
Innovating the "Three Ones" working method, Southern Power Grid Internet Company forges a new force of young people


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At the just concluded Paris Olympics, Chinese athletes born after 2000 shined in the international arena with their hard-core strength and sense of relaxation, which aroused the whole society's attention to the responsibility and innovative vitality of the younger generation. In the energy field, there is also a young and energetic team that is writing their own wonderful chapter with practical actions. China Southern Power Grid Internet Services Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "China Southern Power Grid Internet Company"), a member of the "national team" of the energy central enterprise established only five years ago, is gathering the power of young people and promoting the company's high-quality development through the "three ones" working method.
The "Three Ones" working method is the key to stimulating youth vitality
In the first half of this year, China Southern Power Grid Internet Company, in line with the requirements of China Southern Power Grid Industrial Investment Group, focused on the core factor of "people" and innovatively proposed the "three ones" working method, namely "one core, one cornerstone, and one goal". This working method takes the leadership of the Party as the core, unity of the people as the cornerstone, and deep integration to lead the youth to make achievements in the main battlefield of the new industry as the goal, which effectively stimulated the kinetic vitality of the young party members and league members.
Under the guidance of the "Three Ones" working method, young party members and league members of China Southern Power Grid Internet Company actively played a role model and took on the responsibility. For example, Hu Rui, a party member demonstration post, led the team to overcome numerous difficulties, promoted the rapid development of smart engineering business with technological innovation, and created significant economic benefits for the company. In addition, the company also strengthened youth learning through monthly theme party day activities, gathered consensus among party members and league members, and unified the thinking of young employees to lead the company's reform and development.
Gather fresh forces to promote the "Hundred Million Project" with youth power
On August 6, the youth commando of the "Hundreds of Millions of Projects" of the Southern Power Grid Internet Company went to Lianzhou City, Qingyuan to carry out voluntary picking and packaging services, helping "rural products" to spread across the province and even the country, and promoting rural revitalization with the power of youth.
As the operator of the energy industry Internet platform on the user side of the new power system, the Southern Power Grid Internet Company implemented the "Youth Party and League Members' Contribution Action", formulated a "District Post Team" work plan, and established a "Hundreds of Millions of Projects" youth assault team, focusing on improving market service capabilities, scientific and technological reform actions, rural revitalization, etc., to encourage young people to take on heavy responsibilities and make contributions in their posts.
Wang Tianyao, captain of the youth commando of the "Hundreds of Millions of Projects", said that the commando relied on the Hertz e-commerce platform to rush to 109 assistance points in the five provinces and regions where the Southern Power Grid is located to carry out agricultural assistance activities. "We mainly help the counterpart assistance areas to establish agricultural assistance areas, enter e-commerce platforms, and put products on the shelves, empowering them with e-commerce operations." According to reports, the commando actively serves rural revitalization. Hertz set up a special assistance area, completed two special promotional events for assistance products during the Spring Festival and Dragon Boat Festival, and the "Love for Weixi to Help Farmers Live Broadcast" event. In the first half of the year, the amount of assistance to farmers exceeded 40 million yuan, achieving the goal of "attracting attention" and "attracting money" and helping farmers more.
This year, China Southern Power Grid Internet Company also set up a volunteer party member service team and a "market service capability improvement" party member commando team. Among them, the volunteer party member service team made full use of the "welfare + assistance" consumption model and continued to provide e-commerce operation services and platform services for the assistance points. Last year, it carried out 3 special assistance promotions and 3 assistance promotion live broadcasts to expand the sales of agricultural and special products in rural areas and promote the upgrading of consumer assistance.
Develop new fields and play a leading role in emerging industries
China Southern Power Grid Internet Company is well aware that high-quality party building is the fundamental guarantee for the high-quality development of enterprises. Therefore, the company has always focused on strengthening the "roots" and forging the "soul" of party building, and continuously improved the cohesion and combat effectiveness of the party organization through innovative measures such as the "three ones" working method. At the same time, the company is also actively exploring new practices of China's modernized China Southern Power Grid and striving to build a first-class energy industry Internet platform.
Liu Fangyuan, a young party member in the party member responsibility area, actively responded to the requirements of the new management responsibility system, broke through the dilemma of "waiting for it, getting it, and asking for it", and became the youngest BU leader of the company through "unveiling the list and taking charge", leading the young team to be proactive. Hertz Business Travel escorts more than one million business trips each year, and its products won the first prize of the 2023 Digital Office Cup of the State Grid Corporation of China. Wang Hua, a youth representative, relied on his excellent professional skills and the spirit of not fearing difficulties and daring to face them, and led the promotion team to complete the promotion and application of the relevant enterprise mall procurement business. The price comparison tool won the third prize of the QC results of the State Grid Corporation of China in 2023.
Young people combine personal development with the proposition of the times to build a big dream. In the Southern Power Grid Internet Company, an enterprise with a strong innovative gene, more and more young people like Liu Fangyuan and Wang Hua take scientific and technological innovation as a breakthrough point, and play a leading role in cultivating and developing new quality productivity and on the big stage of strategic emerging industries. Southern Power Grid Internet Company implements the youth development plan, takes the "Science and Technology Reform Action" as an opportunity, organizes young people to participate in innovative projects, and actively solves the problems of scientific and technological innovation. A total of 39 people have emerged in industry competitions, scientific and technological innovation, and professional fields. The company has also established 6 provincial innovation platforms, with 202 patents, 4 utility model patents, 80 computer software copyrights, and 8 national standards. The benefits of scientific and technological achievements transformation are more than 5 times the R&D investment.
The relevant person in charge said that in the future, the Southern Power Grid Internet Company will continue to take party building as the guide and youth power as the support to continuously promote the company's high-quality development.
Text and photos by reporter Li Cheng