
Stunning! Zhang Hai's cursive and running scripts are vigorous and powerful, with a fresh and natural rhythm


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Do you like the calligraphy works of Mr. Zhang Hai, the honorary president of the Chinese Calligraphy Association? Have you ever paid attention to his cursive works? In fact, his running and cursive scripts are also excellent. Similarly, his cursive scripts are also very distinctive. They not only inherit the ancient methods, but also express his own personality vividly. This is a kind of calligraphy based on the ancient methods. His cursive scripts give people a refreshing feeling, with flying brushstrokes, a strong sense of rhythm, and a unique charm. I wonder if you have been shocked after reading his cursive scripts? Let's enjoy this game together.

As we all know, Mr. Zhang Hai's calligraphy style is unique. It has both the charm of Han bamboo slips and the brushwork of running script. His style is unrestrained, with his own unique insights and understandings, and he has his own style. Moreover, we also noticed that the phenomenon of flying white is more obvious in his running and cursive scripts. Moreover, every word has flying white, and every stroke is smooth, fresh and refined. The contrast between thick and thin is also very contagious. No wonder many friends are surprised after seeing his running and cursive scripts, because his calligraphy level is online.

Teacher Zhang Hai's cursive script has agile brush strokes, which change very quickly, especially the changes in the brush strokes, which give people a different feeling. Each stroke has an angle, and each stroke has a rhythm. From this point of view, he has a strong control over the speed of calligraphy. No matter the arrangement of dots and strokes, or the fusion of their mutual relationships, there is a clear response and looking back, and the beginning and the end echo each other. Moreover, the whole layout gives people a feeling of ease and freedom. The line spacing is large, and the font spacing is small, which forms a sharp contrast. It is very interesting.

When talking about Zhang Hai, the first thing that comes to mind is his official script. Indeed, his official script is indeed a "clear stream" in today's calligraphy world, which is admirable. The same is true for his cursive script, which is more attractive and has its own style. Do you think so? What do you think? Tell us.