
Photo News|Wulong: Escape the summer heat and learn skills at the same time


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▲On August 8, students from the Senior University were performing African drums at the Fairy Mountain Square in Wulong District. Photo by correspondent Zhong Guilin
At around 6 o'clock that evening, the graduation performance of the 2024 Wulong Fairy Mountain Summer Public Free Teaching of the Cultural and Tourism Branch of Chongqing University for the Elderly was held at the Fairy Mountain Square in the district. The wonderful literary and artistic calligraphy and painting performances attracted many local villagers to watch.
It is understood that in July this year, the 2024 summer free teaching activities of the Cultural and Tourism Branch of Chongqing University for the Elderly were launched at Xiannv Mountain in Wulong District. Nine majors including Tai Chi, dance, fashion style, and mobile photography were opened, and nearly 1,200 students signed up to participate.
It is reported that starting from 2021, the "Seasonal School" will cooperate with the Central Primary School of Xiannvshan Town, Wulong District, and take advantage of its vacant teaching buildings during the summer vacation and the large number of elderly people who come to Xiannvshan for summer vacation to explore the characteristic way of running a "Seasonal School" and enrich the spiritual and cultural life of the elderly.
▲On August 8, students from the Senior University were performing Tai Chi at the Fairy Mountain Square in Wulong District. Photo by correspondent Zhong Guilin
▲On August 8, at the Fairy Mountain Square in Wulong District, the wonderful performance attracted many people to watch. Photo by correspondent Zhong Guilin
▲On August 8, people were watching a calligraphy and painting exhibition at Xiannvshan Square in Wulong District. Photo by correspondent Zhong Guilin