
4 Chinese citizens died in a plane crash in Nepal. The embassy has contacted their families and will assist in the aftermath.


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On August 7, local time, a helicopter crashed in Nepal, killing five people, including four Chinese citizens. On August 11, a reporter from Southern Metropolis Daily learned from the Chinese Embassy in Nepal that the embassy had set up a special working group to verify the situation with the Nepalese side, urging them to find out the cause of the accident as soon as possible, properly handle the aftermath, and quickly contact the families of the victims to assist them in coming to Nepal to deal with the aftermath.

Nandu reported earlier that on August 7, local time, a helicopter of Nepal Dynasty Airlines crashed in Nuwakot, killing all five people on board, including one woman. The Chinese Embassy in Nepal confirmed that four of the five victims were Chinese citizens.

The helicopter, piloted by a senior pilot, took off from Kathmandu, the capital of Nepal, at 13:54 and was scheduled to fly to Rasuwa, but the aircraft lost contact with the tower three minutes after takeoff. Afterwards, residents near the crash site saw fire and smoke in the mountains and notified the police, who then confirmed that the helicopter had crashed.

On August 11, the Chinese Embassy in Nepal released a statement saying that the embassy attached great importance to the incident and immediately activated the consular protection emergency mechanism, set up a special working group, verified the situation with the Nepalese side, urged them to find out the cause of the accident as soon as possible, properly handle the aftermath, and quickly contacted the families of the victims to assist them in coming to Nepal to deal with the aftermath.

Nepal is in the rainy season recently, with frequent severe convective weather such as thunderstorms and heavy rainfall, which can easily lead to geological disasters such as floods, landslides and road collapses, posing a threat to transportation and construction safety. The Chinese Embassy in Nepal once again reminds Chinese citizens and institutions in Nepal to strengthen risk prevention such as traffic safety.

Written by: Nandu reporter Zhang Linfei