
2024 China Technology Association City Main Industry Vocational Skills (Shiyan) League will kick off at the end of the month


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Jimu News reporter Guan Qianyu

Correspondent Zhang Xiaoning

On the morning of August 20, the press conference for the 2024 China Technology Association Urban Main Industry Vocational Skills (Shiyan) League and Technical Workers and Craftsmen Conference was held in the press conference hall of Shiyan City, Hubei Province. Relevant persons in charge of the Shiyan Federation of Trade Unions and Dongfeng Commercial Vehicle Co., Ltd. answered questions from media reporters.

The event was jointly organized by the China Workers' Technical Association, the Hubei Federation of Trade Unions, the Shiyan Municipal Party Committee, the Municipal Government, and Dongfeng Motor Corporation. The theme of the event is "Cultivating new quality productivity and strengthening new development momentum". It will be held from August 29 to 30. The event will be held in the form of "one competition and one conference". The "one competition" is the new energy vehicle technology (commercial vehicle) competition, which was held at the vehicle factory of Dongfeng Commercial Vehicle Co., Ltd. on the morning of August 29; the "one conference" is a technical workers and craftsmen conference, which was held in the Century Hall of Century Top 100 Hotel on the morning of August 30.

According to reports, the new energy vehicle technology (commercial vehicle) competition on August 29 will have 20 teams from 12 provinces and 16 cities across the country competing for the first, second, third and group awards. The technical workers and craftsmen conference on the 30th will award prizes to the winning groups and players of the competition, and Li Keqiang and Xiang Jinwu, academicians of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, will be present to give keynote speeches. The conference will also hold a ceremony to award the Commercial Vehicle Professional Committee of the China Workers' Technical Association and issue an action declaration, sign a strategic agreement with 5 relevant committees, sign a signing ceremony for the cooperation between the association and the school for the improvement of the academic qualifications and skills of industrial workers, and a flag-awarding ceremony for the Jingyan "Model Workers and Craftsmen Helping Enterprises" volunteer service team. The league conference is rich in content and diverse in form, integrating "competitions, meetings, exhibitions, performances, and signings", and is extremely practical, professional, and representative.

At the press conference, Shiyan Federation of Trade Unions and Dongfeng Commercial Vehicle Co., Ltd. focused on the league conference and made supplementary interpretations. Among them, Shiyan Federation of Trade Unions introduced the preparations and characteristics of the league conference and the Shiyan industrial workers' education and skills improvement actions. Dongfeng Commercial Vehicle Company introduced the purpose and significance of the preparations for the establishment of the Commercial Vehicle Professional Committee of the China Workers' Technical Association.

(Source: Jimu News)

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