
Build a solid "safety foundation" for scientific and technological innovation (People's Commentary)


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Yu Sinan

The main pump inverter is known as the "pacemaker" of the nuclear power plant, requiring a reliability of 99.9999% and no unplanned downtime within 10 years. Some time ago, Shenyang Yuanda Group Power Electronics Technology Co., Ltd. announced that the nuclear main pump inverter independently developed by the company has been used in national key nuclear power projects, ending the long-term control of this technology by others.

From nuclear main pump inverters, to third-generation offshore communication system technology, to wet two-step raw silk production technology, the breakthroughs in key core technologies have effectively ensured my country's scientific and technological security and laid a more solid foundation for development.

General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed that "security in the field of science and technology is an important part of national security." As the scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation accelerate, the scientific and technological revolution and the game between major powers are intertwined, and the high-tech field has become the forefront and main battlefield of international competition. Science and technology are increasingly becoming a key factor affecting national competitiveness and strategic security. Whether it is to enhance independent innovation capabilities, maintain the security of science and technology itself, or fully apply scientific and technological strength to support and ensure the security of key areas of the country, we need to coordinate development and security and actively respond to security risks and challenges in the field of science and technology.

Key core technologies are the most important tools of the country. An important aspect of strengthening scientific and technological security is to strengthen the research of key core technologies. At the junction of Sichuan and Yunnan, the Baihetan Hydropower Station is operating at full capacity; on the Lingdingyang, the world-class cross-sea cluster project Shenzhen-Zhongshan Channel has officially opened to traffic; on the banks of the Huangpu River, the second domestically-made large cruise ship has been launched and started to be assembled... The continuous emergence of scientific and technological innovation results vividly confirms that "scientific and technological self-reliance is the foundation of national prosperity and the key to security." Adhere to the "four orientations", bravely enter the "no man's land", firmly grasp the "bull's nose" of independent innovation, build a solid foundation for basic research, and resolutely win the battle for key core technologies, so that the lifeline of science and technology and the initiative of development can be firmly grasped in our own hands.

Looking around the world, technological innovation has entered an unprecedented period of intensive activity. Frontier technologies such as artificial intelligence, quantum technology, and biotechnology have emerged in a concentrated manner, triggering chain changes. It should be recognized that many technologies throughout history have been "double-edged swords". While new technologies have profoundly changed human production and life and reshaped the way of economic development, they have also posed new challenges to preventing technological risks and ensuring technological security. For example, blockchain, big data, and cloud computing have brought challenges to information security and network security, and technologies such as artificial intelligence, synthetic biology, and gene editing have impacted social ethics. To prevent and resolve technological security risks, we need to strengthen the dynamic tracking of technological development trends and cutting-edge fields, strengthen research and judgment on rule conflicts, social risks, and ethical challenges that may be brought about by technological innovation, and propose countermeasures to better find a balance between development and regulation.

Responding to security risks in the field of science and technology is a common challenge for the world. The more complex the international environment is, the more risks and challenges there are in the field of science and technology. The more we need to continue to work hard on high-level international scientific and technological cooperation, actively implement an open, inclusive, mutually beneficial and shared international scientific and technological cooperation strategy, and more proactively integrate into the global innovation network. Security is the guarantee of continued openness, and openness is the foundation of long-term security. Coordinating openness and security, actively participating in global science and technology governance, and creating an open innovation ecosystem are necessary to promote high-level scientific and technological self-reliance and self-improvement, and are also inevitable to provide Chinese wisdom and solutions to respond to global challenges.

The "Decision" of the Third Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee proposed: "Build a science and technology security risk monitoring, early warning and response system, and strengthen the independent guarantee of scientific and technological basic conditions." By coordinating development and security, unswervingly implementing the innovation-driven development strategy, accelerating the improvement of innovation capabilities and scientific and technological strength, and laying a solid "safety foundation" for scientific and technological innovation, we will surely continue to create a new situation in science and technology security work, achieve a virtuous interaction between scientific and technological development and science and technology security, and provide more powerful scientific and technological support for China's modernization.

People's Daily (Edition 05, August 27, 2024)