
Kishore Mahbubani: I am a "China optimist" and China has significant advantages in governance


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Reference News reported on August 11According to a report on the website of Singapore's Lianhe Zaobao on August 11, Kishore Mahbubani, a former senior diplomat of Singapore, has unique insights into the development of the international situation, has always been friendly to China, and often made pro-China remarks, which made him considered "pro-China" by the outside world. In an exclusive interview with Lianhe Zaobao about his memoirs published this month, he responded to how he felt about being labeled "pro-China".

"I can understand why some Singaporeans feel I am 'pro-China' because they see me arguing with Westerners. Many of these Westerners write very distorted things and give very distorted descriptions of China," he said in a calm tone.

In Mahbubani's view, the competition between China and the United States is the biggest geopolitical competition in human history. "We must make sure not to get involved and not to favor either side... But at the same time, if we can do something to minimize the competition and try to explain to China and the United States that you'd better avoid this competition, that's the original intention of my writing."

Mahbubani believes that the United States has completely underestimated the ability of the Chinese people and government to find pragmatic solutions to their own problems. "I am a 'China optimist' and I remain optimistic about China's long-term prospects."

However, Mahbubani also emphasized that we should never underestimate the United States. "It is a great society. That is why the competition between China and the United States is so amazing, because there are two very, very powerful societies, each with its own strengths, competing with each other. The United States has a huge advantage, especially in the private sector, while China has a significant advantage in governance."

According to the report, Kishore Mahbubani believes that competition between China and the United States will intensify in the next 10 to 20 years.