
China has become the world's second largest contributor to open source, and Hong Kong is also accelerating its layout


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Interface News Reporter | Lin Teng Zhang Xilong

In terms of open source contributions around the world, China ranks second, and its contribution scale has been steadily increasing in recent years.CNCF) contribution is also ranked second in the world.

exist8moon21to23Held in Hong KongKubeCon China 2024At the conference, the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF)General managerPriyanka SharmaIn an interview with Interface News, he said that the power of China's ecosystem played an important role in cloud native.

At present, the economic influence of the global open source ecosystem is expanding. People are dealing with open source software all the time in their daily work and life. Modern products and services such as e-commerce, social networking, communications, finance, and automobiles are based on open source software. Open source software also occupies the absolute majority of code software in today's modern technology, products and services.

Cloud Native Computing FoundationCNCF) Chief Technology OfficerChris Aniszczykexpress,CNCFHosted191Open source projects, includingKubernetesPrometheusandEnvoyWell-known open source projects such as2410,000 contributors around the world190Many countries. Among them, ChinaCNCFThe total code contributions to the project are close to100Wan, for his outstanding contributions in the open source field.

China is rapidly becoming an important promoter and leader in the development of global cloud native technologies.2015Since 2000, China hasCNCFCore ProjectsKubernetesThe contribution ranking is always in the top four, with nearly2600Contributors, second only to the United States, India and Germany.KubernetesOriginally byGoogleexist2014Open source in 2011, donated toCNCF

besides,CNCFApproximately8%arrive10%of its members are actually from China.KubeEdge HarborDragonflyThese projects were all born in China.

according to"2024The report "The Current Status of Open Source Development in China" shows that Chinese developers (including Hong Kong)GitHubThe number of users in the world ranks third, and the current active rate ranks first in the world.2026YearGitHubThe number of Chinese developers has reached1800to2000Ten thousand.

GitHubVice President of CommunityStormy PetersIn his speech, he pointed out that China has a vibrant open source software community that brings together110010,000 software developers at the forefront of open source and artificial intelligence.

At present, the application scenarios of cloud native technology in China range from the early e-commerce industry, customer service,APPApp stores and other fields, and gradually extended to more emerging industries, including driverless,AIDiagnosis, machine learning,5GHigh-speed data transmission, etc., also place higher requirements on computing power and models.

Priyanka SharmaTell Jiemian News, in the past4to5In the past 20 years, the global cloud native field has undergone very rapid changes. The most significant change is that end users, that is, people who use local technology, have become more and more mature. "Technology consumers have changed from relying solely on suppliers to provide support and help them achieve digitalization to having internal talents, knowing how to build an ecosystem, and being able to question suppliers and let them provide the best value."

Priyanka SharmaFor example, financial institutions are the first users of cloud native. This group now has the most advanced platform engineering teams, which are able to build some of the most complex technologies themselves. Platform engineering and other teams are adopting cloud native technologies, includingAIWorkload.

“This is the most positive part of the overall shift because it raises the bar and places higher demands on technology providers and solutions.”Priyanka SharmaMentioned that the Cloud Native Computing Foundation currently has more than2510,000 code contributors,200code.

In the current wave of technological innovation, artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) is the core force driving the progress of the industry, but it also brings a number of security challenges.

Priyanka SharmaI think that open sourceAIThere is huge potential in the security field, which is also related to the demand for cloud: "InKubernetesThere is a lot of work going on to support training itself. If you think about the entire ecosystem, you also have to think about the data and the machine learning that is happening, ourCube FlowThe project is making great progress towards becoming the only vendor-neutral open source platform for machine learning and data management.”

LinuxExecutive Director of the FoundationJim ZemlinI think that in the open source field, big models have achieved amazing breakthroughs.AI) In the security field, open source technology will play a key role and provide strong support for solving the security challenges brought by artificial intelligence. By jointly developing tools and standards, the open source community can help ensure the authenticity of AI-generated content and protect personal privacy from infringement, while working to combat facial fraud and eliminate model bias.

to this end,LinuxfoundationAI&DataThe Foundation created the Model Open Framework (Model Openness Framework, abbreviated as MOF). This framework identifies what constitutes a truly complete model release16The open categories of these modules are clearly defined, providing guidance for researchers and developers to help them enhance the transparency and reproducibility of models under the premise of permissive licensing.

It is worth mentioning that this isKubeCon ChinaThis is the first time that the conference is held in Hong Kong.Priyanka SharmaThis is also his first time in Hong Kong. He mentioned that he saw many technical experts from mainland China in previous events, but this time he saw many local technical experts from Hong Kong, and even a local shipping company participated, which shows how fast cloud extension technology is developing in Hong Kong.

In order to build an "international innovation and technology center", the Hong Kong government has spared no effort.17The Innovation and Technology Fund has approved over 100 million yuan in funding.300Most of the projects are related to biotechnology, environmental protection, information technology and electronics.

A landmark development in Hong Kong’s open source ecosystem is the Hong Kong-made chip “Lion Rock”.

This year3At the end of the month, the Hong Kong-made chip "Lion Rock" was exposed. "Lion Rock" was jointly developed by two companies: Saifang Technology, an innovative technology company incubated by "Fusheng Capital", the family office of Hong Kong and China Gas Company Chairman Li Jiajie, and Super Fusion, a computing power infrastructure and service provider independent from Huawei.

Lion Rock is expected to be launched next year.RISC-Varchitecture, compared to other mainstream architectures (such asARMx86) has the advantage of open source and openness:RISC-VThe open source nature of the chip allows anyone to participate in its development and improvement, promoting the sharing and innovation of chip technology. This openness allows it to be used freely for any purpose, allowing anyone to design, manufacture and sell chips based onRISC-Vchips or software.

However, the Lion Rock chip is not very advanced, and its current application is gas meters. Hong Kong's semiconductor industry is still in its infancy and has not yet formed a mature industrial chain. Its incremental chip companies are mainly related to the mainland. According to data from the Hong Kong Companies Registry, in the past two years, about500-600Innovative technology companies related to chips, semiconductors or microelectronics were established, of which nearly one-third had mainland backgrounds.
