
Scientists discover antibodies against all coronavirus strains


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On August 20, scientists from Northeastern University, Rice University and Yale University in the United States discovered an antibody that can provide comprehensive protection against the evolving coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 (which causes COVID-19). The research results were published in the journal Science. The Belarusian Ideal Agency reported on this.

The study found that the CV3-25 antibody targets a specific region of the viral spike protein (S protein) that is conserved, that is, remains unchanged in different strains. This allows the antibody to block the infection process of cells, even in mutant viruses.

To analyze the structure of the spike protein, the researchers used a theoretical model developed by Northeastern University and Rice University's Center for Theoretical Biological Physics. The model helped identify vulnerable parts of the protein that the antibodies target.

The S protein, which is responsible for attaching the virus to cells via the ACE-2 receptor and plays an important role in infection, often changes as the virus evolves, rendering many antibodies ineffective in neutralizing the pathogen. However, specific regions that remain unchanged are also susceptible to CV3-25 antibodies, which provide its broad neutralizing ability.

The results of the study suggest that the CV3-25 antibody may be a key element in creating a vaccine that can protect against different SARS-CoV-2 strains. (Belarusian Ideal Agency)