
Today's data highlights: 12306 launched student ticket booking; Master Kong instant noodles sold more than 100 million less in the first half of the year


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12306 launches student ticket booking service

The reporter learned from the China Railway Corporation that the summer vacation is coming to an end and the major colleges and universities across the country are about to start classes. From August 26 to September 10, the railway will usher in a peak in student passenger flow, and it is expected that 6.5 million student passengers will be sent. The railway 12306 client has launched the "student reservation ticket purchase service" function. After filling in the preferential qualification information, student passengers can reserve tickets outside the pre-sale period. The system will redeem the tickets on the 16th day before departure. It can make reservations for the student and the passengers traveling with him, which is convenient for students to travel together or for parents to see them off. (CCTV Finance)

Master Kong instant noodles sales fell by more than 100 million in the first half of the year

After the market closed on August 26, Master Kong Holdings released its 2024 semi-annual report. In the first half of the year, the instant noodle business achieved revenue of 13.814 billion yuan, 136 million yuan less than the same period last year, a year-on-year decline of about 1%; the beverage business achieved revenue of 27.065 billion yuan, 459 million yuan more than the same period last year, a year-on-year increase of 1.7%. Overall, in the first half of 2024, Master Kong Holdings achieved revenue of 41.201 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 0.7%; and achieved a profit attributable to shareholders of 1.885 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 15.1%. (China News Service)

Summer sports training classes are becoming more and more popular

The pace of physical education reform in primary and secondary schools has accelerated. In order to urge students to exercise, the physical fitness test system starts to operate as soon as they enter the first grade. With the increase in the weight of sports, students, parents, institutions... all actively or passively followed suit. The "2023 China Children's Sports Training Industry Report" pointed out that the children's sports training industry entered a period of rapid development in 2020. Data showed that the number of youth training institutions nationwide increased by nearly 20% in 2020.

"I never thought that one day I would enroll my child in a skipping rope class," said Wu Ming, a parent from Wenzhou. "He really can't jump even a single jump. No matter how much I teach him, he can't learn it by himself." In 2023, Wu Ming enrolled his third-grade child in a skipping rope training class. The class cost 899 yuan for 15 lessons. "The coach taught him in two or three lessons. After 15 lessons, he could jump more than 150 times a minute." In addition to the difficulty some children find getting started, the more important reason for the craze for skipping rope training is the "bonus points" and the "strong link" between physical education performance and student awards and honors.

However, a report shows that physical fitness is the main motivation for parents to enroll their children in sports training classes. A coach at a children's fitness center told reporters, "In the past, many parents enrolled for the purpose of getting good results, mainly for special training, and some for school sports and national tests, but most parents enroll for their children's own health. This is a very obvious change." (Consumer Report)

From January to June, my country's lithium battery production increased by 20% year-on-year

Affected by the strong demand in overseas markets, domestic lithium battery exports have continued to grow this year. According to data from the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, from January to June this year, my country's lithium battery industry continued to grow, with output increasing by 20% year-on-year and total exports reaching 193.4 billion yuan. With the continued growth of the lithium battery industry, many domestic lithium battery manufacturers have recently accelerated their overseas factory construction plans. (CCTV Finance)

IBM wants to useAINearly 8,000 jobs replaced

According to Jiemian News, on August 24, reporters learned from several IBM China employees that the company closed the access rights of IBM China R&D and testing employees on Friday night. Currently, these employees have been removed from the product group of the communication software and cannot log in to the company's intranet through VPN, but can still access emails. The rights of R&D and testing employees in Beijing, Shanghai, Dalian and other parts of the country have been revoked, involving about 1,000 people; after-sales and consulting departments still have normal access rights.

In the past two years, IBM has carried out multiple rounds of layoffs around the world. In January 2023, IBM announced a layoff of 3,900 people; in the second half of 2023, IBM announced a suspension of recruitment and plans to replace nearly 8,000 jobs with artificial intelligence. In March of this year, according to foreign media reports, the layoff target ratio of some departments of IBM was as high as 80%. The latest financial report shows that IBM's total revenue in the second quarter of 2024 was approximately US$15.8 billion, an increase of 2%, and its net profit was US$1.834 billion, compared with US$1.583 billion in the same period last year.

Earlier, according to, IBM closed its R&D department in its 40th year in China. In response to IBM China's closure of its two R&D departments, China Development Laboratory (CDL) and China System Laboratory (CSL), IBM China responded to Caixin on August 26 that IBM will adjust operations as needed to provide the best service to customers, and these changes will not affect its ability to provide support to customers in Greater China.

IBM China also stated in its response that Chinese companies, especially private companies, are increasingly paying attention to seizing the opportunities brought by hybrid cloud and artificial intelligence technologies, and IBM's local strategic focus in China is to use its rich experience in technology and consulting to build teams with corresponding skills to help Chinese customers co-create solutions that meet their needs.

The reporter learned that IBM China Research Institute (CRL), which was established in 1995 and closed in 2021, and CDL and CSL, which were established in 1999, are the three major R&D departments of IBM China. CRL is responsible for more cutting-edge research directions, CDL focuses on application software development, and CSL is responsible for database host and other system development. An IBM China employee told Caixin that the CDL group has more than 1,000 employees and CSL has 695 employees. (36kr)