
Bank Finance Eyes | Be the counterparty of the central bank? Puyin Wealth Management responded to the employee's report: the case has been reported


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Phoenix Finance reported that according to pictures circulating on social media platforms, Wu Moumou, an employee of Pudong Development Bank's wealth management subsidiary, publicly stated in his circle of friends that he would "be cautious about Pudong Development Bank's financial report" and reported the company for suspected five violations, as follows:

1. Ignore the advice of the central bank and insist on being the most beautiful retrograde;

2. Routinely collecting management fees, reselling coupons, illegally reselling profits, defrauding customers of their interests, and using channels to squeeze the hard-earned money of the people;

3. Holding a large amount of real estate bonds for a long time, ignoring the advice of senior traders, chasing high prices and buying long-term bonds, thinking that the bomb will not explode on their heads, and leaving the mess to the next trader;

4. He bullied securities firms for a long time, forcing them to take over hundreds of millions of misinvested bonds that were no longer in the warehouse, and asked securities firms to bridge the defaulted real estate bonds, taking advantage of his power to bully others;

5. Rewards and punishments are not clearly defined. The transaction manager who bid the wrong bid and took it back illegally was awarded the annual outstanding employee, while the whistleblower (Mr. Wu) could only be a person who did not deserve a name and was laughed at by the manager.

Screenshot of the revelation

In her revelation, Wu said that she had evidence for the above reports and requested the Pufa Discipline Inspection Commission to intervene and protect her personal life and property.

In response to this, Phoenix Finance's "Banking Eyes" called Puyin Wealth Management for verification, and the other party said, "The company has paid attention to this matter, and the relevant issues will be reported to the company. There is no guarantee whether there will be a follow-up phone call reply."

Subsequently, the official website of Puyin Wealth Management released a "Statement on False Information Spread Online", stating that "Recently, our employee Wu Moumou has repeatedly posted false statements about the company on WeChat Moments, which has aroused public attention. After verification, our company has not committed any related illegal or irregular acts, nor has it infringed the legitimate rights and interests of investors, cooperative institutions and employees. Since what Wu Moumou said is seriously inconsistent with the facts, in order to protect the company's reputation and the legitimate rights and interests of the majority of investors, our company has reported the case to the public security organs. At present, our company's operations are normal."

Screenshot of Puyin Wealth Management statement