
The Hong Kong government refuted the New York Times report: the content is biased and expressed strong dissatisfaction!


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[Global Times Report] According to a press release issued by the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government on August 23, the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government expressed strong dissatisfaction and opposition to the biased content of an article in the New York Times titled "How the Hong Kong Government Uses National Security Exhibitions to Reshape City Memory", which made false and misleading reports on the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region's National Security Exhibition Hall.

According to the press release, a spokesman for the SAR government said, "The National Security Exhibition Hall is the first special hall in the Hong Kong SAR to systematically introduce national security. The purpose of the exhibition hall is to let visitors understand the positive significance of national security, including the importance of the whole people safeguarding national security, and to enhance citizens' cognition and understanding of national security; to introduce the overall national security concept; to promote patriotism and inspire citizens' patriotic feelings; to encourage citizens to actively participate in national security construction and enhance their sense of responsibility and ownership; to bring out the current situation of Hong Kong's security and social stability, and to demonstrate Hong Kong's unique advantages of being backed by the motherland and connected to the world."

"The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region is an inalienable part of the People's Republic of China. It is a local administrative region directly under the Central People's Government that enjoys a high degree of autonomy under the 'one country, two systems' principle. The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region firmly safeguards national sovereignty, security, and development interests, and fully and accurately implements the highest principles of the 'one country, two systems' policy. The SAR government is unswervingly committed to fully and accurately implementing the Hong Kong National Security Law and the National Security Ordinance, effectively responding to, cracking down on, deterring and preventing acts and activities that endanger national security in accordance with the law, and at the same time safeguarding the rights and freedoms of Hong Kong residents in accordance with the law." said a spokesman for the SAR government.

A spokesman for the SAR government said, "In accordance with international law and international relations based on the Charter of the United Nations, maintaining national security is the inherent right of all sovereign states. Many common law jurisdictions, including the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, etc., have enacted a number of laws and enforcement measures to maintain national security in order to safeguard national security in their respective jurisdictions."

A spokesman for the SAR government stressed that "The New York Times' report completely disregards the large-scale, sustained, and severe damage to Hong Kong's social livelihood and economy, the daily riots that seriously endangered national security, and the plot of a Hong Kong version of a 'color revolution' in Hong Kong in 2019, while turning a blind eye to the fact that the Hong Kong National Security Law has restored the lives and economic activities of the vast majority of Hong Kong residents and the business environment. The New York Times' report is a typical hypocritical 'double standard'."

A spokesman for the SAR government said, "The exhibition hall is divided into six parts to showcase the connotation and significance of national security. The content of the exhibition hall is authoritative, objective and authentic, with data, short films, pictures, summaries of real cases, etc., which bring out the importance of the Hong Kong SAR's need to strengthen its work in safeguarding national security due to threats to national security from external forces. The New York Times's false statements about the exhibition hall completely put the cart before the horse and reverse right and wrong."

"Since the exhibition hall opened to the public on August 7, it has attracted a steady stream of visitors, with more than 10,000 visitors in the first four days. Many visitors believe that the exhibition hall is rich in content and detailed in information, with short film screenings, text introductions, interactive games and 3D installations, which are suitable for all ages," said a spokesman for the SAR government. "Since its opening, the exhibition hall has received high praise from all parties and has effectively raised citizens' awareness of safeguarding national security. All the content on display has fully achieved the purpose of setting up the exhibition hall. The National Security Exhibition Hall will continue to actively promote education on safeguarding national security for all the people, encourage citizens to support the Hong Kong SAR in fully and accurately implementing the 'one country, two systems' policy, and maintain Hong Kong's long-term prosperity and stability."

"Maintaining national security is the constitutional responsibility of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, and raising the national security awareness and law-abiding awareness of the residents of the Special Administrative Region is the due responsibility of the Special Administrative Region Government. Any foreign or external forces attempting to discredit the positive significance of the National Security Exhibition Hall will only expose their own shortcomings and will never succeed. The Special Administrative Region Government will certainly continue to perform its duties firmly, make every effort to safeguard national security, and ensure the steady and long-term implementation of the 'one country, two systems' policy." The Special Administrative Region Government spokesman finally said.