
AI glasses and headphones, Xiaomi smart glasses manufacturer launches new products, Jiehuan AI audio glasses review


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After entering 2024, the popularity of AI big models continues to grow, and many digital products have boarded this high-speed train. Some wearable companies with a keen sense of smell have also equipped their own wearable products with AI to make their products more competitive. The Jiehuan AI audio glasses that I am going to review today are designed by Honeycomb Technology. They adopt the concept of smart audio headphones and integrate the multifunctional ideas of glasses + open headphones + AI, so that wearable devices can truly serve users, rather than being a simple gimmick.

Speaking of Honeycomb Technology, we have to mention the Mijia Smart Audio Glasses, which were released in 2023. They are a two-in-one audio product that combines glasses and headphones. This product is produced by Honeycomb Technology. In addition, the Mijia Glasses camera is also produced by Honeycomb Technology.

For a technology company that is deeply engaged in the research and development of wearable smart hardware, Honeycomb Technology has always maintained a unique tone in product design, and even the packaging is quite interesting.