
Teachers and students from American universities visit Nanjing Agricultural University to experience Chinese culture


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China News Service, Nanjing, August 9 (Hong Beibei, Xia Lei, Zhao Yeye, Zhao Guangxin) Recently, 90 American college teachers and students from the American College Students Jiangsu Exchange Camp came to Nanjing Agricultural University to start learning and exchange activities. They are from eight universities in the United States, including Duke University, Brigham Young University, Columbia University, etc.
On August 8, the exchange activities kicked off with a report on the theme of "The Impact of Agricultural Science and Technology Innovation on Sustainable Development of Humankind". The report focused on "Different Situations and Goals of Agriculture in China and Abroad" and was presented by Professor Zhong Funing, a senior expert of the United Nations World Food Security Committee and consultant of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization and the World Bank.
American college students learn Tai Chi. Photo by Yang Bo, a reporter from China News Service
Zhong Funing compared the respective focuses of China and the United States in terms of agricultural development concepts and agricultural innovation investment. He emphasized that sincere exchanges in all aspects and fields can not only promote mutual understanding and understanding, but also deepen the understanding of themselves and promote in-depth and pragmatic cooperation to meet common challenges.
During the panel discussion, three experts from Nanjing Agricultural University and Duke Kunshan University, along with two American college students, expressed their respective views and had a lively discussion with the teachers and students in the audience.
Associate Professor Gao Shuai from the School of Engineering at Nanjing Agricultural University said that China's agricultural mechanization and intelligent development have achieved remarkable results in recent years. NAU's innovative achievements in the fields of drones and artificial intelligence have helped farmers and benefited the people. He looks forward to more extensive exchanges and cooperation between China and the United States in the future.
American college students learn dragon dancing. Photo by Yang Bo, a reporter from China News Service
Dr. Chenkai Wu of Duke Kunshan University hopes that China and the United States will establish effective cooperation mechanisms in areas of common concern such as health, food security and climate change, strengthen mutual exchanges, and lead global scientific research development by attracting external funding support.
During the exchange, American teachers and students also experienced Chinese veterinary medicine classes in person; learned dragon and lion dances and martial arts skills from NNU youth in the gymnasium; and made lacquer fans, clay vases and clay paintings in the academic exchange center to experience traditional Chinese art. (End)