
World of Warcraft Classic: The official issued another questionnaire, suggesting that Ulduar will be speedrun, in preparation for weakening?


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On Wednesday of this week, many players went to the official account of World of Warcraft to leave messages, demanding that the Ulduar raid be further weakened this week. However, when the maintenance announcement came out on Thursday, many players were directly angry. Because after three consecutive weakenings, the fourth weakening that players expected did not come as scheduled. So many players hope that the official World of Warcraft will continue to weaken and lower the difficulty of Ulduar, but the official did not weaken it. It just recently released a questionnaire, which seems to hint that the next round of weakening is coming.

However, many players have discovered a mystery. When the maintenance announcement was released on Thursday, everyone found that the time on the announcement was August 22, but the actual content looked very familiar. Yes, the content of last week’s announcement only modified the time, but the editor seemed to have forgotten to modify the weakening content in the announcement, so many players thought it was weakened again, but when they entered the game to verify it, they found that there was no weakening. It can only be said that the official’s slacking off has been confirmed.

However, it seems that the World of Warcraft officials are planning a new round of weakening. This is because many players have received questionnaires about Ulduar in recent times, but everyone knows that it is impossible to send out questionnaires casually. Almost when sending out questionnaires, the officials are about to update or have prepared the update and just check the players' opinions before launching it. Therefore, there are many mysteries hidden in the content of this questionnaire. If the farmers and workers don't think too much about it, then there is a high probability that a new round of weakening is coming.

There is one very attractive point in this questionnaire, which is asking players how long they think the ideal raid takes and how many hours it would take to complete H Ulduar. I believe that many people, like the farmers and workers, chose an hour. After all, an hour or two hours is just right for raiding. If the time is more, it will be difficult to have continuous time to continue raiding, which will affect the players' experience. Therefore, many people hope to shorten the raid time.

If every player chooses to complete the raid in one to two hours, then the raid must be weakened next. Of course, for most players or more mature gold groups, it takes about two hours to complete Ulduar, and some groups with lower levels take about three hours. Because the monsters are continuously weakened, the time spent by players will be greatly reduced. Of course, the difficulty has not changed much.

If you want to compress the time to about an hour, there are only two ways. One is to wait until the players are equipped in the later stage, then the difficulty of the group will inevitably decrease. The other more practical method is to weaken the BOSS of Ulduar. Only by weakening the difficulty of the BOSS of Ulduar can players significantly reduce the clearance time and allow players to quickly clear the level instead of getting stuck at certain BOSS and finally choosing to AFK.

Judging from the changes over the past period of time, Nonggong feels that the official will actually continue to weaken the Ulduar raid, and the weakening of the Ulduar raid is actually just the beginning. In the future, there will be more and more raids or other modes whose difficulty will be weakened, allowing players to better participate in the game, rather than having difficulty joining a group or not being able to beat them even if they join a group, and the requirements for group leaders will be lowered. Otherwise, there are actually not many players who can start a group.

Although Ulduar was not weakened this week, I still believe that weakening Ulduar is still the official theme and core goal of World of Warcraft. Only when the difficulty of the raid is reduced can players pass it. Only when players pass it can they continue to play World of Warcraft. And only by passing it can they obtain equipment and better prepare for the next stage, so weakening is inevitable.