
Ten Questions about “Electricity Export from Xinjiang”⑧|What has changed and what has remained constant in “Electricity Export from Xinjiang”?


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Editor's Note

In the tenth year of implementing the new energy security strategy of "four revolutions and one cooperation", China's modernization construction is advancing steadily, the wave of high-quality development is surging, and the pulse of new quality productivity is getting stronger. Among them, the figure of "Xinjiang power export" is jumping. With the perspective of exploring history, we raise ten questions about the past. Starting from a small incision, we look back on the leapfrog development of "Xinjiang power export" from nothing to something, from weak to strong in the past ten years.

China Energy Media and State Grid Xinjiang Electric Power jointly launched the "Ten Questions on "Electricity Export from Xinjiang"" series of planning, which allows people to stop and look back and look forward to experience the transformation and growth that "Electricity Export from Xinjiang" has experienced in the past ten years.

Life is easy

In the concerto of change and constancy

“Xinjiang Electricity Export”

On the one hand, rewriting Xinjiang's economic landscape

On the one hand, we must adhere to ecological priority and green development

Laying down the unchanging green background under the changes


Integrating “Green” into “Regulation”

(The Power to Light Up the Future,Photographer @高淑玲

“Xinjiang Electricity Export”

Raise awareness of environmental protection

As a "law" throughout

(Please watch in horizontal mode, Hami-Chongqing ±800 kV UHV DC transmission line project,@Ma Yuan

Engineering construction, planning first

Taking the Hami-Chongqing ±800 kV UHV DC transmission project as an example

When planning

State Grid Corporation of China has adopted a variety of methods

Taking the path of green development

(Please watch in horizontal mode, Hami-Chongqing ±800 kV UHV DC transmission line project construction site,Photographer@马元

for example

Optimize line path

Avoid nature reserves, ecological protection red lines and

Environmentally sensitive areas such as drinking water source protection areas

(Please watch in horizontal mode, Hami-Chongqing ±800 kV UHV DC transmission line project construction site,Photographer@马元

It is indeed impossible to avoid the necessary passage

Take measures such as smaller tower type, high tower span, and larger span

Select the less affected area by

Reduce land occupation and tree felling

Effectively protect the ecological environment and landscape

(Please watch in horizontal mode. Construction workers at the construction site of the Hami-Chongqing ±800 kV converter station are carrying out the main construction of the valve hall.Photographer @Chen Kai

In change and constancy

Exploring new ideas for “Xinjiang power export”

Seeking new breakthroughs

(Please watch in horizontal mode, Hami-Chongqing ±800 kV converter station construction site,Photographer @冯洋


Integrating “Green” into “Travel”

(The power grid under the night sky,Photographer @Zhang Bo

"Xinjiang Power Transmission" is under construction

The construction party will

Adjusting construction methods to protect the ecology

(The iron tower waiting to be assembled in the morning light,Photographer@马元

August 8

In the Gobi Desert 100 kilometers away from Santanghu Town, Hami City

A group of wires are driven by a traction machine.

Slowly extending to the distant tower

(Please watch in horizontal mode, Hami-Chongqing ±800 kV UHV DC transmission line project construction site,Photographer@马元

This marks

Hami-Chongqing ±800 kV UHV DC transmission project Xinjiang section

Fully enter the wire deployment stage

(Please watch in horizontal mode. The first wire laying event was held in Santanghu Town, Balikun Kazakh Autonomous County, Xinjiang.Photographer@马元

According to the actual situation on site

Construction personnel ensure the working capacity of the tensioning equipment

Minimize the number of distraction fields

Reduce damage to forest and grass vegetation

(Please watch in horizontal mode, Hami-Chongqing ±800 kV UHV DC transmission line project construction site,Photographer@马元


Take effective dust prevention and noise reduction measures during the construction period

Solid waste is classified and piled up in a centralized manner, and removed in a timely manner

Wastewater is collected and treated and must not be discharged into surface water bodies along the route

Carry out ecological restoration in a timely manner after the construction is completed

(Please watch in horizontal mode, Hami-Chongqing ±800 kV UHV DC transmission line project construction site,Photographer@马元

These measures are almost

Construction guidelines for each "Xinjiang power transmission" channel

(Please watch in horizontal mode, Hami-Chongqing ±800 kV UHV DC transmission line project construction site,Photographer@马元

In change and constancy

"Xinjiang Power Transmission" has always adhered to

The concept that green waters and green mountains are gold and silver mountains

(Please watch in horizontal mode, Hami-Chongqing ±800 kV UHV DC transmission line project construction site,Photographer@马元


Integrating “green” into “sand”

(Photovoltaic under the sunset

Driven by the “Xinjiang Power Transmission”

"Photovoltaic sand control" has become a new trend

(Please watch horizontally, a photovoltaic power generation project in the Taklimakan Desert in Xinjiang,Photographer@马元

Take Shaya County as an example

The county's "photovoltaic + sand control" project

It can not only provide services for Jingente Textile,

10 projects including the park's centralized heating system provide green electricity

It can also drive water pumps to extract underground bitter and salty water to irrigate the Haloxylon ammodendron forest

The survival rate of Haloxylon ammodendron reached over 90%

(Please watch horizontally, Taklimakan Desert in Xinjiang,Photographer@马元

Calculated based on the same irrigation of 2,000 mu

Photovoltaic power generation is more effective than power generation for water extraction

Each well can save 133,000 yuan in the first year

From the second year onwards, 160,000 yuan can be saved each year

It is the "golden key" to solve the problem of desert ecological water use

(Please watch horizontally, "Photovoltaic Solar Energy",Photographer @Zhang Xinying

In the midst of change and constancy

“Exporting electricity from Xinjiang” makes the desert green

(Please watch in horizontal mode, Hami Photovoltaic Base,Photographer @Wu Jing

Sailimu Lake has rippling blue waves and beautiful scenery

Kanas Scenic Area is surrounded by clouds and mist, like a fairyland


This is still our beautiful Xinjiang

It is different from before

(Please watch in horizontal mode, "Green Power and Harmonious Life",Photographer @Sun Zifei


What are the changes and constants in “exporting electricity from Xinjiang”?

(Inspectors from the Transmission Operation and Inspection Center of the State Grid Tacheng Power Supply Company are conducting inspections on the 220 kV Exiang Line 1 and 2.Photographer @Wang Yongsheng

(Employees of the State Grid Hami Power Supply Company are conducting live maintenance work on the 10kV Xixiu Line No. 35 pole.Photographer @冯洋

(The power transmission line inspection workers of the Power Transmission Inspection Center of the State Grid Turpan Power Supply Company carried out special inspections on the 110 kV Taocheng Line and Fancheng Line.Photographer @He Zhongkai

Produced by China Energy Media Group Co., Ltd.

Jointly produced by Digital Media Editorial Department and China Energy Television

Copywriter: Wang Haiyan

designWang Ping

Acknowledgement: State Grid Xinjiang Electric Power Co., Ltd.