
The central government issued a major document: market access in the fields of aerospace, aviation, and artificial intelligence will usher in major moves


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By Wang Enbo

In aerospace, aviation,AIFor new business forms and new fields, the country is proactively deploying a market access system.

The "Opinions of the General Office of the CPC Central Committee and the General Office of the State Council on Improving the Market Access System" was released on the 21st. This important document, known as the "Ten Measures for Market Access", proposes to optimize the market access environment for new formats and new fields. Relevant experts believe that this move is a highlight of improving the market access system and is of great significance to accelerating the development of new quality productivity.

Market access optimization releases development potential

Looking back at every round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation in history, the rapid development of new business forms and new fields spawned by them is often due to the relaxation of market access.

Zhang Mingshen, deputy director of the Enterprise and Entrepreneurship Research Office, Institute of Economics, National Development and Reform Commission Macroeconomic Research InstituteFor example:

To grabNew opportunities from the information revolutionJapan actively attracts foreign investment and technology into consumer electronics, automobiles, integrated circuits andsemiconductorIndustry, cooperate with strong industrial, innovation, competition and other policies to achieve global competitiveness catch up and surpass.

To grabNew opportunities for breakthroughs in life sciences, and was the first to achieve recovery after the international financial crisis. The UK relaxed the entry threshold into the biopharmaceutical industry, accelerated the development of new drugs by simplifying the clinical trial approval procedures, promoted the advancement of gene and cell therapy technology, and achieved a significant improvement in corporate innovation, industrial competitiveness, and medical service levels.

In today's China, with the rapid iteration and upgrading of new technologies, problems such as unclear access rules for some new business forms and new fields and the need to optimize the access environment have emerged. There is an urgent need to release development potential by optimizing market access.

Zhang Mingshen said that at present, the effectiveness of my country's innovation-driven development is becoming increasingly apparent.However, problems such as weak voice in industry dominance, more vicious competition in "involution", and insufficient market development are becoming increasingly prominent.This is certainly due to the fact that some companies have weak technological moats, some industries have obvious latecomer disadvantages, and domestic effective demand is insufficient, but the lack of attention to standard guidance and rule-led market access and the lack of forward-looking layout in cutting-edge fields are also important reasons.

Maximize the relaxation of scientific and technological achievements transformation

Decision-makers have noticed the importance of market access.

The "Decision of the CPC Central Committee on Further Comprehensively Deepening Reform and Promoting Chinese-style Modernization" approved by the Third Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee clearly proposed to improve the market access system and optimize the market access environment for new formats and new fields. The "Ten Measures for Market Access" issued this time deploy the market access system for new formats and new fields with forward-looking measures, which is believed to better promote the development of new quality productivity.

Guo Liyan, deputy director of the Institute of Economics, Macroeconomic Research Institute, National Development and Reform CommissionHe said that an important feature of the "Ten Measures for Market Access" of the times is to improve the fair access system that is more compatible with the new quality of productive forces.

She said that how to accelerate the transformation of super-large-scale market resources into real productivity has always been a pain point and difficulty faced by scientific and technological innovation and industrial development. Improving the market access system with the goal of accelerating the formation of new quality productivity is a pragmatic measure aimed at this pain point, which can maximize the unbundling of scientific and technological achievements, thereby helping to accelerate the research and development of new technologies and new products, and finally break through the "valley of death", and gather and attract more patient capital throughout the process.

Guo Liyan specifically mentioned that the service industry is the field with the greatest market potential, and social capital, especially private capital and foreign capital, has a strong willingness to enter. Further clearing up various access restrictions in the service industry access link, breaking down explicit or implicit market barriers, and relaxing service industry market access in a timely manner will help create a market access environment where people dare to invest, can invest, and invest well, thereby promoting the deep transformation and upgrading of the industry.

Innovative measures open the floodgates of innovation competition

Against the above background, the "Ten Measures for Market Access" clearly put forward the principle path of "standard guidance, open scenarios, market promotion, industrial aggregation, and system upgrading". The market access system measures it deploys for new business formats and new fields are quite innovative.

Zhang Mingshen gave an example, saying that the "Ten Measures for Market Access" put "standards" in the forefront, and for the first time proposed the principles and paths of using standards to guide market access. It is necessary to "establish standards" around the industry, and to "use standards" in the entire development chain of scenarios, markets, clusters, upgrades, etc. This is not only in line with the new trend of international standardization development from products first, then standards to standards first, then products, but also creates favorable conditions for new formats and new fields to take the road of high-quality development with high quality, high added value and high profits.

In addition, the document also proposed for the first time to formulate implementation plans for optimizing the market access environment by industry category and field, and clarified ten new business forms and fields, including deep sea, aerospace, aviation, life and health, new energy, artificial intelligence, autonomous and trusted computing, information security, smart rail transit, and modern seed industry.

Guo Liyan was concerned that the "Ten Measures for Market Access" proposed implementing actions to build a market access environment for the application and transformation of innovative achievements in cutting-edge technology fields, taking the lead in promoting the application and standard construction of intelligent unmanned systems in all spaces at sea, on land and in the air, accelerating the construction of an access policy system in areas such as green energy, and actively expanding market access for digital products; focusing on strategic emerging industries, key areas of future industries and major productive forces, key areas will be selected to carry out pilot projects to relax market access, and special measures to relax market access will be formulated and introduced in batches to further lead and expand the market application of new technologies.

Experts believe that further relaxing market access for new business formats and new fields and clearing bottlenecks that hinder the development of new quality productivity will help allow more social forces to enter industries that were previously considered "high-threshold" industries and guide all kinds of advanced and high-quality production factors to flow smoothly towards new quality productivity.

From a long-term perspective, Zhang Mingshen said that a perfect market access system will open the floodgates for a new round of innovation competition, provide strong market traction for the emergence of high-quality scientific and technological achievements, and inject powerful endogenous driving force into the deep integration of innovation chain, industrial chain, capital chain and talent chain.

Source: National Express

Editor: Gao Yantang

Editor: Wei Xi