
Guan Zhong's scheme to destroy a country was used to perfection by the United States. Many countries were attacked by it. China cracked it with one move.


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Isn't Zhuge Liang already powerful enough? When he was debating with the scholars in the Eastern Wu, he was ridiculed and mocked by the ministers of the Eastern Wu.

Why? Because Zhuge Liang said he had the talents of Guan Zhong and Yue Yi.

You know, in the hearts of civil officials of all dynasties, Guan Zhong has always been a worshipped figure.

What did Guan Zhong do to make so many officials look up to him? Even the vicious scheme he invented is being used to perfection by the United States today.

Next, let us learn about Guan Zhong’s glorious record of defeating a country without spending a single soldier.

How did the United States use this strategy to suppress countries such as Japan, the Soviet Union, Chile, and China?

Those who are familiar with history may know that there was actually a feud between Duke Huan of Qi and Guan Zhong.

Before Duke Huan of Qi became the king of Qi, Guan Zhong shot out his two front teeth with an arrow, almost killing him.

Duke Huan of Qi put aside past grudges and after becoming king, he listened to Bao Shuya's advice and appointed Guan Zhong as his prime minister. This led to Duke Huan of Qi who dominated the Spring and Autumn Period.

The reason why Duke Huan of Qi was able to dominate the Spring and Autumn Period was all due to Guan Zhong's strategy, which enabled him to defeat several countries without spending a single soldier. Therefore, Duke Huan of Qi has to bow down to Guan Zhong.

Shandong is called "the land of Qi and Lu" because it was originally the territory of Qi and Lu. You know, there is no room for two tigers in one mountain, let alone two countries?

Therefore, conflicts often broke out between Qi and Lu, and the daily life of the two countries was "eating, sleeping, and fighting."

At that time, the State of Lu had a kind of clothing made of a fabric called "Tifu". Guan Zhong said to Duke Huan of Qi, "You should issue an order now to let all the people wear this kind of "Tifu".

You know, this kind of clothes is very expensive, but Qi is rich, which made Duke Huan of Qi confused. But he had one advantage, although he didn't understand, he was obedient.

In this way, "Tifu" became popular in Qi. Gradually, the "Tifu" in Lu was in short supply, and the people were jealous of so much money.

As a result, local people stopped farming and just wove cloth at home every day to make this kind of "ti clothing". Selling clothes can make money much faster than farming.

When the neighboring Liang State saw this, it also began to encourage its people to weave this kind of "ti clothing". Why? Because it makes money.

At that time, the money earned from selling a set of "ti clothing" was enough to buy enough food for a family to eat for three months. Who would still grow food? Wouldn't it be better to eat out every day? Anyway, the money earned from weaving cloth was endless.

In just two or three years, the land of Lu and Liang was deserted. The people of the two countries were very happy to see the money they earned every day.

When Guan Zhong saw this situation, he felt that the time was ripe and began to close the net.

The first step was to prohibit all Qi people from wearing this kind of "Ti clothing". The second step was to prohibit the export of grain to Lu and Liang, and domestic grain prices skyrocketed.

Lu and Liang were dumbfounded. What's the point of making so much money? You can't buy food with the money.

Their own country has not produced food for two years, what should the people do? They flee. If they can’t get food in their own country, they flee to other countries.

At this time, Guan Zhong ordered Qi to lower the price of grain and sent troops to attack Lu and Liang. As a result, Lu and Liang never recovered and finally withdrew from the stage of history.

So when it comes to economic warfare and trade wars, China is the ancestor of other countries, and Guan Zhong is the founder. Using the same method, Guan Zhong defeated the State of Chu.

The territory of Chu State is rich in mountains, trees and water, and its specialty is sika deer. Sika deer are not only beautiful, but also a symbol of mascot in the eyes of the ancients.

At that time, the relationship between Qi and Chu was very bad. Duke Huan of Qi drew his great sword and wanted to declare war on Chu.

Guan Zhong held Duke Huan of Qi down and said that he would do the dirty work.

Guan Zhong asked Duke Huan of Qi to send some people to the State of Chu to frantically purchase sika deer, and the price was higher than the market price in Chu.

The local people thought that there were no such sika deer in Qi State, so they paid a large sum of money to buy them. They bought them back for the rare sight, and then they began to catch sika deer on a large scale.

Unexpectedly, the purchase lasted for three years. The local people stopped farming and working. They just went catching deer as soon as they opened their eyes every day, and they spent the whole day catching deer.

If you catch a sika deer, the price you get from selling it is enough to support your farming for a year. Who would want to work in the fields every day? It's hard work and you don't make any money. It's not as practical as catching sika deer.

Similarly, during these three years, the Chu State did not produce a single grain of grain from its fields and had to rely entirely on imports from the Qi State.

When it was time to close the net, Guan Zhong used the same old trick and stopped everyone from purchasing sika deer and banned the export of domestic grain to the State of Chu.

The State of Chu was now in a panic. The price of grain in the country was rising rapidly, and even if they had money, they could not buy grain. After all, all the grain in recent years had been imported from the State of Qi.

The Chu State had been in civil strife for half a year and its national strength had been greatly weakened. Duke Huan of Qi took the opportunity to send troops to attack the Chu State. He was unstoppable and captured a large amount of Chu State's territory.

This is the famous strategy of "buying a deer to control Chu", which can be regarded as the earliest example of economic warfare. From this, we can understand why Guan Zhong was worshipped by later civil servants.

The Chu State never recovered from this defeat and did not recover for decades. It was not until Wu Qi went to Chu State and carried out a series of reforms that the Chu State regained its strength.

After the United States learned Guan Zhong's strategies, it was repeatedly used on other countries and gained a lot of benefits.

First, during the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union, the two countries engaged in an arms race, and the Soviet Union also invested all its economic resources in the development of the military industry.

This made the Soviet Union's light industry very backward for a time. When the Soviet leaders decided to develop light industry, the US strategy began.

He joined forces with major oil-producing countries such as Saudi Arabia and Iran to raise international oil prices very high, and communicated with Western industrial powers to begin exporting large quantities of light industrial products such as daily necessities to the Soviet Union.

The Soviet Union was an oil-rich country and made a lot of money. A large amount of US dollars poured into the country, and the country began to use the dollars to buy light industrial products for people's livelihood and civilian use.

When their leaders saw this, they wondered why they were still developing a trivial light industry? Wouldn't it be enough to sell oil for dollars, and then use the dollars to exchange for light industrial products?

There was no way to spend it all. So in those years, the Soviet Union was extremely rich. Although there was no light industry system in the country, the people still lived a very rich life.

The turning point came in 1979 when the Soviet Union launched the Afghan War. When the United States heard the news, it almost laughed its mouth off.

The United States secretly supported Afghanistan, providing it with weapons, ammunition, and food supplies, just to keep Afghanistan holding the Soviet Union back.

At the same time, the United States manipulated international oil prices, driving oil prices to very, very low levels, and had Western countries directly block the export of light industrial products to the Soviet Union.

The Soviet Union was in a panic. It couldn't get out of Afghanistan, oil was not profitable, and oil production was not good. The quality of life of the people in the country declined and they protested.

The Soviet Union, which was facing internal and external troubles, finally endured it all and went down the path of division.

The same thing happened to Chile. At the time, Chile was very rich from exporting minerals, and the United States thought, this is not okay, how can my little brother escape from my control?

As a result, the United States took over all of Chile's mineral exports and offered a price higher than the international market price.

Chile was overjoyed because exporting to the United States saved postage and the price was higher. So no matter how much Chile exported, the United States would buy it all.

Every two years, Chile has too many US dollars, which directly leads to inflation, the entire domestic market economy is in chaos, and a financial crisis breaks out.

American capital took the opportunity to enter the Chilean market and acquired local companies on a large scale, thus controlling the economic lifeline of Chile.

Similarly, the United States originally wanted to use this set of things on China, but it didn't know that our country is the ancestor of playing tricks.

When the Chinese were playing these tricks, the Americans had not yet evolved into humans. The United States turned China into a light industrial processing factory for the whole world.

If China dares to develop its own high-tech industry, the United States will strangle China. But China has never given up on independently developing high-tech industries.

Especially chips, lithography machines, etc., the facts have proved that the United States wants to strangle China in such high-tech, but such an operation does not exist.

It is also under the leadership of the Party that my country has insisted on independent innovation and the development of its own high-tech industries, which has enabled our country to transform from an industrial power into an industrial powerhouse.

Information source: Guanzi, Shiji