
Why do residents frequently give thumbs up to this mechanism of the National People’s Congress?


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"Thank you, it will be much more convenient to cross the bridge in the future!" Recently, Aunt Hu, who lives in Jianhejiayuan, received good news that the barrier-free elevator under the Jianhelu Bridge on Changning Road was finally put into use. This problem that has troubled residents for months was solved during the concentrated community contact activities of the Municipal and Changning District People's Congress representatives in the middle of this year. The rapid resolution of the problem fully reflects the original intention of the People's Congress representatives to deeply practice the important concept of full-process people's democracy and promote the improvement of people's livelihood governance.

Jianhe Road Bridge connecting Changning and Putuo

The Jianhe Road Bridge across the Suzhou River connects Putuo and Changning. It was completed and opened to traffic in October 2023. The bridge has motorway, non-motorway and pedestrian lanes. On the southeast side of the bridge, there is also a barrier-free elevator for residents to get on and off the bridge. This is a good thing that everyone is happy about, but after the bridge was opened, some residents found that the elevator had not been opened for a long time. In order to enjoy the convenience brought by the elevator as soon as possible, resident Aunt Hu reported the matter to the Jianhe Jiayuan Residential Area Party Committee, hoping that the relevant departments can implement the request.

"Since this project is under the jurisdiction of the Municipal Transportation Commission, we made a record as soon as we learned about the residents' feedback and reported it to the Beixinjing Street Working Committee of the National People's Congress. We hope to coordinate with municipal departments to resolve this issue through the concentrated community contact activities of municipal and district people's congress representatives." said Gong Huini, secretary of the Jianhe Jiayuan Residential Area Party Committee.

Barrier-free elevator under Jianhe Road Bridge

At the same time, to the east of Changning Road, less than one kilometer away from the Jianhe Road Bridge, is a sports space called "Rock Park" under the viaduct. Since its completion, its popularity has not diminished, and it has become a good place for residents in the surrounding area to exercise. However, although the space under the bridge has been enriched, there has always been a problem of no sidewalks on the bridge. According to resident Aunt Qian, there is actually a small bridge leading to Putuo on the Zhonghuan Interchange, but there is only a non-motorized vehicle lane, and the passage connecting Rock Park and the bridge deck has always been closed. If residents want to go to Putuo through this bridge, they can only go around to the Tianshan West Road Bridge, and they can only ride a bicycle.

Stairs leading to the bridge in the Flamingo area on the north side of Rock Park

"In line with the original intention of responding to the people's yearning for a better life, after listening to the problems raised by the residents, the district people's congress representatives, after on-site inspections and in-depth investigations, put forward the suggestions of 'timely opening of the Jianhe Road Bridge elevator service' and 'improving the planning of the bridge deck sidewalks in Rock Park'." Liang Yan, district people's congress representative and secretary of the Hami Residential Area Party Branch, told reporters that during the city and district people's congress representatives' concentrated community contact activities in the middle of this year, the district people's congress representatives fed back these two suggestions to Zhang Hua, city people's congress representative, secretary of the party group and chairman of the Municipal Women's Federation. Zhang Hua immediately acknowledged them and immediately asked the Municipal Transportation Commission's Maintenance Department about the planning of elevators and overpass sidewalks, and informed the residents of their actual needs and ideas.

After receiving the questions submitted by the representatives, the Maintenance Department of the Municipal Transportation Commission also informed the representatives that two tasks are currently being implemented. The elevator on the south side of Jianhe Road is arranging for maintenance units to enter the site, and the setting of the middle ring lane of Beizhai Road has been clearly included in the North-South Corridor Project and will be implemented together. It was also stated that the progress will be accelerated.

"I didn't expect the NPC representatives to respond so quickly and solve our problem so quickly." Less than a week later, when Aunt Hu passed the Jianhe Road Bridge again, she was pleasantly surprised to find that the barrier-free elevator was already in use, and she immediately found Gong Huini to report the good news.

After the opening of the barrier-free elevator at Jianhe Road Bridge

A month later, the pedestrian walkway at the Central Interchange was completed and opened to residents. "After the pedestrian walkway was opened, it not only facilitated the residents on both sides of the Suzhou Creek to cross the bridge, but also opened up the connection between the flamingo area on the north side of Rock Park and the cheetah and zebra area on the south side, providing great convenience for residents exercising under the bridge," said Liang Yan.

After the pedestrian walkway of the Central Interchange was opened

"The resolution of these two problems actually highlights the advantage of the mechanism of concentrated community contact activities by city and district people's congress representatives. With the linkage of city and district people's congress representatives, Changning District people's congress representatives can immediately feedback the people's demands to city people's congress representatives, thereby building a bridge of communication with relevant functional departments of the city, so as to achieve rapid response and timely processing." District people's congress representative, Women's Federation Party Group Secretary and Chairman Wang Huiying said that with the advantages of the contact mechanism, district people's congress representatives will continue to uphold the original intention of "starting with the needs of the people and ending with the satisfaction of the people" in the course of performing their duties, further strengthen their ties with the people, listen extensively to their opinions and suggestions, promptly reflect their voices and needs, and promote the resolution of related issues and the improvement of grassroots governance.

Source: Shanghai Changning
