
The malfunction of the "magic carpet" in the scenic area caused 1 death and 60 injuries. Industry insiders: "Magic carpet" is similar to an elevator and lacks specific regulatory regulations


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At 13:56 on August 10, a malfunction occurred in the Detian Waterfall Scenic Area's magic carpet project, causing casualties.

According to the situation report released by the Detian Cross-border Waterfall Scenic Area, as of 18:30 on the 10th, the accident resulted in the death of one tourist and injuries to 60 tourists, including one seriously injured and 59 slightly injured.

On the 11th, the Daxin County People's Government issued another report stating that after the accident, the leaders of the autonomous region, Chongzuo City, and Daxin County immediately deployed rescue work and organized more than 300 medical staff to treat the injured. After consulting the injured, 50 people have been transferred to autonomous region-level medical institutions for treatment, and the rest of the injured continue to be treated in Daxin County medical institutions.

The magic carpet project broke down, and the scene was in chaos. Photo/Ersanli News

On the 10th, an injured tourist described the incident to Jiupai News. He said that when he was playing the magic carpet project of climbing up to view the waterfall, the conveyor belt suddenly broke, "many people on the conveyor belt rushed down from above, pressed together, and some people fell to the bottom."

On the 11th, a staff member of Yidi Tourism Resources Development Co., Ltd. told Jiupai News that the magic carpet project is similar to an elevator, and there are special production equipment manufacturers and engineering construction and installation companies. His company is mainly responsible for the engineering installation of scenic spot tourism projects such as magic carpets. "If the magic carpet fails during operation, it is mainly due to equipment problems."