
Yixing Economic Development Zone is advancing at full speed to seize the synthetic biology market


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On August 23, the synthetic biology industry special session of the 5th Yixing Taihu Bay International Youth Elite Science and Technology Innovation Challenge kicked off in Nanjing. By building an innovative platform and gathering high-quality talent resources, it will inject strong momentum into the new track of industrial development.
The life and health industry is an important focus for Yixing's transformation and success in the future. In recent years, Yixing Economic Development Zone has actively laid out and made every effort to seize the new track of the future synthetic biology industry, carefully formulated and issued an industrial development plan, and made the synthetic biology industry one of the three major future industries to be focused on. At present, a "one park and two zones" coordinated development pattern has been formed, with one industrial demonstration zone and one coordinated development zone, and platforms such as the China Elderly Nutrition Food Industrial Park and Jiangsu Jicui Future Food Technology Research Institute have been built.
At the National Science and Technology Conference held in Beijing in June this year, the project "Key Technologies and Applications for Efficient Breeding and Optimization of Industrial Strains for Food Biomanufacturing" led by Jiangnan University and participated in by Yixing Economic Development Zone Enterprise Yixing Food and Biotechnology Research Institute and other units won the second prize of the National Science and Technology Progress Award. As the "smart brain" of industrial development, Yixing Food and Biotechnology Research Institute has currently hired 12 academicians from the two academies as scientific consultants, introduced 14 R&D teams with independent operation and strong industrial technology development capabilities from Jiangnan University, Sichuan University, Jiangsu University, etc., and established joint laboratories with well-known domestic and foreign companies such as Han Guoyiren, Beijing Green Jinke, and Zhongxuan Biochemical, and introduced 5 high-quality industry companies to settle in the industrial park, becoming an important support platform for the development of Yixing's synthetic biology industry. In order to encourage enterprises to transform scientific and technological innovation into results, Yixing will give a reward of 500,000 yuan to the main completion units that won the second prize of the National Science and Technology Award.
To accelerate the implementation of industrial projects and provide high-quality carrier guarantees, the Yixing Economic Development Zone Synthetic Biology Kangmei Industrial Park was officially launched at this competition. It is understood that the park will rely on the existing synthetic biology full-factor support of the Association, plan to use 800 acres of land, and build an industrial park layout of "one institute and three zones" with Yixing Food and Biotechnology Research Institute as the core, mainly R&D incubation zone, facility supporting zone, and achievement transformation zone.
In order to further explore the innovative model of "implementing projects and attracting talents", Yixing Economic Development Zone, Jiangsu Industrial Technology Research Institute and Nanjing Zhi Optoelectronics Research Institute jointly built the "Optoelectronics Chip Valley" science and technology innovation enclave at the beginning of this year. Since the enclave was put into operation for half a year, it has successfully attracted 8 entrepreneurial team projects to officially settle in. Taking advantage of resources and accelerating the attraction of talents and projects, this time, the Yixing Economic Development Zone Nanjing "Double Recruitment and Double Introduction" Talent Work Station was unveiled, and a group of university representatives, expert representatives, and chamber of commerce representatives were hired as talent recruitment consultants.
Those who are near are pleased, and those who are far away come. The first-class innovation and entrepreneurship environment attracts many outstanding talents and projects. "It took less than a month from confirming the intention to settle in to settling in." Min Qiang, general manager of Yixing Mia Biotechnology Co., Ltd. revealed. In Yixing, talents can be localized, and all materials and raw materials can also be localized. Both the support of the domestic market and the convenient conditions for going overseas are very convenient. With Guoxin Xielian as the production base and Jiangda as the talent base, the speed of enterprise development has been greatly accelerated, and precious time has been gained for the hard work in the early stage of entrepreneurship. A total of 20 projects entered the finals of this competition, covering multiple fields such as chronic disease health management and accurate early screening of diseases.