
New focus of financing! Professional bill brands deeply decode the new direction of corporate financing


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A while ago, there was a wave of reading old articles in a new way. Mr. Ba Shusong's classic article "Financial Innovation - An Effective Way to Solve the Difficulties of Financing for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises" has attracted everyone's attention again after many years. The article was published in "Financial Expo" in 2009. At that time, the difficulty of financing for small and medium-sized enterprises once again attracted widespread attention. According to statistics, about 80% of enterprises have never obtained credit support from the banking system. But private enterprises are an indispensable and important part of China's economic development. More than a decade later, although the difficulties in the development and financing of private enterprises have been alleviated to a certain extent, the difficulties and high costs of financing are still hotly discussed and have become a long-standing problem between enterprises and banks. The financing issue was mentioned again this time. In addition to the upgrade of traditional channels, as a unique financial sub-market, the contribution of bills to the financing of small and medium-sized enterprises in recent years is also obvious to all. As a leading enterprise in the current bill industry, Deep Digital Technology Group has gradually entered the market's sight. This company, established at the same time as the Shanghai Bill Exchange, has explored the development curves of data and bills in just a few years, and has obtained investment from JD Group and Aode Group, winning wide attention from the market.

The core function of bills lies in their role as a payment tool. Beyond the basic payment attribute, bills also have two key functions: circulation and financing. As a circulating security, bills are almost equivalent to the liquidity of cash, allowing holders to transfer them freely, and achieve the purpose of immediate financing through the circulation of bills. Bill discounting is a typical application, that is, endorse the bill to a financial institution in exchange for immediate cash before it expires, and the holder needs to pay a certain interest for this. The "Interim Measures for the Administration of Acceptance, Discount and Rediscount of Commercial Bills" issued by the People's Bank of China as early as 1997 clearly defined the essence of discounting: "That is, the holder pays interest to the financial institution to transfer the bill rights before the maturity date of the bill in order to obtain funds in advance, which constitutes a practical way for financial institutions to provide financing to the holder." Compared with traditional sovereign or commercial loans, financing using commercial acceptance bills and bank acceptance bills has the advantages of no or little guarantee and relatively low financing costs.