
A guy met a "kind-hearted person" who hitchhiked him, and he was dragged to the wilderness and drugged without any preparation! In which country do you think this happened?


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Recently, a Korean internet celebrity was riding alone in a certain country (the name of the country is hidden here to keep everyone guessing) and filming a travel video. He actually used the camera to record his experience of being kidnapped...

The guy's online name is Lerrico, and he is a video blogger on YouTube. He likes to share videos of backpacking in various countries.

(YouTube blogger Lerrico)

In the previous few months, Lerrico had been traveling in China, climbing Mount Huashan, seeing pandas, and trying "Kung Fu Massage"... leaving behind many happy memories.

(Video of Lerrico's travels in China)

More than a month ago, Lerrico ended his trip to China and entered a certain country to continue his backpacking journey.

The first few videos were pretty normal, Lerrico continued to eat, drink, and experience the culture and scenery.

But a month ago, when Lerrico got a bike and headed for the more chaotic Ladakh region in the country’s northwest, things started to go wrong.

(Lerrico in Ladakh)

There are a lot of deserts and Gobi along the way in this area, with occasional towns.

Lerrico met an old man on the road.The old man told him that there were many unexpected dangers in this area, such as poisonous scorpions, bandits hiding everywhere, and some people of unknown origin...In a word, Lerrico had to be extremely careful.

Lerrico nodded repeatedly, but didn't really take it to heart since he was already here.

Unexpectedly, half a month later, he really encountered a thrilling kidnapping.

Two weeks ago, Lerrico rode to the Leh region, which has beautiful scenery and pleasant climate.

(Lerrico on his way to Leh)

Lerrico is still 450 kilometers away from Leh. The cycling process is quite tiring and Lerrico gradually becomes exhausted.

At this time, a passing truck stopped and asked Lerrico if he needed help. After Lerrico introduced his situation, the truck driver offered to give him a ride.

(The driver talks to Lerrico)

Lerrico lifted the bike into the back of the truck and then got in the passenger seat.

He was filming videos along the way, talking and laughing with the uncle, his happy expression evident in his words.

After riding for a distance, Lerrico got off the bike, said goodbye to the uncle, and continued riding forward.

(Lerrico was very happy after successfully getting a ride)

After riding for a while, Lerrico saw a red truck parked on the side of the road.

Three young men got off the truck and offered to give Lerrico a ride.

Because of the pleasant ride experience he had previously had, Lerrico had no guard against the three strange men and readily agreed to their proposal.

Lerrico got into the truck of three men...

(Three men offered Lerrico a ride)

The three men seemed to be quite nice, and one of them even helped Lerrico lift the bicycle to a higher place in the car. Then Lerrico got into the driver's seat...

(Man helps Lerrico move his bicycle)

Perhaps because he was too tired, after Lerrico got in the car, he chatted briefly with the three people and fell asleep. When he woke up, he found that the truck had driven to a deserted place and it was pitch black all around.

Lerrico's intuition told him that this place was a long way from Leh, where he was going...

(Lerrico found the truck driving to a place where few people go)

At this moment, the three men saw Lerrico wake up and immediately showed their fierce faces. One of them held a big stick to Lerrico's head and threatened him to hand over the money.

Lerrico was so frightened that he had no choice but to pay the money.

The three men not only robbed Lerrico of his money, but also began to search Lerrico's backpack and personal belongings, searching for valuables. Lerrico had no choice but to hand them over.

After the robbery, the three men handed Lerrico a pill and forced him to take it.

(Lerrico is very scared)

Lerrico pretended to swallow it, but when the three men weren't paying attention, he secretly spit out the pills and held them in his hand.

Unexpectedly, after a while, the three men may have realized something and came over again, handed Lerrico a pill and threatened him to take it again.

This time, the three men stared at Lerrico, not giving him any chance to play tricks until he swallowed it obediently.

Lerrico eventually realized that the pills had a strong psychedelic effect. After taking them, he completely lost his sense of direction and was in a sleepwalking state for five or six hours.

(After Lerrico was forced to take the pills)

Even though he was unconscious, Lerrico still realized that he was in danger and should try his best to save himself. He found his hidden phone with his vague memory and secretly sent a text message to his friend in this country:

“Call the police for me!”

(Lerrico sent a message for help to a friend)

After receiving the text message, the friend immediately went to the police station to report the case.

Lerrico spent a day and a night in a coma. After being kidnapped for about 30 hours, Lerrico was finally released.

After escaping, Lerrico went to the police station to report the case immediately and described his experience in detail.

The local police were quite effective. In just a few days, they caught the three men who kidnapped Lerrico based on the clues provided by him.

(After the three men who kidnapped Lerrico were arrested)

Although the kidnappers were caught, Lerrico was not happy with the way the local police handled the case.

It turned out that the three men initially argued that they did not kidnap Lerrico, but only took some money from him as "fare", and the so-called "fare" was about 10,000 local currencies (RMB 849).

Seeing that the three men refused to plead guilty, the police did not waste any more time talking to them. They just picked up sticks and started beating the three men until they knelt down and begged for mercy.

The police then turned around and gave Lerrico a rather speechless suggestion:

"They are all poor kids, can't you just let them go?"

Lerrico flatly rejected the police's proposal, so the police started beating the three men again...

Lerrico also had no idea what kind of punishment the local police would ultimately give the three men.

After this experience, Lerrico finally realized that it was unsafe to travel alone in this area, and he regretted not listening to the advice of the locals.

(Lerrico ride)

The brother's experience also serves as a warning to more people. When traveling alone, don't take a stranger's car easily...

Okay, now the question is, in which of the following countries do you think this guy’s experience took place?