
A good remedy for treating shingles without leaving any sequelae!


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Shingles is a type of blister that is common and multiple in spring and autumn. It is characterized by localized clusters of blisters, burning sensation, pain, red tongue with yellow coating, and rapid and stringy pulse. The cause of the disease may be extreme liver depression and dryness.

In the book "Yizhi Xuyu·Volume 2·Rib Pain" by Sun Yikui, a physician in the Ming Dynasty, there is a story about using it to treat shingles without any sequelae.

"My brother went to another place in June. He was exposed to the heat and fatigue during the journey, and was very irritable. Suddenly, he had pain in his left ribs. A red patch as big as a bowl appeared on his skin, and three or five blisters appeared. His pulse was stringy and seven beats per minute, and it was heavier at night than during the day. The doctor treated him for liver fire stagnation and used coptis root, apricot peel, cyperus rotundus,Chuanxiong,After taking one dose of Bupleurum chinense, I felt severe pain and had a fever at night.

The next morning, the skin was red and big like a plate, and the number of blisters had increased to more than 30. The doctor told me to grind alum into fine powder, add water to mix and apply, and add indigo and gentian to the previous medicine. At night, I was in so much pain that I could scream so loudly that the neighbors around could hear it. The pain in my side was like a hook hooking me.

When observed the next morning, the redness had spread to half of the body and the blisters had increased to the hundreds.

I was very depressed and sad, so I went to ask my teacher Mr. Huang Gutan. Mr. Huang Gutan looked at the pulse case and the prescription and felt that the medicine was not used correctly: the current condition is urgent and dangerous, how can we use ordinary liver-purging medicine to treat it? This is like driving a sheep to fight a tiger. Moreover, bitter and cold medicines will make the disease more serious. If the blisters appear on the outside, the liver has been depressed for a long time and cannot be released, so the skin and skin will ulcerate.