
Watch the “spicy” chat丨Young people begin to challenge “living on interest”?


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Recently, #Young people start to challenge living on interest# has become a hot search. In simple terms, it means to control daily expenses as much as possible within the range that your interest can cover, and save money to the end. On Xiaohongshu, the browsing data of related topics such as #Interest Life Challenge##Living with Interest# has reached 130 million times, and countless netizens have checked in their own day of living with Yu'ebao and financial management income under the topic. However, facing this view, many netizens have questioned it.
The editor also did a rough calculation. After the latest interest rate cut, the highest three-year deposit interest rate among the six major state-owned banks is 2.15%. A three-year deposit of 100,000 yuan can earn 6,450 yuan in interest, averaging 2,150 yuan per year, 1,791 yuan per month, and less than 5.9 yuan per day. Obviously, relying on interest is not enough to make a living. However, it is still completely feasible to learn to use interest to achieve "partial retirement" (using interest to cover part of living expenses).
Today’s “spicy” topic: would you challenge yourself to live on interest?