
The roadshow controversy of "Negatives Make a Positive": the growth of Zhu Yilong and the reverse growth of the fan economy


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Author / Xibei North
Editor / A Pen
Operations / Leo

Zhu Yilong responded to fans' dissatisfaction, saying that the team and the audience are all on the same path, and it is too decent to bear all the

If you ask which fans of the domestic entertainment industry have eaten the best in recent years, it is hard to find anyone better than the "Xiao Long Bao"(Zhu Yilong fans)Even more blessed.

Other people's brothers either suffer from poor figure, or their acting skills fail, or they are constantly involved in public controversy.

Only Zhu Yilong, who is nearly 40 years old and has almost entered the uncle circle, can still maintain a handsome face and tall figure. He has neither daddy-like air nor few scandals.

More importantly, he has crossed the chasm of transformation from a traffic star to a talented actor.Not only are there works that are worth showing off, but they are also in constant supply - TV series have memorable characters, and the movies released in theaters are either box office hits or have good reputations. The commercial blockbuster "Gone Girl" broke 3.6 billion, becoming the top hit of last year's summer season; "Life Events" and "The Mistake by the River" both scored above 7 points on Douban, which can be said to be both famous and profitable.

However, his new film "Negatives Make Positives" which was released during the Chinese Valentine's Day gave him a setback.

The word of mouth is pretty good, but the box office is "not so good". The fans' direct and massive siege caught people off guard.

Fans: Your sex scenes are as easy as doing push-ups. Make at least three more to prove your progress!

Zhu Yilong: ... (I, I, I am facing the wall to reflect on my mistakes, but Brother Long, you can’t touch the big screen in the cinema~)

Fans: The film's publicity and promotion are not only stupid but also evil. Zhu Yilong, your decency has been exchanged for their cruelty!

Zhu Yilong: I’m fine…

By the way, is the new film that made Zhu Yilong autistic really that bad? Who is to blame for the failure of "Negatives Make Positives"?

Today, kk wants to talk about Zhu Yilong’s vision for film selection and what he did before and after his transformation in his acting career.

Slow Walker

If you want to "select a film", you must first have the right to choose.

If an actor wants to have the right to choose, he or she must either be an internet celebrity or idol and be famous enough before entering the industry; or he or she must have capital behind him and be able to bring money into the crew; or he or she must hone his or her acting skills step by step and shine overnight.

For Zhu Yilong, who is in the third situation, the right to choose is not easy to come by.

He was admitted to the Beijing Film Academy as his mother wished. At that time, he had no passion for acting. His class teacher, Cui Xinqin, once commented on him: "If his efforts are ten points, the results he showed are only five points." When he was 19 years old, his film and television performance assignment "Ambiguous Street" could be said to be quite immature. He only had immature skills and no ambiguous feelings towards the heroine.

It is said that "one should become famous as early as possible", but Zhu Yilong just happened to fail to catch the trend of the times.

It's not just him. Compared to the 85 flowers who reached the peak as soon as they debuted, 85 young actors such as Zhu Yilong and Peng Guanying were born at the wrong time, and their style is always at odds with the aesthetic of the times.

When they first debuted, middle-aged actors like Sun Honglei and Zhang Jiayi were dominating the film and television industry, and the idol-type male protagonists were dominated by the Four Beauties of Tianya, and they couldn't get any of it; now that they are nearly 30 and almost out of their 30s, those fresh meats with their own traffic like Wu Yifan and Lu Han have become darlings again. If they want to return to idol dramas at this time, although their looks and condition can beat many ugly men, they are no longer in the stage of showing off their sweetness.

Without the opportunity to soar to the sky, Zhu Yilong can only use the stupid method:One is to wait for the opportunity, the other is to hone your acting skills.

At Beijing Film Academy, he was a good boy who listened to his teachers. He was at ease in school, attending classes and rehearsing skits, and did not go out to take acting jobs casually. Although he was not very passionate about it, he had the awareness of doing desk work and was willing to work hard. During his four years at university, he got up at six in the morning to do early homework, read the script and the original work in advance, and wrote biographies of the characters. In order to make the performance more realistic, he observed life, lingered in the vegetable market, subway, and hospital, and even spent three days at a sweet potato stall for an assignment to sell sweet potatoes. In the end, he moved someone else's oven to the stage, which made the teacher laugh and cry.

After graduation, he was as confused as all other graduates. "Suddenly I felt like I could act, but a week later I was done for. I felt like I couldn't do anything anymore, and I kept going through this cycle."

He signed to Beijing Oriental Feiyun International Film and Television and played many minor roles. The most famous one was the hairy, mute monkey in "Hunter the Wilderness".

He has been working hard for nearly 10 years and has participated in 21 TV series and 37 movies. However, the quality of these works is so poor that he didn't even get a star. When fans reviewed it, they said bluntly: "Is Zhu Yilong probably borrowed a naked loan?"

Zhu Yilong used the word "endurance" to describe his acting career, but he also believed that it was necessary.

He has the tradition of an old-school actor. He doesn't want to socialize and doesn't drink alcohol because he is allergic to alcohol. Some producers who value him call him "a blockhead". But this is another kind of persistence in the current impetuous entertainment industry. Compared with his character of not catering to others and not knowing how to deal with things, Zhu Yilong thinks that his acting skills are not up to standard and need to continue to improve.

The desire to become a good actor took root and grew gradually through repeated auditions and playing supporting roles.

It was not until 2015 that Zhu Yilong broke through the siege and got a small but important role as "Yingji", King Zhaoxiang of Qin in "The Legend of Miyue", acting opposite Sun Li, with an age span of 16 to 50s. This drama broke the ratings myth that had created Dragon TV for 12 years, and the number of online broadcasts exceeded 20 billion. He finally broke through the siege and people saw more possibilities for him.

His right to choose was not gained by luck, but was earned through his own efforts.

His handsome appearance and increasingly mature acting skills were gradually noticed. In 2017, Zhu Yilong was invited by the crew of "Guardian", in which he played four roles. With the start of the summer season, he became an instant hit. The picky fans of the book were ambivalent. The drama was not perfect, but the interaction between Zhu Yilong and Bai Yu made people linger. Zhu Yilong, who wanted to stand out with his strength, finally got the first bite of the bonus cake of gay reform with his face.

Because he achieved success late in life, Zhu Yilong does not have the sense of "deservingness" of being famous earlier and having a lot of traffic. Instead, he thinks of it as a "gift".

The first time he opened the barrage to watch his work, he found that the audience noticed the details of the movements he designed for Shen Wei, which made him happy from the bottom of his heart. "When we get this kind of feedback, we will also create better works with our heart, instead of just dealing with the audience."

In 2019, Zhu Yilong ushered in his own talented role. He perfectly portrayed the gentle gentleman of the young master Qi Heng in "Knowing". The high-spirited youthfulness gradually disappeared in his eyes with family changes and heavy responsibilities, and became a regret of unrequited love. He also won the 25th Magnolia Best Supporting Actor Award for this drama; in 2021, the spy drama "The Rebel" starring Zhu Yilong scored a high score of 7.7 on Douban. The solid original work and Zhu Yilong's superb performance showed his potential to be "a thousand faces" and won him a nomination for the best actor at the 28th Magnolia Award.

Finally becoming a top star and able to easily earn money by appearing in variety show advertisements, Zhu Yilong became anxious.

Because he had waited too long, he became more sober. Without works, all the traffic and wealth are empty, and traffic is also a poison that overwhelms the career life of actors and consumes their spiritual energy.

After that, Zhu Yilong's expectation for the script was: "When I read the script, I hope that the logic of the characters will be clearer and the characters will be more complex."

Tough Guy

Why, among so many 85 actors, is it that only Zhu Yilong has been able to successfully transform into the film industry?

On the surface, it is the success in the field of TV dramas that has opened up new territory for him in the film industry. But the underlying color is Zhu Yilong's personality traits, which are ruthless enough.

This kind of ruthlessness does not lie in intrigue, how high the emotional intelligence is in the world of fame and fortune, or how many endorsements one receives.It’s about the fact that he can put all his ruthlessness into his performance.

Being able to endure hardships and being aware of the risks of work are his basic qualities. This is also the reason why he can only learn about his numerous injuries from fans. He injured his waist when he fell from a four-meter high platform while hanging on a wire in "Legend of the Daming Palace"; he fell off a horse in "New Xiao Shiyilang" and suffered a permanent injury to his waist. Later, when filming martial arts scenes, the crew had a martial arts double, but he said, "Using a double will lose a lot of things, so I'd better do it myself."

After becoming famous, he was injured so often while filming movies that passersby felt that he didn't care about his handsome face at all. When filming "Peak Burst", he rolled down from a height of 10 meters 17 times for a one-second shot in the feature film; when filming "Life Events", he scratched his eyebrow bone and had to sew five or six stitches, which left a scar. He relied on makeup to cover it up, and the traces of the stitches were still clearly visible in the later stage of filming. Then this time, he injured his forehead in "Negatives Make Positive", and it was even visible in the last scene. He also announced it belatedly.

“Able to do the job” is how he describes himself.This desire for "pain" may be the key to unlocking the vitality of his performance.

The transformation of a traffic star often requires a serious literary and artistic work. Sending it to film festivals and winning awards are routine operations. It is a mutual achievement between directors and actors. You give me traffic and I give you opportunities.

If Song Yueqiang, the flag bearer in "My Motherland and Me", solidified Zhu Yilong's righteous image, "Peak Explosion" allowed the audience to see his strong side.Then he needs a down-to-earth movie to show his complexity and multifaceted nature as an actor."Life Events" came at the right time, and Zhu Yilong also showed his talent in selecting films, not for the purpose of "being down to earth" and hard-working character setting, but because of his own characteristics. For example, the plot is set in Wuhan, and Zhu Yilong, like Mo Sanmei, is from Wuhan, so he has no pressure in speaking the dialect.

But the most fatal thing is his temperament. When director Liu Jiangjiang first met him, he felt "half disappointed, his temperament is totally different." What to do? Without saying anything, Zhu Yilong shaved his head, wore a flowery shirt, cursed, squatted in the corner to smoke, rubbed cigarette butts, his eyes were full of cruelty, and took the first step towards being a rough street ruffian. In order to play Mo Sanmei well, in addition to writing a biography of the character, Zhu Yilong began to observe the work habits and mental changes of the funeral director in detail a few months in advance.

In order to interact with the child actor realistically, he was beaten dozens of times on the set. In one scene, he carried the child actor on his back. The child actor struggled, but the scene was not realistic because the child was afraid of hurting him by kicking. He said frankly that he had practiced the "Golden Bell Cover and Iron Cloth Shirt" technique, so he let her struggle without worry. It really hurt, but it also hurt secretly because he carried a child on his back.

After winning the Golden Rooster Award, Zhu Yilong did not go back to make more money after proving that he was a good actor. Instead, he seized the opportunity and his film selection was both commercial and artistic. His attitude in film selection fully proved that "I am not here to play around."

His criteria for selecting films are that the roles must be different from previous ones, that the roles must be complex, and that the roles must be away from his comfort zone.

"She's Gone" has risks and gender issues, but Zhu Yilong used his compassionate Buddha face and national recognition to resist the negative impact of the "scumbag" debuff.

Zhu Yilong has watched various crime documentaries, and the psychological logic of the characters is very important to him. "When I was preparing for the role of He Fei, I tried my best to sort out his logic and find out his mentality at each stage." In his understanding, He Fei is a person who walked out of a small town, whose desires gradually grew, until they became too big for his abilities to match, and he gradually lost himself.

Some netizens compared the clips of Ji Lingchen interpreting Zhu Yilong on the variety show, and KK instantly understood the difficulty of acting this role, how to be irritable and not smart, and the sense of ease that can only be created through calculated practice.

△B station @Unconventional grapefruit

In the art film, he collaborated with the new director Wei Shujun to shoot Yu Hua's pioneering experimental novel "The Mistake by the River". The script has a kind of calm madness. In order to show the process of the police chief gradually losing weight and even going crazy because of the case, he first gained 30 pounds and then lost 20 pounds. This film also made Zhu Yilong grow more deeply in artistic exploration. "After finishing this film, my biggest feeling is that the view of fate is more accurate than ours."

Zhu Yilong once said in an interview: "It sounds silly, but my wish is to leave a name in the history of movies and TV series." To achieve this goal, he is still working hard to try more fresh roles, but this time he hit a wall.

Work is king

What made "Negatives Make Positives" a wall was not word of mouth. To this day, the film still maintains a score of 7 on Douban. Few domestic romance films can reach this level.

But in this desperate roadshow, some fans directly achieved the achievement of "helping their idol to scold the leader". The biggest misunderstanding of Zhu Yilong by fans comes from the fact that they think their brother, who is almost 40 years old, is still a doll manipulated by capital.

"Negatives Make Positives" is the first time that Zhu Yilong has participated in a film production as a co-producer. At first, he was just curious, but after a deep conversation, he chose to join the creation from the early stage of script writing. He thought that the script reflected "something more dramatic and imaginative that replaced the scenes and emotions we traditionally wanted to see." Therefore, he wanted to take risks with the director. Just as director Wen Shipei described the collaboration with Zhu Yilong as "fanning the flames", creative inspiration is always born in the collision, and the blue hair dyeing that best reflects the characteristics of his personality was Zhu Yilong's idea.

The idea of ​​becoming a producer came from Zhu Yilong's impulse to break out of his circle.He wanted to take this opportunity to get closer to movies and become a real practitioner in the film industry. "I never thought that the birth of a movie would be such a complicated process."

What gave fans the most headaches this time was the unexpected action scenes, which was that Zhu Yilong’s filming principle of “the drama is more important than anything else” was in effect again.

The film was shot in winter. To make it more realistic, Zhu Yilong did not take any safety measures when filming the wrestling scene. As a result, he had to get more than 30 stitches on his forehead and four or five stitches on his nose. "I always think that acting is more important than anything else, because actors are actually part of the entire film. If my actions and expressions at the time can add points to the film and the character, I will definitely do it myself."

The so-called "flop" of Zhu Yilong's new film is based on the overly high expectations of "stars carrying the box office", while ignoring the limited audience of the film type itself. In terms of film quality, the film breaks the rules of previous domestic love films, which are either suspended and fresh or bloody love, but not most people can resonate with it. Take the "golden sentences" in it, for example, it will cause polarization: "Love is like a long-term low-grade fever. Cats are afraid that dogs don't understand, but they are also afraid that dogs understand too much." People who can get it think it hits the nail on the head and is wonderful; audiences who don't get it think it's boring and pretentious, not worth the ticket price, so it always swings on the scale of "vulgar" and "spiritual", "bloody" and "interesting".

In terms of box office, Negative Negatives Make Positive has been released for less than two weeks and has earned nearly 70 million yuan so far. Although it is not as good as Zhu Yilong's previous work, it is not bad considering the limited audience of romantic art films and the overall downward trend of the film market. Last year's most popular film "Cosmic Exploration Editorial Department" earned more than 60 million yuan, Hu Ge's "Worthless Trip" earned less than 30 million yuan, Yu Shi's "Welcome to Me", a romantic film with traffic blessing, earned more than 40 million yuan, and Wuershan's commercial masterpiece "Under the Alien" has been released for almost a month and has only earned less than 120 million yuan.

On the other hand, this is Zhu Yilong's own choice, and it is also the "trial and error cost" he has to pay for trying new things. But in the eyes of some fans, if a movie "succeeds", it is because his brothers and sisters are responsible for the box office, and others are just relying on their brothers' fame; if it "fails", it is because the director and screenwriter are not good enough, the publicity and promotion are not in the right place, and the co-stars are dragging their feet... Have you ever considered how much pressure this will put on the actors themselves?

"After filming a movie, the entire preparation time is much longer than before. I may only be able to shoot about one movie a year. The early preparation time is very long. Every time I want to slowly transform myself into that character. Even during the filming process, I am still in preparation." While some fans are still speaking up for Zhu Yilong, he has been undergoing diving training for more than a month in "Dongji Island" directed by Guan Hu. It is said that he can now hold his breath dynamically for four and a half minutes.

To a large extent, Zhu Yilong is one of the few successful examples of middle-aged transformation in the domestic entertainment industry. When asked about the methodology of transformation, KK believes that the core lies in Zhu Yilong himself. The direction he has been working towards is correct: only with works can one last long.

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