
Surprise! Song Ailing's husband Kong Xiangxi's calligraphy surpasses Chu Kai's


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I think you will be surprised after seeing his calligraphy. The regular script of Chu Suiliang is his style, and it is also his calligraphy. His calligraphy style is Chu Suiliang's, but his calligraphy is of another style, giving people a refreshing feeling. No one would have thought that the calligraphy of this "money bag", especially the regular script, has reached the pinnacle, which is breathtaking.

Judging from his regular script, his grasp and control of it is not only just right, but also has a unique style, which shows the essence of regular script vividly. In terms of brushwork, he inherited the essence of Chu Suiliang's calligraphy, and used it freely and with superb skills. He also integrated the advantages of various schools, with a hint of elegant beauty and the essence of official script. The whole person gives people a refreshing feeling. The strokes are lifelike and full of vitality. Many strokes are written in the brushwork of running script, which is smart and full of beauty, giving people a refreshing feeling when they read it.

His regular script has a sense of danger, especially at the turning points, which have a sense of cleanliness and neatness, and a sense of strength, especially the long horizontal lines, which are even more prominent. At the same time, you can also feel the charm of the "sutra writing style". Even the lines are very delicate, and the contrast between thick and thin is very strong. Moreover, his calligraphy also gives people a sense of grandeur, especially the words he wrote, which not only have a good sense of neatness, but also a good layout, which makes people appreciate it.

His calligraphy is not only neat, but also very good in every style. Although he is not a real calligrapher, his calligraphy is very powerful. Don't forget to share it with me. I also look forward to your forwarding and sharing.