
More and more people don't hang clothes on their balconies anymore. Learn from the rich to design them in a clean, beautiful and high-end way.


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The balcony is not an indispensable component in architectural design, but it is a very important part of home life, because the main function of the balcony is to dry clothes, so that the clothes can dry quickly without odor. However, many families do not know that this will reduce the overall sense of luxury of the house.

Because many families hang clothes on the balcony to save space, the balcony becomes very messy, which makes the whole living environment look very low.

The washing machine with a mirror for washing is often part of the balcony, so many people can see the washing machine on the balcony, as well as dark-colored trash cans covered with a layer of dust, which makes the entire balcony look more like a utility room.

But if you look closely at the balconies of rich people, you will find that many of them have washing and drying sets installed on their balconies, so that the balcony will not be so cluttered. So build your balcony like the rich and learn from them.

Work study area.

If you ask which place has the best light, I think everyone will say the balcony. Yes, in most home designs, the balcony is designed to be the brightest place, because the balcony windows can lead directly to nature, and the balcony windows with open light transmittance is also the best.

Therefore, if we want to make rational use of the balcony resource, we should start from the aesthetic aspect and design it into a work and study area. Especially for some people who need to do a lot of writing, not having a fixed writing space at home can achieve faster writing progress.

In order to complete your work better and faster, I will teach you how to design the balcony into a work and study area. First, you need to put a floor cabinet in the balcony, and then put a table and a chair on it. In this way, you can carry out some work-related learning, and this is also more in line with the aesthetic concepts of young people today.

Today's young people need a quiet place to think no matter where they are, which allows them to complete their work more efficiently. So if you don’t know how to design your home, you might as well try setting up the balcony as a work and study area.

This will not only give you a quiet space to think, but also improve the quality of the entire home. With such an enviable study, your friends will spread the word about your good home environment.

Laundry area.

Nowadays, almost every household has a washing machine, but many families place the washing machine in the kitchen or bathroom. So someone asked if we should move the washing machine to the balcony?

Why bother with this?

That's right, neither the kitchen nor the bathroom can be considered as balconies, because the kitchen is a place you can only see after you enter the room. Compared with the balcony, it is not a bright place and the kitchen is full of fumes, so placing the washing machine on the balcony is the best choice.

Moreover, the faucet and shower in the bathroom are important components, and the washing machine has problems such as leakage and water leakage, so it is relatively dangerous to install the washing machine in the bathroom. Therefore, the architect will also install the washing machine on the balcony for us.

Because the balcony is not an indoor space, the ventilation conditions are better, and the balcony itself is an open building, which has no effect on water vapor. At the same time, the balcony is well ventilated for exercise and is also the best place for washing clothes. It can ensure that the clothes dry quickly without any odor, and it can also keep the room clean and fresh.

There are actually many issues that need to be paid attention to when placing a washing machine on the balcony. The first is the waterproofing issue. Although the balcony itself is an open building, rainy and windy days must also be taken into consideration.

Therefore, when installing a washing machine, you must pay attention to the selection of windows and window covers. Otherwise, as the rain washes away, it will cause serious consequences such as electric leakage and water leakage in the washing machine. Moreover, if the roof is not built well, it may cause water to enter the house and cause leakage and infiltration.

Leisure area.

The designs of only the work and study area and the laundry area are not comprehensive enough. Nowadays, many young people in society have very high requirements for the quality of life. Therefore, in addition to the work and study area, the leisure area should also be fully considered. The leisure area can be designed according to personal preferences.

If you like drinking tea, you can design the leisure area into a small living room for tea drinking. You can realize this idea by placing a coffee table and a few chairs on one side of the balcony. If you want more people to drink tea together, you can add sofas and other furniture next to it.

However, the prerequisite is that the furniture can withstand direct strong light. Otherwise, after being exposed to direct strong light for a long time, the furniture will have problems such as peeling. If you like to grow flowers, you can set up the balcony as a garden, and the wall or floor structure on the side can be carefully designed.

If the floor has not been renovated, you can choose to lay a layer of antiseptic wood on the floor, and beautify the wall structure, lay climbing plants on the wall, and place beautifully shaped flower pots on the ground, so that you can enjoy many beautiful flowers.

You can also place a rocking chair and a side chair to make this an area for rest, work or study.

If you don't like tea tasting but prefer watching movies, you can directly set up the leisure area as a viewing room, stick a screen on the wall, place a projector on one side, and put some recliners, then you can enjoy your movie-watching time comfortably.


We often say that every design in the home should be considered practical as much as possible, because all designs oriented towards practicality are correct, but I think it is not only that, we also have to consider the aesthetics. No one does not want their home to look both high-end and practical!

So we need to re-examine the balcony. After all, in the entire house, the balcony is almost the only place with excellent lighting conditions, so we must make rational use of this space.