
The first person in the history of League of Legends! Uzi completed a 42km marathon in 5 hours, 41 minutes and 35 seconds


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LOL e-sports player Uzi announced on August 7 that he would participate in the Paris Olympic Games National Marathon.

As soon as this news came out, it instantly caused heated discussions in the e-sports circle. You have to know that the entire marathon is 42.2KM and you cannot stop during the run. Even people who have been running for many years have to consider their physical condition and whether they can hold on when they see this set of numbers, not to mention e-sports players who have been training at high intensity all year round and sitting for a long time.

At this Paris Olympics, the qualification for the national marathon is enough to discourage 99.9% of people.

From July 2020 to December 2023, only athletes who have earned 100,000 points through sports are eligible to register for the competition. These 100,000 points correspond to 10,000 kilometers of running. How difficult is it to achieve this achievement?

The straight-line distance from Shanghai to Beijing is 1,068 kilometers, and a round trip is 2,136 kilometers in total. That is to say, you have to go back and forth five times to reach more than 10,000 kilometers. Even if you have unlocked 100,000 points, you cannot participate directly and have to draw lots. Because the number of registrants is as high as more than 800,000, in the end only more than 40,000 people can participate, and the winning rate is about 5%.

Uzi can be said to be the chosen one. He was selected to participate in the competition from a draw of 800,000 people.

At 4 a.m. on August 11, the Paris Marathon officially started. Uzi lived up to expectations and ran the entire course, with a total mileage of 41.195 kilometers and a time of 5 hours, 41 minutes and 35 seconds. Uzi's successful completion really exceeded the expectations of all e-sports players. In the field of sports in the e-sports circle, he is definitelyLeague of LegendsHe is the number one person in history, and it is not an exaggeration to say that he is the number one person in e-sports.

How strong is the physical fitness required to run a full marathon? Many e-sports players may have no idea.

Last year, there were only about 640,000 people who completed the full marathon nationwide. On average, only one person out of 2,181 people could complete the entire marathon. It is 42 kilometers long, and it is difficult for ordinary people to complete the entire course even if they walk, not to mention jogging occasionally during the period. It can only be said that Uzi's physical fitness is now extremely strong, and he can definitely replicate the scene of kicking five people in the dormitory.

Uzi's sports journey can be regarded as a real-life version of "Hot and Hot". Most LOL players would never have thought that the little fat boy who used to get red-hot easily in the professional arena is now a muscular man. During his professional career, Uzi's physical condition was indeed very poor. Irregular work and rest, eating habits, and high-intensity training caused Uzi to suffer from occupational diseases at an early age.

Uzi suffers from tenosynovitis in his hand from holding the mouse for a long time, and what's more serious is that he also suffers from diabetes.

These injuries are also the main reasons for Uzi's retirement. Fortunately, after leaving the arena, Uzi insisted on exercising and receiving treatment, and his body became better and better. This time he completed the marathon, which can be regarded as an encouragement to e-sports players. When you encounter difficulties and want to retreat in the future, just think about Uzi. He can persist in exercising and finish the marathon. What else can't he do?


As an old e-sports fan, to be honest, I really admire Uzi. His gaming talent is enviable, which we really can't compare with, but his persistence and perseverance in continuously exercising to the intensity of running a marathon are worth learning. Compared with DYS next door, whose health is getting worse and worse, the difference is obvious.

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