
Three members of Lai Qingde's "Tainan Gang" got into trouble in one week. Blue camp legislators mocked the DPP's soap opera and said it might continue.


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[Global Network Report] According to TVBS News and other Taiwanese media reports on August 22, DPP legislator Lin Yi-jin was involved in an assistant fee case, and her office and Tainan service office were searched on the 21st. She is the third person from the "Tainan Gang" to get into trouble, following former Executive Yuan spokesman Chen Zong-yen and former transportation department head Li Meng-yen, sparking speculation from the outside world whether it is a factional struggle. In response, KMT legislator Li Yan-xiu said that three people from the "Tainan Gang" got into trouble within a week, and "the political soap opera within the DPP will probably continue."

Taiwanese media said that after Lai Ching-te came to power, many of the people he "cultivated" in Tainan were entrusted with important tasks, and the outside world called them the "Tainan Gang."

China Times reported that Lai Qingde had been in office for less than 100 days when there were frequent fires in his backyard. In February 2023, Chen Zongyan, who had been the spokesperson of the Taiwan Executive Yuan for only 18 days, stepped down due to the scandal of accepting sexual entertainment while serving in the Tainan City Government. On the 15th of this month, the prosecutors filed a lawsuit against him after the investigation of the case and requested a heavy sentence. Then, the head of the Transportation Department, Li Mengyan, was found to have had an extramarital affair for 10 years. After the incident was exposed, Li Mengyan resigned, leaving a cloud of mystery.

The report said that the successor to Li Mengyan has not yet been decided, and the prosecutors and investigators have searched the office of DPP representative Lin Yi-jin in the Legislative Yuan and the Tainan Service Office. Although she is not well-known, she has been re-elected as a Tainan City Councilor for six consecutive terms and is considered to be Lai Qingde's man. This time, the prosecutors and investigators are clearly well prepared. China Times commented that Lai Qingde called for "investigating corruption and cracking down on gangs", but an "ice storm" was set off in his own garden.

According to TVBS News Network on the 22nd, Li Yanxiu said when talking about this matter that three people from Lai Qingde's "Tainan Gang", from Chen Zongyan, Li Mengyan to Lin Yijin, had been in trouble within a week. This wave of DPP factional struggles against Lai Qingde was fast, fierce, and extremely accurate, and "the knife went straight to the bone and hit the vital points", leaving Lai Qingde no chance to breathe. Lai Qingde could only weakly shout at the meeting, "Pay attention to the discipline of private life, demand restraint and self-discipline, and don't let the DPP get hurt again." Li Yanxiu said that Lai Qingde was like a defeated lion, who could only moan and lick his wounds. Li Yanxiu believed that Lai Qingde was the one who caused his current predicament.

"The ice is three feet thick, and it didn't freeze overnight." China Times News Network said that in that green place, besides the photoelectric fraud, shooting and sex scandal, what other unexploded bombs are there? I'm afraid it won't end so soon.