fourth consecutive year that Shanghai Haigang Football Club and its strategic partner SAIC Motor, as the co-organizer of the event, have entered the Kashgar Division with the Evening News Cup organizers to launch a series of public welfare theme activities entitled "Dreaming of the West". At the award ceremony, Cheng Yaodong, the youth training director of Shanghai Haigang Football Club, who is the "Public Welfare Ambassador" of the Kashgar Division of the Evening News Cup, was present again.
Watching a documentary called "Kashgar Football Boys" on the screen, Cheng Yaodong's thoughts drifted back to Kashgar a month ago, when he personally flew to the local area to watch the final stage of the Kashgar Division and communicated with the local youth training coaches. "Xinjiang's young players have strong personalities and fighting spirit. Doing a good job in youth football in Kashgar will be very beneficial to the improvement of the overall level of Chinese football." Cheng Yaodong said.
During his stay in Kashgar, Cheng Yaodong suggested that in order to cultivate good talents and further promote the popularity of football, the Wanbao Cup may set up competition groups for players of younger age groups in the future. At the award ceremony, Cheng Yaodong was asked about the topic again. He said: "Nowadays, football is started from childhood all over the world. If children can be involved in more systematic and professional training earlier, more football talents can emerge."
In fact, Cheng Yaodong's idea coincides with that of the organizer of the Evening News Cup. In July this year, the newly joined Shanghai Lingang competition area has tried to hold a primary school competition. Starting next year, the Evening News Cup will usher in the 40th competition. At that time, the organizer will open primary school competitions in multiple competition areas including Kashgar, Xinjiang. By creating a complete competition system for primary schools, junior high schools and high schools, more children can play football earlier and good seedlings can be discovered earlier.
The Evening News Cup has been taking action to cultivate and discover more talents for Chinese football and to build more platforms for children who love playing football to make friends through football.
Song Chengliang, reporter of The Paper
(This article is from The Paper. For more original information, please download the "The Paper" APP)