
Xiang Zuo responded to his withdrawal from the competition! He almost got into a fight with a Japanese singer, Liang Long tried to stop the fight, and Lin Chiling's husband blocked the camera


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The most exciting scene in the history of "Breaking the Blaze 4" has appeared!

Xiang Zuo and Japanese singer Miyabi almost got into a fight on the show. If Liang Long and Kurosawa Ryohei hadn't tried their best to stop them, an accident would have probably happened!

I didn't want to watch this season at first, but this incident brought me back.

In the show, Xiang Zuo, Liang Long of "Second Hand Rose", and Japanese singers Kurosawa Ryohei (Lin Chiling's husband) and Miyabi formed a group.

During rehearsal, Xiang Zuo performed very poorly. He couldn't keep up with the beat and his state was distracted. His teammates were performing hard, but he stood aside and scratched his head in panic because he couldn't keep up with the movements.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the chief director held an emergency meeting to point out the problems. He not only mentioned Xiang Zuo's name very seriously, but also spoke very harshly, "He failed" and "He didn't dance in unison", and asked everyone else to help Xiang Zuo, even if it meant forcing him to practice.

This was the first time in 4 seasons that the rehearsal scene was so bad. Everyone was still discussing how to deal with it when Xiang Zuo got angry and simply announced his withdrawal from the competition. He lay down with a clear mind and left with his bag without hesitation.

He didn't even have the courage to meet his teammates, and fled after sending a message -

He said something like “Everything would be better off if I’m not here”, “Maybe I shouldn’t be here in the first place”, “Everyone’s performance would be better if I’m not here”, and then he just quit and sneaked away with his assistant.

It was as if I was attending an interest class that my mom forced me to attend. I could attend if I wanted to, and I could leave early if I didn’t want to…

Kurosawa Ryohei specially choreographed a dance for Xiang Zuo and practiced with him for 15 hours. He even cried out of self-blame when he saw him being scolded.

As a result, Xiang Zuo left without any reluctance, without considering how his teammates would end the show, nor worrying about how the four-person singing and dancing performance would continue if one person was missing.

Then, the most unexpected scene appeared.

All the civil and military officials in the court were hesitant, and the foreign envoys had no scruples.

In other programs, even the mentors dare not offend Xiang Zuo, and they have to choose their words carefully before making comments.

But in "Pige", the foreign brothers don't know the depth and don't know what to be afraid of...

Just look, when the Japanese singer Masai heard that Xiang Zuo was leaving, he chased after him without saying a word, threw something into his arms, and almost got into a fight with him.

The two men grabbed each other's collars and refused to let go. The tension was about to explode. If Liang Long and Kurosawa Ryohei hadn't held them back on the left and right, they would have probably started fighting on the spot.

Feel how magical this scene is——

A Hong Kong star came to record a mainland variety show, but he deserted and was brought back by a Japanese male star...

When the conflict broke out, Kurosawa Ryohei was anxiously running around, but he never forgot to silently use his body to block the camera for others. Netizens quickly guessed his intention -

"Anyone can fight on the show, except the Chinese and the Japanese!" - I almost died of laughter at this comment.

Liang Long was so anxious that his eyes turned red and he almost cried.

How can I describe how amazing this scene is?

A Japanese handsome man fights in the street, a Northeastern man scratches his hands helplessly, a Japanese cool guy desperately blocks the camera, and a Hong Kong tough guy throws down his bag and wants to run away...

There are so many elements in this segment that it is really hilarious. A scene that can be recorded in the history of variety shows was born.

Who on earth thought of bringing this group of people together to record "Pi Ge"? He is simply a genius!

In fact, his teammates really saw through Xiang Zuo and directly said that his behavior of running away was not cool at all. Did he think that quitting was so cool?

As Ya said, "I hope Xiang Zuo can respect his teammates more than his ego and pride."

Enjoying resources that others cannot ask for, but not cherishing them;

Received unconditional dedication from others, but walked away;

Even if we take a step back and say that his business ability is so poor, can’t his personality be better?

I really thought I was here to be a young master. I am 40 years old and still running away. If I meet such a colleague who does whatever he wants in real life, I will really get angry...

After this episode was broadcast, Xiang Zuo was indeed scolded. Netizens thought that he should not be so willful and that his behavior of running away without completing the task showed that he was irresponsible.

In response to this, Xiang Zuo felt quite aggrieved and immediately posted a short essay in response, explaining that he proposed to withdraw from the competition only because he hoped that everyone could achieve better results in the future, because he could not surpass himself within 3 days.

Finally, he couldn't help but say something pointedly, "When he didn't even let me take the microphone, I didn't know how to break through myself."

We don’t know whether the “he” here refers to the director team or which teammate, but it can be seen between the lines that he is still a little resentful about this incident in his heart.

In fact, you can also see it in the show.

After Xiang Zuo was coaxed back by everyone, Ya comforted him and said that when he first acted, he was forced to use a double when filming "King Kong: Skull Island", and he was not used to it. As a result, Xiang Zuo said, "I almost never use a double, I do it myself"...

This conversation is really illustrative. Others exposed their own shortcomings to encourage him, but he felt superior.

When listening to others speak, you can't get the main point and only care about your own feelings. You are self-centered.

So if someone really suggested that he should not hold the microphone, given his ability to withstand pressure and his high self-esteem, he would definitely not accept it.

Look, he said confidently during the interview that if it was someone else, he would really leave, "I won't listen to advice!"

So he was willing to come back, thinking that he was giving face to his teammates and didn't think he had done anything wrong.

But old audiences know that Xiang Zuo is not the only one who has no foundation and crossover to participate in "Sisters Who Make Waves" and "Pi Ge" and has no foundation and crossover, and he is not the only one who has been advised not to hold the microphone. But after so many seasons, how many people couldn't stand it and really quit the competition?

Who wouldn’t be tired while recording this show?

For example, this season's Li Jiaqi is also a crossover, has no singing and dancing experience, and is even far worse than Xiang Zuo. He usually has to go back to do live broadcasts, but he never gives up. He grits his teeth and practices even after not sleeping for several nights. This is the mentality that a "newcomer" should have.

At that time, Li Jiaqi received a notice to prepare for a "first stage" performance. He only learned one song, but during the recording, he was suddenly notified to complete another singing and dancing performance within 72 hours. His main job as a host could not be delayed.

3 live broadcasts + 1 personal stage + 1 group show stage, 4 major events had to be completed within 3 days, which resulted in him not sleeping for several days. His face was so swollen that he was kept asked if he had had a micro-adjustment.

Everyone faced high-intensity training and was out of their comfort zone, but the only one who threw a tantrum and wanted to withdraw from the competition was Xiang Zuo.

This is really irresponsible and lacks fighting spirit.

Just like his wife Guo Biting said, life doesn’t have to be too tiring, just be content with what you have - perhaps this is the common voice of the couple.