
"China Story Co-creation Conference" Argentine Ambassador to China fell in love with Chinese red wine and looked forward to great success in the red wine trade between China and Argentina


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China Daily Online, August 23 (Reporter Pan Yiqiao) From August 20 to 23, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs organized more than 30 ambassadors, diplomats and representatives of international organizations from embassies of 23 countries and international organizations in China to visit Hebei with the theme of "Green Hebei, Endless Scenery".
During the visit to COFCO Great Wall Sangan Winery, Argentine Ambassador to China Ma Zhiyuan showed great interest. As we all know, Argentine red wine is world-famous, but as the first bottle of Great Wall wine in China that meets international standards, the ambassador praised it highly after tasting it. He said that Great Wall wine is a high-quality red wine and congratulated it on becoming a very popular red wine.
Many Chinese people love Argentine red wine, and he also hopes that more Argentines can taste Chinese red wine. Ambassador Ma Zhiyuan told reporters that in the past few decades, the quality of Chinese red wine has been significantly improved, and he believes that Argentina and China will have great potential in trade cooperation in red wine.
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