
The truth about the "pelvic repair" industry: a scam based on marketing


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Whether the mother has a caesarean section or a natural birth, they will face the problem of a wider pelvis and a larger buttocks after giving birth.

If your belly is big, you can suck it in and out...but if your butt gets wider, there seems to be nothing you can do about it, which is really annoying.

Image source: giphy

Many beauty salons and confinement centers have seen the business opportunity and packaged pelvic repair, a medical project originally used by hospitals to treat severe pelvic problems, into a postpartum body shaping and repair project that every mother needs.

Today we will talk in detail about postpartum pelvic repair, which everyone is concerned about, and the layers of routines behind the pelvic repair projects in beauty salons.

Pelvic widening is a natural change

Only 1% of mothers need pelvic repair

First, let us take a brief look at the changes that occur in our pelvis after pregnancy and childbirth.

Starting from 10 to 12 weeks of pregnancy, under the action of relaxin produced by the placenta, the ligaments at the pubic symphysis of the pelvis will gradually become loose, the pubic symphysis in the front will expand, and at the same time the joints in the back of the pelvis will also expand to varying degrees, making the pelvis wider, the hips wider, and the buttocks bigger.

Within 3 to 8 months after giving birth, our pelvis will return to its original state on its own.

Female pelvis before pregnancy vs. female pelvis after pregnancy

Only about 1% of mothers will experience severe symphysis pubis separation (the symphysis pubis becomes wider than 10mm) and need to undergo pelvic repair with medication or even surgery under the guidance of a professional doctor or rehabilitation therapist.

For most mothers, there is no need to do any pelvic repair at all, and the widening of the pelvis caused by pregnancy and childbirth will recover naturally.

Non-professional institutions such as beauty salons and confinement centers take advantage of mothers' anxiety about their figure and health, as well as their lack of understanding of postpartum body changes, and use layers of rhetoric to induce mothers to spend money to apply for cards.

Common routine 1: Scare you

Tell you the N kinds of harms of not repairing the pelvis

Without pelvic repair, your posture problems will become more and more serious, your spine will become deformed, and you may even be unable to walk.

Without pelvic repair, the internal organs in the pelvis will be affected and prolapse;

Without pelvic repair, the pelvis is opened, gynecological diseases will naturally occur, and it will also affect sexual life and even fertility;


I believe you have more or less seen this information at the entrance of beauty salons on the street or on various posters in your circle of friends.

Image source: Internet

When you accidentally get drawn into a postpartum beauty salon, or add the customer service WeChat account due to a momentary tremor, these professional service (sales) staff will begin to "popularize science" to you, holding a bunch of information to tell you the dangers of not performing pelvic recovery after childbirth.

Image source: Internet

But in fact, these so-called hazards have no scientific theoretical basis.

It is one-sided to attribute posture problems solely to a widened pelvis. These institutions are simply exaggerating the anxiety of mothers in order to get them to undergo pelvic repair.

During pregnancy and childbirth, women's changes in center of gravity, weight gain, bone changes, increased relaxation of ligaments and soft tissues, etc., can all lead to changes in posture during pregnancy and postpartum, and are not simply caused by changes in the pelvis.

This series of body changes will gradually recover after delivery as the body's hormones, organs, and skeletal muscles recover.

For healthy mothers, it is complete nonsense to say that without pelvic repair, posture problems will become more and more serious, the spine will be deformed, and it will affect walking.

Image source: Internet

It is nonsense to say that not repairing the pelvis will cause organ prolapse.

The pelvic cavity does contain internal organs.But it is the pelvic floor muscles and related ligaments and fascia that hold them up and prevent them from prolapse.

As long as mothers pay attention to rest after delivery and avoid heavy physical labor, prolapse will generally not occur;Even if we want to prevent prolapse, it is the pelvic floor muscles that need to be repaired, not the pelvis.

To describe problems with the pelvic floor muscles and related ligaments and fascia as problems with the pelvis is confusing, and gynecological diseases, fertility, and pelvic repair have nothing to do with each other.

If you are fooled by these tactics, or show any anxiety, the other party will seize the opportunity and use the second layer of tactics on you.

Common routine 2: Urge you

Falsely claiming there is a "golden period" for pelvic repair

It is basically the same as the first routine, but it will create a sense of urgency. They will say that pelvic repair must seize the golden period, 42 days to 6 months after delivery, and it must be repaired early; once missed, repair will be extremely difficult!

Image source: Internet

Why they emphasize that 42 days to 6 months after delivery is the golden period is very subtle.Because most women's pelvis will recover on its own 3 to 8 months after giving birth.

Isn’t the “golden age” exactly in this time period?

They urged mothers to seize this opportunity to repair their pelvis.We should attribute our body's ability to recover on its own to their credit.

And if you are lobbied six months after giving birth, there will be another set of rhetoric prepared for you.

You came late and have missed the best time for recovery, so your recovery will be slower. The effect may not be obvious at the beginning. You must persist, and you will need more treatments than others.

In this way, they not only put the blame on us for the ineffectiveness of their pelvic repair, but also make mothers spend more money.

It’s wonderful, it’s really wonderful.

Image source: giphy

Routine three: free trial

Let you feel the pelvis become smaller

"Medical miracle"

After being intimidated and urged by the previous threats, some mothers were deceived into paying money to apply for the cards.

If you show any hesitation or are still in doubt at this time, these institutions will bring out their "trump card" - free on-site trial.

You can try it for free now to feel the techniques of our therapists and the effects of the repair!

They will first measure your hip circumference with a tape measure, and while measuring will help you "diagnose" various problems such as your pelvis seems to be crooked, etc., which will increase your panic.

Next, a "professional rehabilitation therapist" will be called in, who will ask you to lie on the bed, apply ointment or medicated oil to your pelvis, and then operate on your pelvis, pressing it hard until the bones crackle.

Image source: Internet

After finishing, measure it again with a ruler for your mother.You will be surprised to find that your hip circumference has actually become smaller! It's amazing and effective!

So you take advantage of the "special offer" to pay for a card, and easily spend thousands or even tens of thousands of dollars.

What you may not realize is that your pelvis is not repaired at all.

Our pelvis is composed of the hip bones on both sides, the sacrum in the middle, and the coccyx below. There is a gap between the joints. When we squeeze the pelvis, the gap between the joints will become smaller. But when we walk, it slowly returns to its previous state.

The next day the pelvis was back to normal, but our wallets were empty...

In addition to this manual pelvic closure, similar instrument-assisted pelvic repairs all work on the same principle, except that they use machine clamps instead of manual squeezing, which is equally unreliable.

Image source: Internet

Stay Away from Pelvic Repair Scams

Not only does it cost money, it may also harm your health

After going through the tricks and scams of pelvic repair in beauty salons, some mothers may ask: What if it really works? I will just treat it as a massage for comfort.

If it's just a waste of money, it's not the biggest problem. What's important is the hidden risks behind these restoration projects.

The bodies of postpartum mothers cannot withstand such frequent and vigorous squeezing by these unknown "professionals".Slightly improper techniques may cause damage to our muscles, joints and ligaments. For mothers who already have a dislocated pelvis, pressing may make the dislocated pelvis worse.

Such news is not uncommon.

Image source: Internet

Finally, I want to say:

Cherish your pelvis, hold your wallet, and stay away from all kinds of non-professional institutions

"Pelvic repair" is often abused by businesses to make money by taking advantage of women's anxiety about their body shape.