
Many places have issued articles to expose and criticize the "new image project": exceeding financial resources has led to the forced misappropriation of funds in the people's livelihood field


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"'Image projects' have a long history, and the people hate them deeply. In recent years, under the high-pressure situation of comprehensively governing the Party with strict discipline and combating the 'four tendencies', 'image projects' and 'political achievement projects' have been curbed to a considerable extent. However, in some places, new variants of the 'four tendencies' have emerged, such as 'building venues instead of buildings, and creating landscapes regardless of reality'. Most of these projects are promoted in the name of 'people's livelihood projects', 'cultural construction', and 'retaining nostalgia', which have brought adverse effects on fiscal operations, the image of the Party and government, people's livelihood needs, and sustainable development. This is the so-called 'new image project'."

Recently, the Discipline Inspection and Supervision Commission of Zhoukou City, Henan Province, published an article stating that the harm of the "new image project" should not be underestimated. The "new image project" often exceeds the local fiscal capacity, resulting in a large amount of funds being ineffectively occupied. These funds could have been used in education, medical care, social security and other livelihood areas, but were forced to be misappropriated due to image projects, resulting in a waste of resources; some "new image projects" are out of touch with the actual needs of the people, and even at the expense of the interests of the people. For example, blindly built large squares and vacant buildings and halls have not only failed to improve people's lives, but have increased the burden on the people; some "new image projects" ignore environmental protection during construction, resulting in ecological damage and environmental pollution. These consequences often require a long time and high costs to repair, bringing severe challenges to local sustainable development; the prevalence of "new image projects" has fostered bad practices such as formalism and bureaucracy. Some leading cadres are keen on "face projects" and ignore actual work and livelihood issues, resulting in a decline in the government's credibility. In short, there are many harms but no benefits.

The article analyzes that a loud drum needs a heavy hammer. To prevent and control the "new image project", joint efforts are needed from the government, society, the public and other parties. It is necessary to improve the performance evaluation system, include long-term goals such as improving people's livelihood, protecting the ecological environment, and social harmony and stability in the assessment scope, and guide leading cadres to establish a correct performance and development concept through a scientific and reasonable evaluation system; establish and improve the supervision mechanism, and timely discover and correct the "new image project" problems through on-site visits, investigations and verifications; strengthen scientific demonstration and democratic decision-making, and make industry experts and the people the participants and supervisors of government decision-making through demonstration meetings and hearings; strengthen information disclosure and public opinion guidance, and let the public understand the government's work dynamics and "new image project" problems through media publicity and online interaction, so as to form a good atmosphere of joint supervision by the whole society; establish and improve the accountability mechanism, and seriously hold those responsible for the "new image project" problems accountable, and form a strong deterrent effect through accountability and punishment. Through the above iron-fisted measures, the "new image project" will have no place to hide.

Recently, many places across the country have issued articles discussing the issue of "new image projects".

As mentioned in an article on the website of the Discipline Inspection and Supervision Commission of Rizhao City, Shandong Province, with the continuous deepening of work style construction, grassroots formalism and image projects have been curbed to a certain extent, but some "new variants" of formalism and "eye-catching tricks" of new image projects have quietly emerged. We must recognize the new manifestations of formalism, recognize the harm of formalism and image projects, and implement precise policies to eliminate the "new variants" of grassroots formalism and expose the "eye-catching tricks" of new image projects.

This article believes that in order to break the "variants" of form and expose the "disguise" of image, we must do more hidden work and benefit in the long run. The obvious work is "performing on stage to win the applause of the whole house", and the hidden work is "preparing for the play off stage to hone real skills". The "eye-catching tricks" of image projects are confusing. Some places are keen on doing "face projects" and building cities bright and beautiful, but they do not pay enough attention to people's livelihood issues. The sense of gain and happiness of the people has not been substantially improved; others, in the work of poverty alleviation and rural revitalization, in order to cope with inspections and assessments, have carried out digital poverty alleviation and false revitalization, which seriously deviated from the original intention of the work. To eradicate formalism, we must practice the performance concept of "success for the benefit of the people", be of one mind with the people, and care about the branches and leaves. We must uphold the responsibility of "not seeking performance for ourselves, but only seeking development for our careers", put the people at the center of the process and results, not engage in face-saving projects that waste people's money and time, short-sighted political achievement projects, or superficial image projects. We must do more good things that are not obvious at the moment but will benefit in the long run and benefit future generations. We must seek advice from the people everywhere and ask the people for results in everything. We must take practical measures to clear the "bottlenecks" in people's livelihood, work hard to solve the "urgent needs" and use practical efforts to do the "important things" that benefit the people.

The article also mentioned that in order to break the "variants" of form and expose the "disguise" of image, we must dare to show our sword and strengthen supervision. In recent years, the central government and local governments have intensively introduced a series of measures to oppose formalism, solved a number of prominent problems, curbed some "evil tendencies", and played a positive role. However, breaking the "new variants" of grassroots formalism and the "eye-catching tricks" of new image projects is a long-term and arduous task. If the mind is lax, false winds will prevail, and there is a high possibility of "resurrection". To eradicate formalism, we must carry forward the spirit of "nailing down" and persevere for a long time. Discipline inspection and supervision agencies at all levels should increase supervision and inspection of grassroots formalism and image projects, seriously investigate and deal with problems found, and never condone them. We must strictly implement the spirit of the Central Committee's eight regulations and continue to correct the "four winds". We must establish and improve a reporting mechanism for formalism problems, encourage the masses to actively participate in supervision, and make formalism nowhere to hide. At the same time, we must publicly expose typical cases to form a powerful deterrent.

In addition, an article published in the Hebei Provincial Committee's "Communist Party Member" magazine concluded that the "New Image Project" seems to be aimed at promoting economic development and creating a local business card, but in fact it is a waste of money and time, pursuing short-term benefits, and building a personal image. In essence, it is a desire for quick success and instant benefits and greed for fame under the control of a wrong view of political achievements. It will inevitably increase the burden on the grassroots, lead to serious waste of state property and social resources, breed a bad atmosphere of fraud and extravagance, and seriously damage the interests of the Party, the country, and the people. We must make great efforts to correct it.

This article believes that to stop the unhealthy trend of "new image projects", we must establish a correct view of political achievements. Why do some leading cadres enjoy the "new image project"? In the final analysis, it is because their view of political achievements is wrong, and they have forgotten "for whom, on whom, and who I am". To remove the cancer of "new image projects", we must start with a correct view of political achievements. A tall building is built from the ground, relying on bricks and stones; a thousand-mile road connects all directions, relying on pouring bit by bit. Serving as an official, benefiting the people. Leading cadres must understand for whom the political achievements are built, what kind of political achievements are built, and what they rely on to build political achievements. They must adhere to truth-seeking and pragmatism, make scientific decisions, take the needs of the masses as the first goal, widely absorb public opinion, and gather public wisdom to ensure that every project can stand the test of history and the masses, and seek tangible benefits for the masses.

To stop the unhealthy trend of "new image projects", we must strengthen supervision and accountability of cadres. It is better to hold them accountable once than to mobilize them a thousand times. "Anyway, I will just leave in a few years, and whoever takes over will take responsibility." Some leading cadres dare to defy the world and are full of enthusiasm for "new image projects". It is not that they are "bold", but that the supervision and accountability are not strong enough. We must increase the supervision, discipline and accountability, include those who violate regulations and blindly set up "new image projects" into the accountability system, clarify the standards for violations and the forms of accountability, increase the intensity of punishment, and severely investigate and deal with the "new image projects" that are discovered, so that the responsible persons will feel the pain with a zero-tolerance attitude, tighten the iron cage of supervision, discipline and accountability, and decisively draw the sword against those who go against the wind and have prominent problems, forming a high-pressure deterrent.

To stop the unhealthy trend of "new image projects", we must continuously improve the performance appraisal method. We should better include long-term goals such as improving people's livelihood, protecting the ecological environment, and maintaining social harmony and stability in the scope of appraisal, and guide cadres at all levels to establish and practice a correct view of performance. We should give full play to the role of the "baton" of appraisal, guide cadres at all levels to suppress their impetuous and impatient mentality, do more things that lay the foundation, benefit the long-term, produce practical results, and create practical achievements, and solidly promote the construction of Chinese-style modernization.