
"Ningning AI Law" is upgraded and launched! Free legal services will be provided to these companies and white-collar workers →


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On August 20, the theme event "AI Empowerment, Integration of Law and Intelligence" - Diversified Applications of Legal Technology and Future Prospects was held in the Dahongqiao Rule of Law Reception Hall, showcasing the sparks created by the collision of "technology" and "rule of law" and polishing Changning's new business card of "smart rule of law".
Song Lie, deputy director of the Shanghai Municipal Bureau of Justice, and Chen Ying, deputy mayor of Changning District, attended the event and delivered speeches. Liao Mingtao, vice president of the Shanghai Lawyers Association, also attended the event.
At the event, the District Justice Bureau’s digital ambassador for legal education, "Ningning AI Law", made an upgraded appearance. Compared with her first appearance at the Shanghai Rule of Law Culture Festival in May, "she", who has been "fed" by practical cases, judicial documents, and professional laws and regulations, has grown into a "professional all-rounder" who can provide foreign-related legal inquiry services for companies going overseas, as well as risk warnings and legal protection for companies throughout their life cycle.
"What should employers pay attention to when it comes to the 'three phases' of female employees?" Ms. Zhou, a company representative, asked a question on the spot. As soon as she finished speaking, "Ningning AI Law" explained the relevant laws and regulations on the protection of female employees' "three phases" and their rights and interests during special periods. At the same time, a detailed text introduction was also presented on the screen, making it clear at a glance. "It is very convenient to use and the query is very efficient, just like communicating face to face with professionals." Ms. Zhou praised the experience.
"Ningning AI Law" is not only a witness to the digital wave embraced by the rule of law in Changning and a spokesperson for technology-enabled legal services, but also a "legal advisor" who accompanies you 24 hours a day. It is reported that this digital person is the first large-scale vertical model project of multi-language and multi-modal professional legal services for enterprises in the city jointly developed by the District Justice Bureau, Beijing Zhide (Shanghai) Law Firm, and iFlytek Co., Ltd., focusing on the city's action plan to optimize the business environment and assisting Changning's rule of law business services. It is also a digital empowerment measure to assist the region's optimization of business services since the establishment of the Changning Optimization of the Rule of Law Business Community during this year's Rule of Law Culture Festival.
In the future, "Ningning AI Law" will be set up at the business rule of law station in the Jinhongqiao business district to provide free business legal services to companies and white-collar workers in the business district, and gradually build a supply network for regional "three circles and one belt" smart public legal service scenario applications.
At the event, the District Justice Bureau stated that it would continue to iterate and upgrade the "Ningning AI Law" 1.0, and make the "Ningning AI Law" a "magic weapon" to help companies expand their business and protect their healthy growth.
Relying on the service function of the "Dahongqiao Rule of Law Reception Hall", Changning District cooperated with the Legal and Technological Committee of the Municipal Lawyers Association to establish the Dahongqiao Practice Base of the Municipal Lawyers Association Legal and Technological Association.
The establishment of this practice base will better play the role of the "two-way leading" role of the association in enabling legal services through technology and guaranteeing technological innovation through professional law, and optimize and improve the legal service functions of the "Dahongqiao Legal Living Room". At the same time, it will build a broader communication and cooperation platform for the development of legal technology applications in the city, provide a communication window for training, communication, and display for the incubation of legal technology projects, product development, scenario application, and communication and discussion, and tell the new era story of the integration of Shanghai legal services and digital technology.
The new field of legal technology integration requires Changning to continue to demonstrate its strong digital genes and seize the opportunity. At the event, the government, colleges and universities, legal technology companies, law firms and private enterprise industry organizations signed the "Changning Legal Technology Five-Party Cooperation and Sharing Agreement" to jointly promote the benign interaction and integrated development of Changning's law and technology, stimulate the innovation and development vitality of legal technology companies and legal service institutions, promote the construction of the "Government, University, Enterprise, Lawyer and Industry" service alliance, and strive to build Changning into a demonstration highland for the application of legal technology, providing professional guarantees and technological support for the healthy development of various economic entities in the Changning region.
In order to encourage innovation and commend pioneers, eight legal service institutions in the district that have performed outstandingly in the field of digital legal services were awarded the title of Changning District's first batch of "Dahongqiao Digital Law Firms" Pioneer Action Demonstration Units.
Representatives from the District Market Supervision and Administration Bureau, the District Justice Bureau, Shanghai Zhenling Technology Co., Ltd., and the Fudan University Development Research Institute shared their views on how digital technology can empower the construction of the rule of law, focusing on network administrative supervision, digital rule of law governance, internal management of corporate AI, and rule of law governance from the perspective of national big data. Representatives from the first batch of digital law firm demonstration units discussed the prospects for the construction of digital law firms through roundtable interviews.
It is reported that this event is guided by the Shanghai Municipal Bureau of Justice, co-organized by the Changning District Committee's Rule of Law Office, the District Bureau of Justice, the District Commerce Commission, the District Data Bureau, the District Science and Technology Commission, and the District Federation of Industry and Commerce, and co-sponsored by the Changning District Lawyers Committee and Shanghai Xinghan Law Firm.
In the next step, the District Justice Bureau will strengthen the overall layout of digital transformation, coordinate the promotion of digital rule of law infrastructure such as networks, computing power, perception, and applications, focus on the three key words of data foundation, scenario application, and business penetration, and create a legal technology "digital grid". Fully implement the smart layout of Changning, the city's international legal service center, and continuously improve the breadth, depth, temperature, and visibility of Changning's smart judicial administration, and make greater contributions to accelerating the construction of Changning's "four forces and four cities" and Shanghai's move towards becoming an outstanding global city.
Image provided by Changning District Justice Bureau
Written by: Xu Menglu