
After saving someone at the beach, the man said, "If you want to thank someone, thank Richie Jen." This kind of "fan circle" is what we want to see


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Jimu News commentator Qu Jing

Recently, a boy was swept into the sea by the waves at the beach in Dalian, Liaoning. A man named Mr. Liu who was nearby saw this and immediately jumped into the water to rescue the drowning boy. Talking about his act of saving the boy, Mr. Liu said with pride: "If you want to thank someone, thank Richie Jen! If he hadn't held a concert in Dalian, I wouldn't have come." Richie Jen later responded with a message saying: "Don't thank me, I should thank you for your kindness and courage!" (According to Xinhua News Agency on August 19)

Screenshot of online video of Mr. Liu saving people

In the hot summer, this touching little thing is like a clear rain, which makes many people feel refreshed and energetic after watching it, and gives them more reasons and motivation to love this world. As one netizen said: "What a beautiful closed loop, everyone in it is kind and beautiful!"

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Mr. Liu's act of saving lives is undoubtedly selfless and brave, and it is admirable. At that critical moment, he did not hesitate at all, put his personal safety aside, and resolutely saved the life of a stranger. This act of bravery shows the most moving side of human nature, and also makes people deeply feel that "there is true love in the world." This pure, instinctive kindness and fearless courage deserve our most sincere respect and praise.

Mr. Liu's words "If you want to thank someone, thank Richie Jen!", even more involved a touching fate behind the good deed. It turned out that Mr. Liu was a fan of Richie Jen, and if Richie Jen had not held a concert in Dalian, he would not have come here. This statement fully demonstrated his humor and humility, and also showed the power of music to transcend time and space and connect people's hearts. Richie Jen's subsequent response was also full of cordial kindness and respect. He not only praised Mr. Liu's good deed, but also expressed his willingness to give him a gift. A moving song and a mortal's good deed connected people who had no intersection or were far away, weaving a beautiful and touching piece of music.

Richie Jen has always been enthusiastic about charity. Previously, when he was cycling to record a variety show, he met a father who was struggling to find his missing child. He also posted a Weibo to help him find his son, which triggered nearly 70,000 reposts from netizens. It is precisely because he has always influenced his fans with his positive image as a public figure that there is such a warm and beautiful two-way rush. It can be seen that when idols set an example and convey positive energy, their fans will also be inspired to transform this positive energy into practical actions and give back to society.

The power of role models is enormous. There are always many examples of "two-way running" in star-chasing culture to stimulate positive energy. Many stars use their influence to actively participate in public welfare activities, encourage fans to pay attention to vulnerable groups, donate money and materials, and spread love; when natural disasters occur, many fan groups quickly organize to provide material assistance to the disaster area, and support the idol's public welfare concept with practical actions; there are also medical students who thank their favorite singers in the acknowledgments of their SCI papers, because the idol's songs gave them strong spiritual support during their studies. These inspiring examples show the positive value of star-chasing culture, and also let people see that when a positive interaction is formed between idols and fans, it can also gather into a positive force that cannot be ignored.

In recent years, the "fan circle" star-chasing has often been overshadowed by some extreme and irrational behaviors, such as mutual abuse, provoking conflicts, stirring up confrontations, and affecting public order. These behaviors not only destroy the harmony of the online environment, but also violate the original intention of rational star-chasing, leaving a bad impression on the public. Especially during the just-concluded Paris Olympics, some extreme chaos online and offline triggered the sports community's resistance to the chaos of "fan circles". The public security organs also stated that they would severely crack down on illegal and criminal activities of "fan circles" in the sports field in accordance with the law. For a while, the "fan circle" could be said to have lost its reputation and everyone despised it.

However, the "fan circle" itself is a spontaneous and natural formation of the fan group. It is not inherently extreme or negative. Instead, it should be a community where fans support each other, share joy, and grow together. It should also be a positive force to encourage personal progress and promote social harmony. This wonderful story between Mr. Liu who saved the man and Richie Jen who inspired him shows us the good side of the "fan circle" and star chasing. Fans support their idols with a rational and healthy attitude, and draw good spiritual outlook and moral qualities from their idols' works and experiences. Idols also continue to improve through their own efforts, show a stronger sense of social responsibility, and give more people motivation and inspiration. This two-way rush is the most beautiful, and this kind of "fan circle" is what we most want to see.

(Source: Jimu News)

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